Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bullying Speech Essay
Hello I’m Maddi Beeson as many of you know and I wanted to talk to you about a very important issue at our school. There is the problem of bullying and I would like to say something about it which will hopefully change things. Starting off with this poem I had found on the internet which is a very inspiring poem about bullying. It is called: To This Day- for the bullied and the beautiful by Shane Koyczan. When I was a kid I used to think that pork chops and karate chops Were the same thing I thought they were both pork chops And because my grandmother thought it was cute And because they were my favorite She let me keep doing it Not really a big deal One day Before I realized fat kids are not designed to climb trees I fell out of a tree And bruised the right side of my body I didn’t want to tell my grandmother about it Because I was afraid I’d get in trouble For playing somewhere that I shouldn’t have been A few days later the gym teacher noticed the bruise And I got sent to the principal’s office From there I was sent to another small room With a really nice lady Who asked me all kinds of questions About my life at home I saw no reason to lie As far as I was concerned. Life was pretty good I told her, â€Å"Whenever I’m sad My grandmother gives me karate chops†This led to a full scale investigation And I was removed from the house for three days Until they finally decided to ask how I got the bruises News of this silly little story quickly spread through the school And I earned my first nickname Pork Chop To this day I hate pork chops I’m not the only kid Who grew up this way Surrounded by people who used to say That rhyme about sticks and stones As if broken bones Hurt more than the names we got called And we got called them all So we grew up believing no one Would ever fall in love with us That we’d be lonely forever That we’d never meet someone To make us feel like the sun Was something they built for us In their tool shed So broken heart strings bled the blues As we tried to empty ourselves. So we would feel nothing Don’t tell me that hurts less than a broken bone That an ingrown life Is something surgeons can cut away That there’s no way for it to metastasize It does She was eight years old Our first day of grade three When she got called ugly We both got moved to the back of the class So we would stop get bombarded by spit balls But the school halls were a battleground Where we found ourselves outnumbered day after wretched day We used to stay inside for recess Because outside was worse Outside we’d have to rehearse running away Or learn to stay still like statues giving no clues that we were there In grade five they taped a sign to her desk That read beware of dog To this day Despite a loving husband She doesn’t think she’s beautiful Because of a birthmark That takes up a little less than half of her face Kids used to say she looks like a wrong answer That someone tried to erase But couldn’t quite get the job done And they’ll never understand That she’s raising two kids Whose definition of beauty Begins with the word mom Because they see her heart Before they see her skin Because she’s only ever always been amazing He Was a broken branch Grafted onto a different family tree Adopted Not because his parents opted for a different destiny He was three when he became a mixed drink Of one part left alone And two parts tragedy Started therapy in 8th grade Had a personality made up of tests and pills Lived like the up hills were mountains And the down hills were cliffs Four fifths suicidal A tidal wave of anti depressants And an adolescence of being called popper One part because of the pills Ninety nine parts because of the cruelty He tried to kill himself in grade ten When a kid who could still go home to mom and dad Had the audacity to tell him â€Å"get over it†as if depression Is something that can be remedied By any of the contents found in a first aid kit To this day He is a stick of TNT lit from both ends Could describe to you in detail the way the sky bends In the moments before it’s about to fall And despite an army of friends Who all call him an inspiration He remains a conversation piece between pe ople Who can’t understand Sometimes becoming drug free Has less to do with addiction And more to do with sanity We weren’t the only kids who grew up this way To this day Kids are still being called names The classics were Hey stupid Hey spaz Seems like each school has an arsenal of names Getting updated every year And if a kid breaks in a school And no one around chooses to hear Do they make a sound? Are they just the background noise Of a soundtrack stuck on repeat When people say things like Kids can be cruel? Every school was a big top circus tent And the pecking order went From acrobats to lion tamers From clowns to carnies All of these were miles ahead of who we were We were freaks Lobster claw boys and bearded ladies Oddities Juggling depression and loneliness playing solitaire spin the bottle Trying to kiss the wounded parts of ourselves and heal But at night While the others slept We kept
Crimes Essay
Aside from the identified purpose of the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), it is formulated in such a way that it classifies the types of crimes under two categories: Part I and Part II. The facts and data of the UCR under Part I is more extensive in terms of the scope of the information in the report when compared to Part II. The facts and data in Part I include other necessary information such as profile of the criminal. In Part II, the rate of arrests for specific crimes are only present in the UCR. Part I crimes are closely monitored by law enforcement because crimes categorized under Part I are violent crimes and crimes against property. Categorizing crimes under two parts, I and II, determines the gravity or the impact of crimes to the public. Part I crimes are more grave, considering that crimes under Part I include rape, robbery, burglary, larceny, arson, etc. These are potentially serious crimes that law enforcement should prioritize in order to uphold peace and order to society. Part II offenses are less serious including crimes such as vandalism, fraud, drug abuse violations, etc. In some instances, law enforcement implements measures that seem to increase the statistics of crime occurrences. However, when we look deeper into the matter, we realize that the increase in crime statistics contribute to the improvement of society. In such instances, positive results from increased crime statistics are observable in Part II crimes. Increasing crime statistics catch the attention of the public, alarming them to be vigilant about their surroundings in order to prevent criminal offenses from taking place. For instance, reports reveal to the public that there is an increase in the number of reported stolen property crimes in the community. This raises the awareness of the people, and since it is a non-violent crime, they are willing to get involved with crime prevention. People decide to engage in neighborhood watch, community policing, and other law enforcement activities that will assist official law enforcement agencies in preventing crime, affording them enough time and manpower to focus on grave crimes categorized under Part I. Offenses such as prostitution and drug abuse violations motivate people in the community to get involved with discovering or reporting violators to law enforcement agencies. Another advantage of reporting increase in crime rates is to empower people to get involved with crime prevention. Offenses against family and children, for instance, have increased. Law enforcement will interpret the statistic in such a way that it expresses the increase in the number of people who reported criminal offenses, and further continue that the increase in the number of people who report criminal violations to the police helps law enforcement in crime prevention. The police might convince the people to report criminal violations because it is one way for law enforcement agencies to know criminal trends and analyze these trends to come up with plans and resolutions to prevent crime.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Differences Btwn Lpn and Rn
THE DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN A LPNS AND RNS RAHAB KAIRU TRANSITION TO THE RN 03/28/2013 THE DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN LPNS AND RNS In today’s society its maybe difficult to differentiate between LPNs and RNs, this is usually because of the socialeconomic values and more availabilities of LPNs than RNs and also because there some similarities between LPNs and RNs. The differences start right from school. While most LPNs programs are a one year programs and LPNs get a diploma, most RN programs are at least 2 year program they get an associate degree.RNs and LPNs take two different exams, the RN exam is more comprehensive and more indepth as compared to LPNs exams. RNs take NCLEX-RN while LPN take NCLEX-RN. In some states there are maybe different board of nursing that deal with either LPNs and RNs, example in California ther is California board of RN and Californa board of vocational nursing and phychiatrist Technicians. RNs study is more in depth, have al ot more prerequisites as compared to LPNs.RNs have more knowledge in psychology , clinical, assessment and management skills. LPNs work under direct supervison of an RN or a Doctor while RNs work independently under doctors orders. LPNs may not be allowed to do somefuctions such as initial assessment during patient admission or some procedures such as IV therapy, they may monitor IV therapy and report to an RN,while RNs have no restrictions. LPNs are usually in the nursing pool while RN do most of the management.There is also a difference in pay. RNs make more money compared to LPNs. RNs have more career opportunities, while LPNs are more restricted on their choices. Most hospitals do not hire LPNs. Its also easier for an RN to advance in educations as compared to LPNs; there are more online schools and different specialization that an RN can choose. Some of the similarity between lpn and RNs are that they are closely regulated by the board of nursing and always have to be in compli ance.Both have to take countinuing education to maintain their licences. In most states the LPN and RNs salary falls in the same tax bracket. Lisa M Shaffer BSN,RN and Kathy Johnson,BSN,RN and Carolyn Guinn,Msn,RN. (March 2010) Remedifying role confusion; Diffrentiating between RN and LPN roles. Vol. 5 No. 3 Retrived from http://www. americannursetoday. com/article. aspx? id=6382 Beth Greenwood. (2002) RN vs LPN Responsibilities. Demand media. Retrived from: http://work. chron. com/lpn-vs-rn-responsibilities-5379. html
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 4
Strategic Management - Essay Example Innovation is an important tool for businesses that is born out of some factors such as globalization and outsourcing as these two tend to push the need for an organisation to become more effective and efficient in their operations. In essence, organisations require innovative processes in order for them to cut down on production costs while making sure that they deliver quality products that would make them to be distinguished within the market they operate in. According to Kelloir (2007, p. 180), one factor that drives innovation for a business is the expectations that consumers have because they are known to yearn for products that can help make life easy for them. An example of this would be the need for consumers to bank conveniently without having to go physically to the bank, which facilitated the e-banking options that makes them to access their money at the click of a mouse button through the internet. With this, customers will go for service providers that provide these ser vices despite the cost implications that this service might attract because they are willing to spend more in order for them to be satisfied. One fact that product and service producers understand is that consumers cannot settle for less if they know that they can go somewhere else and find what they want making innovation and being entrepreneurial to be part of their firm’s. When it comes to the various approaches to innovation for entrepreneurs, Garner (2009, n.p) asserts that they understand that this aspect is what makes them unique within their markets by making it to be a priority. For one, some entrepreneurs can view innovation from a strategic point view by asserting that this can hold the future success of their organisations. However, some entrepreneurs when asked say that they find it hard to integrate innovation to be part of the strategic priorities that they have because of the cost
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Production Department With the HR Department for More Human Resources Essay - 5
Production Department With the HR Department for More Human Resources - Essay Example The finance department is the one most likely to have suggested an increase in production. They are the only department that is likely to be affected negatively by an increase in production. For HR, this will mean an increased strain on staff, or the need to restructure their HR. For production, sales and also the marketing departments, this will mean more work for them. However, with an increase in the production department, the finance department knows that they will not necessarily have any increase in workload but will be produced to report better figures to the CEO. As the HR head, what is likely to (Pink 58)to mind with this kind of announcement from the CEO is the fact that the HR department will need to work harder and may have increased burden. When the CEO says that he needs production to increase, he does not necessarily mean that the human resources will be increased. In this case, the HR department is likely to have to deal with the extra workload with the available huma n resources and will be a challenge to the human resources department. Even if the HR department is able to get financial support to hire more workers, this is still a problem because the process of recruiting is a difficult one. However, given the situation that the firm has been going through, it is unlikely that the HR department will be given more funding to hire more staff and this means that they will have to push the available resources to meet the new production threshold. In this case, as an HR manager, one has to expect to be dealing with increased squabbles with the workers who may resist the new directive to work more without increased pay.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Self harm in adolescents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Self harm in adolescents - Essay Example It is necessary to understand the ethical considerations when dealing with an adolescent who intends or is engaging in self injury. There are ethical issues concerning the student. The student should be assured of confidentiality on the issues they discuss with the counselor or nurse. Additionally, there are ethical concerns on parent’s responsibility and the schools responsibility. The counselor should maintain high standards of professionalism. It is important that the counselor is capable of detecting the symptoms of self-injury early. Majority of adolescents who engage in the self injurious acts do so when they are freshmen or when experiencing great emotional challenges. They ensure that they cannot be discovered and might continue for long if they do not get assisted (Motz, 2009). The school authorities and parents should avail the resources necessary to encourage safety. As people begin to assist the self injurious adolescent, it is necessary to be aware of the ethical complications. Information about the self injurious adolescent should remain confidential, unless the information would prevent danger from the adolescent from causing further harm to themselves or others. Self injurious behavior should be reported even when the adolescent is not exposed to danger, but needs assistance from professionals or parents. However, self injurious behavior should not be considered as an indicator of suicidal intention. For some adolescents, injuring self relieves their tension and helps them deal with stress. Consulting with legal authorities as well as the school administration on the problem is necessary. An extensive and intensive assessment of situation is necessary. This includes; establishing the nature and frequency of the self inflicted harm. There is need to consult if the adolescent is hurting and needs care. If they are not cooperating and increase the frequency of hurting self, consulting the professional could be necessary to enable them cope with their challenges. The legal authorities may be involved in establishing the nature of injury, if it is caused by the adolescent or by another person. Medical intervention may be necessary. The adolescent could be having wounds or infection that needs treatment. Understand the emotions that cause the adolescent to hurt self and possible motivation for their actions. Enquire if they inflict their wounds or harm when alone or when with others. Be sure to know if they share objects of injury with others. Investigate what triggers the strong emotions. Moreover, find out who knows about the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Build and sustain an innovative work environment Assignment - 1
Build and sustain an innovative work environment - Assignment Example There are three approaches of developing an innovation system for small businesses. The approaches are systems review, systems design and systems implementation. Systems review entails the adequate understanding of the present innovation state in the business organization. The review is conducted through several steps. Analysis is conducted on the informal and the formal processes. It is also necessary to understand the attitudes that the business stakeholders have towards the innovation process. The attitudes are effectively determined through interviewing employees, management staffs, customers and financiers. During the review process, it is necessary to identify the resources and the requirements needed, in terms of staffing. The main outputs required must also be adequately identified (Victor & Greg 2012). Systems design entails integrating the innovation system interfaces with the present process and strategies. This is necessary for enhancing the continuity of the information, and the successful delivery of projects dealing with innovation. The design process gives the business the innovative systems model which interfaces with the present systems and processes. Systems implementation entails the development of adequate understanding of the systems and processes that are presently available, and that effectively suits the business requirements. Implementation systems analysis is important because; it adequately integrates the new systems with present processes and programs. The implementation analysis also develops the complete implementation plans for the business innovation system (Bruce 2005). The innovation tool analyzed in this paper is referred to as the i2B Performer. The innovation system entails an internet and intranet platform which allows for the idea and opportunity illustration, categorization, development, launch and evaluation. The innovation system has a set of customizable innovation reports and templates. The innovation system,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
American Beauty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
American Beauty - Essay Example The flow of this film exhibits the various needs of different characters. Lester’s wife feels that her needs are not met by the husband while the daughter on the other end also observed the inadequacies in her father prompting her to develop negative relationship with him. The boss of lesser is a player in the scenario with high expectations from Lester. However, Lester himself is seeking social freedom and this presents a scenario where every character is in need of something. The major characters in this film include Lester Burnham who acts as the central point where all the actions of the other characters rotate. His wife and daughter Jane are equally significant in making the film. The boss and Jane’s friend also contribute to the development of the film. The central conflict here is Lester’s desire to achieve freedom from the chains of social depression that he has accumulated over time. This he tries out in the form of dating a friend to her daughter a twist that infuriate the wife more and disgusts the daughter.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Who am I as a Learner and who am I Becoming a Teacher Essay
Who am I as a Learner and who am I Becoming a Teacher - Essay Example This is followed by the different responsibilities that are a part of being a teacher, as opposed to being a learner. Identifying each of these within my personal life and making the transition into the needed responsibilities and changes is the beginning of perspectives which I have to alter the way in which I look at being both a learner and a teacher. The first change in perspective and in responsibility which I have noticed is with the ideology of being a learner in a diverse classroom as opposed to working as a teacher with the need to associate with the needs of different learners. Multiculturalism, diversity, behaviors and other associations within the classroom are the main concepts now associated with the classroom. The demand is to learn how to work in the classroom with the changes and to find new solutions to the dynamics of the classroom (Greene, 1993). I have noticed that working in a classroom as a learner often creates friction because of the same problem. When I am w orking as a learner, I noticed the diversity and also note that the structure within the classroom doesn’t work. However, as a teacher, there is no solution to the current structure that is a part of the classroom. When looking at the responsibilities of an emerging teacher, there is the understanding that the environment and dynamics has to change for the right change and ability to learn with the diverse classroom. This creates more of an understanding as a learner and the ability to find new solutions as an emerging teacher. The concept of the diverse classroom and meeting the changes and needs that are a part of the teaching and learning further with understanding what is needed to begin teaching. This begins with the images that are in the classroom for the environment as well as how children perceive and respond to this. The image which a learner has toward the classroom and the image which the teacher has of the child is an alternative perspective. There are changes th at alter according to the environment and what is occurring between the changing images of the learner and the teacher (Malaguzzi, Emilia, 1993). I know that as a learner, I look at the environment first, which gives a specific impression of the teacher and what the highlights are for the year. This is followed with how the environment may affect or change my desire to learn. I also know that as a learner, I look at how the teacher looks at me and what is expected of me. This means that as a teacher, I will need to create an environment that builds the right first impression. That also means that I will need to be cautious of the images which I have of learners and what is expected. This makes an impact on the learning and the changes which occur throughout the year in the given environment. The environment and impressions in the classroom are furthered with other concepts and responsibilities between the learner and teacher. Teaching as a pedagogical activity is one which requires more than a basic curriculum and the ability to associate with the classroom. It is one which requires responsibilities for understanding what children are able to offer while building the diverse classroom. The curriculum becomes a foundation that should be expanded on by the teacher so there is an understanding of subject material and a sense of responsibility toward what all children need (Van Manen, 1991). This concept is one of the most difficult for both learners and teachers. My experience as a learner is one which has noted this, specifically because of my place in the classroom. There have been times where the curriculum and assignments didn’t make sense; however, the ability for the teacher to be available is
Friday, August 23, 2019
History of Junior High Schools in America Essay
History of Junior High Schools in America - Essay Example In terms of purpose, students of ten to fifteen years are referred with the term of middle years in pedagogical manner. Meanwhile organizational structure leveling of classes six to ten in a separate school is often referred with the middle schooling. In this regard, different aspects of junior high schooling will be focused in this paper. Usually, middle or junior high schools are separated from rest of the classes of school, which does not include separation from the school campus. In middle schooling, relationship of teachers and students is enhanced, and different teaching teams are established for the better performance in the high schools. Curriculum plays an important role in the middle schooling, as integrated and negotiated form of the curriculum is devised during the middle schooling. Moreover, different learning tasks are assessed with the utilization of authentic measures. While the application of middle schooling philosophy is possible for the teachers in the context of secondary schooling, it is very difficult to sustain or widespread such examples. Consequently, broader reforms for the implementation of more sustainable philosophy of schooling are linked with the term of middle school. ... History One hundred years ago, the United States witnessed a wave of interests around reforms, which originated the concept of Junior High Schools in the country. Initially, fundamental, pedagogical, organizational, and curriculum outcomes were promised by the progressive reformers who promoted the abovementioned concept of schooling in the country, in order to resolve serious national problems at that time. A coalition of diverse reformers produced an indefinite mission that was related to a number of agendas and interests of these reformers, which turned out to be innovation of junior high schools. In other words, the junior high schools provided an image of implementation of hopes of the reformers and educators that had different and diverse interests and requirements. (Beane, 2005) It is quite impossible for the paper to highlight the appearance of junior high schools in the United States with the in-depth exploration of complexities that were confronted at that time. However, recent developments of current middle schooling in the United States will be focused to understand the status of junior high schools in the country. Two versions are observed in the history of junior high schools in the United States. Firstly, developmental needs of adolescences and provision of teacher training were the specific objectives of junior high schooling in the country. Secondly, an integrated process of learning was provided to the students; while demographic and economic influences kept the students sensitive to the middle schooling reforms. (Comber, 2006) In brief, middle schooling or junior high schooling was criticized by the second version of the history, and therefore, the
TS Eliot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
TS Eliot - Essay Example Therefore, Eliot’s exertion on this particular poem has been considered commitment to religious poetic sensibility and spiritual consciousness. In the venerated poem, Eliot has emphasized on the significance of Magi’s journey to find baby Jesus, who is deemed to be Messiah. Thus, Magi’s spiritual quest; aimed to find a way for the emancipation of the world from materialism, has been depicted as uncertain. This uncertainty has been suggested as a core ingredient of conscious spiritism. Hence, Eliot has emphasized on the difficulties and persistent struggle a part of spiritual awakening, a way to attain spiritual identity (Eliot, 1953). Although, Eliot has been considered as an assorted leader of postmodern realism, but in this diverse piece; he has adapted a thought- evoking style and a vision of a spiritualist, who describes the impediments and bottleneck of the journey of redemption and inside gratification. His elusive style and bohemian repute called for sever e criticism on his Anglo-Catholic work. Thus, his former work earned him a repute of a non-believer of religion and their fundamental practices, and eventually a palpable critique of beliefs (Strandberg, 2002). In the journey of Magi, Eliot contemplated with the idea of human change, in terms of journey from physical being to spiritual beings, which was vague in the western world of 1920s. Thus, he depicted the struggle for divinity in the form of divine journey of accomplishment. In the age of secularism, Eliot identified the extinction and decline of spiritual survival. Therefore, he narrated his dogma through the eloquence of the quest for Messiah (Jesus). He regarded the need of a man to incline from the degeneration of modernism, which induced elopement of belief in man. Hence, through this belief which was found in the form of religious insight or realization; man was in a great need to revitalize spiritual consciousness. Moreover, pain and suffering which have been significan t parts of spiritual journey are disregarded by Eliot by the end of the poem due to uncertainty. Consequently, Eliot always felt that the religious beliefs were vanishing. Yet, he aimed to restore them in a narrative, which was not completely consistent on religious aspirations, but showed the uncertainty of human belief even in the presence of miracle. As change requires discarding of old beliefs and practices, hence, birth of Jesus and death of old beliefs and practices were depicted as infinite. However, the narrator describes his journey as excruciating and is in a consistent state of grief. Previously Eliot has depicted unworthiness towards the most prestigious earthly things in The Waste Land. Therefore, his famous unimpressive and un-charmed attitude towards charismatic ideology of modernism and skeptical view on the condition of modern man; was a first step towards the journey of spiritual identification (Eliot, 1990). Furthermore, he has also exemplified, how man and his li fe in society has been completely dominated by chaos. Eliot reflected the trauma stricken and despaired man due to the horrification of World War I, but along with it he also emphasized on man’s despair in not fulfilling the needs of his spiritual being. Spiritual being was marred due to the loss of faith and increased sterility of spiritual consciousness. In 1920’s the world turned around against religious fundamentalism of Victorianism and displayed eccentric manners in terms of vulgarity and expressiveness. Therefore, Western civilization collapsed
Thursday, August 22, 2019
State and Local Government of Texas Essay Example for Free
State and Local Government of Texas Essay Introduction We are proud to introduce the next governor of the great State of Texas, Ms. Jane â€Å"Bitzi†Johnson Miller. She is a staunch Conservative Republican whose proud Texan traditions are deep rooted here in the Lone Star State. A native Texan who grew up in West Texas, she comes from a great line of proud Texans including former Governor Joe â€Å"Big Daddy†Johnson. Ms. Miller attended Harvard and earned a Master’s in Business Administration. In this difficult and uncertain time of economic recession, she has been an innovator and business leader. She knows the kinds of policies Texans need in order to free themselves from this recession and emerge with Texas as a global economic leader. In addition to being an accomplished business woman, she knows the value of being a single mother, and has always emphasized the importance of family, raising her two children to become role model in their communities and proud Texas citizens. Everyone knows you â€Å"don’t mess with Texas†and so they will learn not to mess with Bitzi, for she will fight for Texas families and businesses, creating economic growth while retaining the traditional values our great State needs. As you all know our country is facing many problems including lack of healthcare, proper transportation infrastructure, education expenses, unemployment, minority issues, including their education and immigration. It is with these issues that Ms. Jane â€Å"Bitzi†Johnson Miller would like to base her platform. Cultural and Regional Support Because Texas is geographically large and diverse, it is made up of numerous distinct regions, each of which is characterized by diverse levels of wealth, types of economic activity, density of settlement, racial and ethnic mix, and political culture. East Texas and West Texas have a different feel from each other. And both of these are different from South Texas. Urban Texas, which is where a majority of the states population resides, is remarkably different richer and with greater economic and cultural diversity from the rural areas of the state. For that matter, the cities are different from each other. Austin and Dallas are almost two different worlds, but even neighbors Fort Worth and Dallas are quite distinct. Meanwhile, the rural border area is certainly different from the agricultural rural areas of East Texas. South Texas is the one place she is going to face problems because of more liberal voters, however her agenda addresses minority problems, as well as her appeal to the single mother gives her common ground with some of the more middle of the road democrats. At the same time her agenda reflects her desire to work for minorities. Houston has a lot of minority voters. Because she is a Republican and comes from a business and conservative family heritage Western and Eastern Texas where much of the population is wealthy and white will relate to her and therefore vote for her. Texas has a historic and varied political culture. The traditionalistic culture believes in a hand off approach to government. Maintain the status quo and no distribution of wealth. She will relate to this group because of her traditional conservative values which encourage limited government participation and virtually no beaurocracy. The moralistic culture looks at society as a whole with government involvement in social and economic issues. She will do well with this group because as a single mother she understands the need of the state’s citizens who struggle to raise children and make ends meet under a one parent household. Many of these single parent families require assistance from their government on economic, educational and healthcare issues. Then there is the individualistic culture who is self-sufficient and suspicious of government. She will relate to this group because of her ability to rise above the difficulty of being a single mother and become an affluent and influential economic power creating a multi-million dollar business all on her own. Demographic Support Political culture is complex even in a place like Texas where there is a broad consensus about core values and ideals. Despite numerous constitutions and national flags, the changing fortunes of political parties, and the almost complete transformation of the economy, the states political culture displays a remarkable continuity. The dominant political cultures particular combination of economic liberalism (faith in the free market economy), social conservatism (favoring traditional values and moralism), and populism (promoting the rights and worthiness of ordinary people) has proven quite resilient over many decades and even centuries. These ideological tendencies are expressed in a dominant political culture that tends to favor low taxes, low government services, and pro-business policies, while at the same time reserving a significant respect (at least in the abstract) for popular control of government. But will our political culture and ideological tendencies continue to experience the stability they have enjoyed in the past? Despite the resilience of our political culture, it may currently be entering a period of more fundamental change. The low-taxes, low-services ideology may be losing its hold on society. A couple of recent developments may be eroding the foundation of this orientation, including rapid growth of the population of working class immigrants and their first-generation offspring, as well as generally heightened concern over adequate funding of public grade schools throughout the state. Over the past two decades, the immigrant population in Texas has swelled. By 2004 the Lone Star State became the fourth so-called majority-minority state in which the populations of all minority groups added together account for more than half the total population. Recent immigrants and their children tend to be socially conservative, but they also tend to have pressing needs for government services. While annual rates of growth of the immigrant and minority populations in Texas may have peaked in the early 2000s, these rates still remain high. And as the state becomes home to ever greater numbers of immigrants and minorities, it could experience a dramatic shift in its dominant low-taxes, low services ideology. Regional variety in Texas is a commonly recognized source of difference in culture and society in the state. The income disparity also reflects the strong economic regionalism in Texas, which in turn reflects both the racial/ethnic distribution across the state as well as the distinct geographic character of the states regions. The Texas Politics feature Where Jobs Are And Good Wages shows that the south Texas border and El Paso areas, which have the highest concentration of Latinos, also have the lowest per capita incomes in the state. The highest per capita incomes are found in the state’s largest and rapidly growing metropolitan areas like Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio. Over the past few decades Texas cities have experienced phenomenal population growth. These fast growing metropolitan areas are more likely to vote for her due to her success in business and her familial roots. Her high family values are also something that appeals to this more traditionally conservative area. The Texas border and El Paso areas, are the least likely to vote for her due to their high concentration of minorities and democrats. There may be some appeal due to the fact she is a single mother, however this may not be enough to bring out the voters on her behalf. Historically white upper middle class groups were the largest voting group. This includes the religious right, the business sector and older adults. With the economic downturn affecting the nation, the voting groups have expanded to young adults, minorities and lower economic households. It has been made evident since 2008 that all citizens are now going to the polls, reflecting an increase in voter participation. Candidate Bitzi’s campaign platform includes the needs of all Texas, however the diverse and distinct regions of the state will require a focus on regional needs. The border towns will require a focus on immigration issues as well as deficiency of education for many of the minority children. The larger metropolitan areas with their increasingly growing population will require a focus on helping existing business grow, employment for many of these new arrivals and improving infrastructure in order to accommodate the growth. Campaign Themes In this campaign, we are identifying three important problems that are facing Texas. Those are minority issues, importance of proper education and access to healthcare. Minority issues to include their health insurance, education and employment are very crucial to her agenda. Especially when we have lots of people who are unable to carry insurance. It is important to implement a similar program to that of Harris County’s Gold Protection Plan in order to provide health services to the poor. Also minority children are facing language problems in the schools. Insufficient numbers of ESOL teachers, learning materials and classrooms. Employment is very important for their financial stability. Her suggestion is to incentivize businesses in order to encourage the employment of these minority groups. In Texas education is unequally distributed throughout the school districts. It is very important to make sure each child is considered equal in our school system. Women, the poor, and minorities historically have demonstrated low levels of political participation and therefore representation in government has been low in relation to their numbers in the population. Although these groups have made great progress in being heard and putting their own in office over the past three decades, they still face significant obstacles caused by the relative lack of economic resources, lower education levels, and for immigrants, language barriers. Many women face the additional challenge of fulfilling traditional responsibilities as primary caregivers to their children, while trying to manage and maintain a household. Win or Lose? A candidates theme and platform are equally as important as their strength of character. Politics for centuries has been riddled with backstabbing, treachery and character assassination. Candidate Bitzi is proud to say that her campaign is based on issues important to the everyday Texan, may they be working class, blue collar or white collar. Rumors run rampant during campaigns, however she feels that a strong candidate can win an election based on the issues and not by spreading rumors. It is the job of the media to determine what is news and what is â€Å"fit to print†. If a hurtful rumor about her opposing candidate is brought to her, she definitely will not consider fueling the fire. It is the duty of the people of Texas to vote for the best candidate to meet their needs. The media can do their part. Candidate Bitzi’s main agenda is to find out her opponents political weaknesses not to personally destroy them. Candidate Bitzi is elected Governor of Texas. She is viewed by conservatives to maintain her traditional conservative values reaching as far back as her grandfather, a former governor of Texas. She is also a successful business leader with strong economic ideals that will strengthen Texas and its growing working population. As a single mother and independent business woman she is an attractive candidate to the middle of the road democrat. She is a woman and sensitive to the needs of the state’s minorities. References Texas Election Results 2010 The New York Times‎ 2010 Texas Governors Race Maps | The Texas Tribune Texas Politics Voting, Campaigns and Elections‎ Texas Governor Race: Can Bill White Beat Rick Perry? TIME,8599,1972070,00.html‎ PolitiFact Texas | Rick Perry says Bill White refuses to debate
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
High And Low Involvement Product
High And Low Involvement Product Intel Corporation is founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore in year 1968, and allocated at United States, and slowly grow to be the leader of the market of microprocessor market. Microprocessor is one of the part of the computer and most of the people called it as the brain of the computer, it actually help to transfer data from the computer to the other data storage and respond to the hardware for an example show the word we type on monitor and others. From year 1968, Intel Corporation start to introduce several famous series of microprocessor like MCS-40 family, Pentium series, Atom series, Core 2 Duo series, i3 series,i5 series and the latest i7 series. For this assignment that brand or series of microprocessor introduced by Intel will be Intel Core i7 series which as know as the best microprocessor for the time. High and Low involvement decision making For Intel microprocessor product such as i7, it actually could be categorized in to both level of involvement. For the consumer who wanted to have a very good performance and long lasting processor they will do lots of research on the certain products and for the consumer who always purchase the Intel processor are also a high level of brand loyalty due to their purchase history in processor is just Intel, most of them will have a feeling that they only want Intel as the processor but not others like AMD, beside that Intel Core I7 also consider as a high price product compare to the other microprocessor. So in this case, Intel i7 is a high involvement products but at the same time due to the risk taken by the consumer to purchases it actually it just a low involvement product. Consumer decision making process Consumer decision making process is a cognitive process which start when a awareness of needs of the consumers and it ends when the consumer have dispose that particular product or service. In consumer decision making process, there are numerous different model but in this assignment the model that we will go through deeply will be the 5 stages of consumer decision making process. The Five Stages of Consumer Decision Making Process The five of the consumer decision making process will be, need recognition, search for product information, product evaluation, product choice and purchase, postpurchase use and evaluation of product, disposal of the product. Need recognition In this stage, consumer will concerned about what they want. For an example, a consumer actually found out that they need a better computer to play games or to do work, then they will start determine that what kind of processor they actually need, a better performance microprocessor come with a high graphic support for gaming or just a normal microprocessor for normal usage. Search for Product Information When the customer recognized what they want, they will look for information about microprocessor. For an example, there is a customer who realizes that he need a high performance of microprocessor for gaming then he will started to look for information of the existed product no matter from Intel or AMD. Product Evaluation When the customer finished on looking information in the microprocessor market, they might start to compare several product deeply to ensure which one will be the best for him to purchase. For gaming usage, the customer might choose Intel Core I7 and AMD Opteron as the choices available due to the performance that the product that can supply, and they might choose other product like Intel Core 2Duo or AMD Turion for their choice just because of the cheaper price and durability for normal usage. Product Choice and Purchase When the customer finish compare the featured between the microprocessor they choose, they will come to this stage to choose the product which they think is the best and purchase it mean the customer might purchase Intel Core I7 because after comparison they found out this microprocessor can provide a better performance and the reputation of this product is also good compare to the other microprocessor after the research made. Post purchase uses and Evaluation of the Product After consumes of Intel Core I7, the customer will come to this stage to evaluate whether Intel Core I7 meet their expectation or it did not. The features that the consumer will evaluate might the performance of the microprocessor whether is it fast enough or smooth enough when they playing game and how long is the microprocessor last for, few months or few years. These attribute will be the features that the consumer will evaluate after they consumer or used the product. Psychological Core Attention From this advertisement, it actually attracts attention of the people while people saw it. This advertisement actually mentions that there is a series of new microprocessor being introduced to the market by Intel through the sentence stated in the advertisement. From this advertisement, it also mentions that the brand new series of the Intel microprocessor will also be faster and even smarter compare to the old series of the microprocessor. And this kind of attention we called it as selective attention. Intel also created a very popular stimulus attention to most of the consumer which is a start up sound of the Intel computer, and this unique sound have been memorized by most of the Intel user and they will know that while this unique sound started up when the people on their computer, their microprocessor must be Intel. Perception The brochure above is one of the products from Intel Core I7 series with the information. When there is a consumer going to a PC Fair and he received this brochure and he does not having any interest on getting a microprocessor, he will know the exists of this product but will not go deeply on it and this is one of the perceptual stage that we called exposure stage. For attention stage, that customer who in the PC Fair when he get this brochure and he having a intention of getting a good microprocessor for gaming or any other usage they will read this deeply and do the research of this product and compare to the other product and at the end they might create a certain sense to this product which might be fastest processor that he can be founded and when the sense is created, it will be another perceptual stage which we call interpretation stage. Motivation Motivation is a inner force which able to drive us to reach the target or goal set to achieve, the inner force might be desires or wishes. For motivation there actually 2 famous theories which able to apply to product and services which is: Maslows Hierachy of Needs W. J. McGuire psychological motives W. J. McGuire psychological motives W. J. McGuire had list out 16 different needs of motive and from this advertisement we know that this actually attract 2 of the needs that have been listed. Needs of stimulus is the first needs that created by this advertisement, this need actually mention that the consumer will always seeking for change due to the boringness or some other reason. So while consumer have been fed up with the old computer which giving a very slow performance. And they will start to look for the information and might adopt Intel Core I7 to fulfill their needs. Teleological need is the second needs created by the advertisement while the consumer always think that their microprocessor should be able to support their computer to run the game fast and smooth but at the end it actually unable to do so. So they will try to look for a new item which able to fulfill their ideal situation, the microprocessor will able to make the game fast and smooth so when they saw the sentence fastest processor on planet, this will attract them and they might try to adopt it to fulfill their need. Learning A consumer might be learns about the featured of the processor due to the performance and durability while the people around him purchase a different microprocessor. So while there is a reward and a punishment given through the evaluation of product from the consumer, he might adopt Intel Core I7 because it might get a better evaluation from the others Memory For consumer who not so interested on purchasing a processor, they would not pay much attention on the attributes of Intel Core i7, so the memory toward the featured of the product is just a short memory while there is a consumer who being very motivated to search for a ideal processor, he will go and do lots of research and comparison between Intel Core i7 and the other processor while he keep doing comparison and research, the memory against the product will slightly change to be a long term memory due to the time he went through it. Attitude Attitude is the feeling on what we feel on certain thing that we can see, touch or heard through our sensory organ and this will be a part of long term memory in our brain and the long term memory will slowly be a belief. While we use Intel processor and we actually satisfy with the product through the durability and the performance, so through the experience we will create a certain belief in Intel that the quality of product is the best and this is a long term belief in our heart and brain. While this belief is stay strong in our mind, other competitors like AMD is very unlikely to convince them to purchase AMD processors. In year 2006, Intel runs a marketing strategy which consists 3 basic strategies that used to change the attitude. The 3 basic include will be change belief, shift importance and changing ideal point. The marketing strategy actually is running a campaign named Sponsor of Tomorrow. In this campaign, Intel trying to change the belief of customer which think that they are just a business organization by telling them the company is not only a business organization but also a company which trying to create a better future through technology and they also trying to tell the consumer that the money is not so important while customer paying a higher price for Intel microprocessor, they also giving a fund to Intel as a sponsor of creating a better tomorrow. Besides that, Intel also trying to changing a ideal point of consumer towards a microprocessor when they are purchasing a Intel microprocessor, they are not obtaining a best processor but also helping Intel to build a better tomorrow. Culture Culture is a ways of life which including but not limited to, language, art, science, thought, spirituality, social activity and interaction. Culture actually is words that represent the entire element mentioned and it would always change due to the different environment that we stay and we born. Nowadays as a modern world, among the teenagers around 7 years old to 20 years old there is a new culture, which called gaming culture. Gaming culture is a culture that the people would enjoy on playing video or computer games and this actually lead to increase of demand of the service of cyber cafà ©, due to the increment of demand. To satisfy the needs and wants from the teenagers cyber cafà © will always need to upgrade their facilities which consists of ram, processor, sound card and the monitor. Intel Core i7 as the latest and the fastest processor will be one of the first choice for those cyber cafà © because it able to provide better performance and the better performance will able to increase the reputation and the sales of the shop. So due this kind of situation, the gaming culture actually increases the awareness of Intel Core i7 among the cyber cafà © to improve their facilities and business. Subculture Subculture is a segment of a culture which having a different social status, history background and belief. For gaming culture, there also a numerous subcultures, such as online gaming culture, Local Area Network (LAN) gaming culture and single playing game culture. For online gaming and single playing game culture, those gamer will most likely to play the game at home but not like the Local Area Network gamers who prefer to play at cyber cafà © to enjoy the group gaming, they would like to upgrade their own computer at home to enjoy the games, so they will pay attention the Intel Core i7 which have a better performance compare to the others and do certain research and purchase it to enjoy their games. Society Society formed by a group of people decided to work together to reach same target or goal. The goal might be form by entertainment, profession, religious or some other factors. For an example, there a group of teenagers who like to play games and have decide to come together just to form a society to enjoy the fun of the game while they started to enjoy game together, they will started to compare the function of the processor due to the performance given when they playing game. Intel Core i7 as the fastest processor will be aware by those people in sense of good performance and able to maximize the satisfaction on gaming. Life cycle stage Life cycle stage consists of 4 different stages which represent our life and started with the day we born. The stages in our life cycle will be child, teenager, adult and aged. Child is the stage while we had born and before 12 years old, teenager will start from 12 years old to 30 years old people, adult will be stage around 30 years old to 50 years old, and the aged will be the people who is exceed 50 years old. For different life cycle stages, people will have different needs and wants with different purchasing power due to the ability they have. For child, they would not have a high purchasing power so they cannot afford a luxury thing and they might not even know what the use of luxury goods, they would just simply like candy which adult and the aged would not adopt. For the segmentation of Intel, Intel Core i7 actually is targeting the teenagers which would like to play game with a good processor and this product is actually affordable for people who around 22 years old once th ey start working. Group The reference group that will help Intel to influence other will be the associative reference group. While there are a group of teenager are using Intel Core i7 for gaming, the new member who not using that product will feel uncomfortable while they talking about the performance of the computer, this lead to the awareness of that member on Intel Core i7 to do research or purchase it Segementation, Positiong and Target Market Intel Core i7 TM Intel Pro 2 Core Intel Core i3 AMD Phenom MCS-40 family Intel Core i5 AMD Opteron Intel Xeon Low Performance Less Innovative High Performance Performance Innovative Asus AMD Turion AMD Athlon Intel Pentium Series AMD K7 series Graph 1: Perceptual mapping against microprocessor available in market (without a support from a statistic data) Segmentation Segmentation is a marketing strategy that used to pick a small group of people from the entire market by different attributes like ageing, height, weight and others. Demographic Demographic is one of the best information to segment the market through the ageing, for Intel, they actually targeting the segmentation of the age of 15 to 30, because for this ageing area, most of the citizen will interested to have a better performance of processor for gaming so this actually categorise as Intel Core i7 targeted market. Target Market For Intel Core i7 targeted market will be the consumer is age of 15 to 30, due to the favourable on getting a high performance processor for gaming and following the trend of innovative. Because of this reason, Intel would not like to target the age which is below 15 or above 30 is because of the purchasing power of peopl below 15 is unable to afford that processor and people who above 30 will not interested on the innovative item and the performance of the processor for gaming as well. Positioning In most of the consumer perceptual mapping, Intel Core i7 actually is the lastest and its also the best product due to the confident tag line it having fastest processor on planet and lead to a trend that they think that this is the best product compare to other product like AMD Opteran, Intel i3 and i5 from the speed performance of processor and the graphic supply as well. Product Repositioning For every product, consumer will have a different perceptual mapping against them and their competitors, to reinforce the perceptual level of consumer against their product, most of the company will choose to use different packaging, advertisement slogan and others factors which is useful. For an example, Intel Core i7 advertisement will be one of the product repositioning, due to the sentence wrote in the advertisement fastest processor on the planet this actually did reinforce the perceptual level of the consumer against Intel Core i7 due to the performance level and innovative level because this product is the fastest processor in the planet nowadays, if without this sentence, the perceptual level of consumer will definitely drop. Product Mix Strategy Product Intel Core I7 processor having a better performance and better durability and high graphic support which able to attract the attention of the gamer in the market at the range of age between 20 to 30 years old. Price The cheapest Intel Core I7 processor in Malaysia will cost around RM800.00 which could be consider as a expensive product compare to the other competitors or other Intel product. Intel Core I7 consider as a valuable purchase even those the price is slightly expensive compare to the other due to the performance and the durability given by the product and the licensed operating system Window will also given free while consumer purchase a Intel processor. Place Intel Core I7 processor is a very common processor that able to be found in any IT retailer shop. Except IT retailer shop, Intel Core I7 also can be found in most of the laptop or desktop retailer shop like Dell, Hp Compaq, Acer and Logitech. Promotion In Malaysia, Intel did not do much of the promotion, there just a little advertisement of Intel in Malaysia which mostly appear in Astro TV at ESPN channel, even those not every citizen will aware of Intel Advertisement but there still will be a grow of awareness increase from the advertisement.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Effect of Medicinal Plant Extracts on Alzheimers Disease
Effect of Medicinal Plant Extracts on Alzheimers Disease Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease which causes a lethal twist in the structural integrity, and a roadblock in the function of brain, this eventually channel the situation to degeneration and shrinkage of brain, and override the control of brain over other parts of the body, and comes to the final closing remark of the disease- death. Studies done on the topic have corroborated that the disease is not reversible, and the only patch of hope is slowing down its progress. But as the disease advances through mid stage and evolves into severe AD, the condition of patient becomes pathetic and care giving becomes more painful. Studies have reported that notable symptoms of AD are seen only after 60 years of age, even though the disease has started before that. Initial symptoms are loss of short term memory- being forgetful about the recent events, and gradually over a period of time patient seems more absent –minded about the environment, things which are chemically etched in the long term memory begins to be erased, and the final stage starts pushing the patient into severe AD which is tremendously pathetic. Studies have proved that loss of function of neurons is the cause of AD. A closer look into the aspect revealed a complex set of events that precede the neuronal degeneration- oxidative stress and imbalance in homeostasis, formation of roadblocks in communication, falling apart of integrity and death of neurons. This enabled to go beyond the findings of superficial studies done and hypothesis developed, and helped to delve much deeper into the inner workings and mechanism of the disease. Hypotheses developed to explain mechanism of AD are: amyloid cascade hypothesis, cholinergic hypothesis and tau hypothesis. Amyloid cascade hypothesis says, APP- Amyloid Precursor Protein, a transmembrane protein involved in main roles of growth, survival and repair of nerve cells- is snipped at wrong places by an enzyme called secretase, leading to the formation of amyloid ÃŽ ² peptides which accumulates to form plaques- amyloid plaques- and bind to synapses blocking the communication channel, event ually causes memory loss. According to cholinergic hypothesis, downward drift in the levels of acetylcholine in brain is the cause for Alzheimer’s disease. Loss of function of cholinergic neurons was found in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Shift in the level of acetylcholine happens due to the lack of two enzymes involved in synthesis and breaking down of acetylcholine. This will lead to loss of function of neurons; brain’s functionality falls apart, and eventually leads to symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Tau hypothesis approaches the problem in another perspective, tau protein- a protein associated with microtubules in nerve cells- gets hyperphosphorylated, this enables cross linking among tau protein units, and they back off from being attached to the microtubules. This causes loss of structural integrity of nerve cells, and they collapse and clump to form tangles- neurofibrillary tangles. Studies conducted focusing on the inner workings of these hypoth esis have found that oxidative stress is the reason that enhances plaque and tangle formation, repair mechanisms in cells are unable to solve the situation as the oligomer formation and cross linking are predominantly made by non peptide bonds. In another study, amyloid ÃŽ ² peptides have shown close relation with some causes of mad cow disease. Studies related to genetics of AD have found the link between APOE gene on chromosome 21 and the disease. APOE gene codes for apolipoprotein, and one among its functions is breaking down of APP. APOE has variants, APOEÃŽ µ4 is the one which codes for less active protein whose capacity to break down APP is sluggish. People with this variant gene are more tend to develop AD in later stages of life, and any abnormality related to chromosome 21 also results in AD over a period of time. To know more about the mechanism of disease and its attachment to oxidative stress, further studies have done from different angles, and all the studies have come to a common point, the findings from all the studies stitched together gave a complex and elaborate picture about the mechanism of the disease. Free radical damage leads to oxidation of products in cell. Oxidation leads to new end products of glycation, nitration, lipid peroxidation, and oxidation of nucleic acids. These new end products chemically modify other proteins and compartments inside the cell. Oxidized derivatives impede with the channel of trace elements, and imbalances their homeostasis, and enables proteins like tau to form non peptide cross linking. In response to changes cell up the levels of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1)- an antioxidant enzyme to mitigate the bad effects from free radical damage- but rapid heaping up of neurotoxic substances goes beyond control leading to severe imbalances, blockage of communicati on channels, and eventually death of neuron. Since mitochondria is the main source of free radicals and oxidative precursors. Certain deletions in mtDNA resulted in change in normal levels and rates of metabolism and production of free radicals. Free radicals formed in mitochondria are short lived and they do not have the ability to cross membrane and reach cytoplasm to cause damage, this led studies in a new direction and found free radicals- OH from cytoplasm- can attack guanidine in RNAs in cytoplasm and this both can cross the membrane and reach into mitochondria, and cause imbalance and production of more stable H2O2 radicals which can come to cytoplasm and react with the channel of trace elements, and starts the primary events for the major causes for AD to come into being. AD starts at neocortex area of brain, and as the neurons die and rupture, the neurotoxic substances- plaques, free radicals, tangles, etc. pervade the nearby nerve cells, and the cycle goes on and graduall y covers the brain and makes it slip out of its normal being. Oxidative stress in brain leads to degeneration of neurons, which eventually leads to dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This oxidative stress in brain can be slowed down or reversed- to a small extent- using drugs to treat AD or using antioxidant capacity of some medicinal plants. In this study rats were arranged into seven groups, and different groups were treated with different plant extracts and rivastigmine. AD was induced using aluminum chloride- rats were given aluminum chloride for one month, and the dosage was 17mg/kg of body weight. One group was kept as control- healthy control and another group as AD-induced. Rivastigmine was given to group 3. Group 4 and 5 were treated with extracts of a medicinal plant- Salvia triloba; and group 6 and 7 were treated with extract made from Piper nigrum. The rats were given drug and extracts for three months. At the end of three months duration biochemical assays and histopathology was done to examine the changes happened to t he brains. The following things were checked for in serum: malondialdehyde, total antioxidant capacity and nitric oxide, and level of superoxide dismutase were checked in erythrocytes. Acetylcholine and acetylcholine esterase levels were checked in brain samples and another group of brain samples were given for histopathology. From the results, the rats which were treated with Piper nigrum extract and rivastigmine showed increase in brain Ach, and serum TAC and SOD; and a significant decrease in brain AchE, and serum MDA and NO. The rats which were treated with extract of Salvia triloba showed even better result in subduing the oxidative stress to a certain limit. Antioxidant capacity of plants was used to bring down the effects of oxidative stress in brain. Here, the effect of the extract made from Boswellia serrata is compared with rivastigmine on rats with AD- induced by oral administration of aluminum chloride. Ninety male rats were used in the study. They were made into nine groups. Group 1 was kept as healthy control, group 2 was given with aluminum chloride for four weeks, and group 3 was treated with rivastigmine, group 4 and 5 were treated with two different concentrations of plant extract made from Boswellia serrata. Groups 3 to 5 were treated with a combination of aluminum chloride and other things to check the ability of extract and drugs to protect the brain from the stress. Group 6 was given with water after inducing AD. Group 7 was given with rivastigmine, and group 8 and 9 were given with two different concentrations of plant extract- this was done for twelve weeks. Cognitive tests were done at the beginning of each new stage o f the study. At the end of the duration of the study, the brain samples were subjected to biochemical assays and histopathology. From the results, B.serrata has significant ability to reduce the oxidative stress in brain, and higher dose if the extract showed better effect- bringing down the severity of oxidative stress damage. Bacopa monnieri is another plant used to trim the effects of AD. This plant is used since ancient times for improving intelligence, and in this study its ability to protect against AD is checked. Alcoholic extracts of the plant was made for the study. AD was induced using ethylcholine aziridinium ion (AF64A)- administered intracerebroventricular way bilaterally. Plant extract was given to the rats two weeks before and one week after the administration of AF64A. rats were subjected to cognitive tests. Rats treated with the plant extract cleared the tests in less time. Histopathology results showed, low dose of the plant extract brought down the degree of damage in brain- reduction of neurons density. Low dose showed better result compared to the medium and high dose. The study has not revealed the mechanism of action of the plant extract, but it showed the scope for a further study on the same. Targeted drug delivery to brain in case of Alzheimer’s disease is more complex process due to many factors like blood brain barrier and actions of plasma proteins. But nanoparticles are used for targeted drug delivery, and this is again affected by physiochemical properties of Nanoparticles in different surfactants, stability of nanoparticles and organic coating or capping agent on nanoparticles. Blood brain barrier is a homeostatic defense mechanism used by brain to screen out pathogens and unwanted materials from entering brain. The barrier screens the solutes biochemically, physicochemically and structurally at the periphery. There are times when blood brain barrier breaks down due to certain infections or due to any physical reason, and this makes it skew from its usual nature- highly selectively permeable. Studies have been conducted to find how nanoparticles are treated at blood brain barrier. In a study, nanoparticles were made by warm microemulsion precursors, and the nanoparticles were radiolabelled by entrapment. Then an in situ study was conducted to check how nanoparticles cross the blood brain barrier. From the study it was concluded that endocytosis or transcytosis as possible mechanism for the transport across the barrier- more studies are yet to be conducted. Studies have shown that clioquinol- a quinoline derivative- can solubilize amyloid ÃŽ ² plaques in vitro and this could prevent accumulation of amyloid ÃŽ ² plaques in Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mice- an in vivo study. Clioquinol has shown its ability to dissolve plaques which are induced by Zn and Cu ions- NMR studies have shown that clioquinol can remove bound Cu ions from amyloid ÃŽ ² plaques. The study conducted has overlooked the toxicity part of clioquinol- though clioquinol has many side effects attached to it at high doses. It has shown in the later part of the study that clioquinol coupled with nanoparticles could easily cross the blood brain barrier- higher degre e of uptake by brain. So, clioquinol-nanoparticle delivery system is suggested to be considered as one among the models for treating Alzheimer’s disease by targeted drug delivery. Even though using nanoparticles are considered for drug delivery, there are studies showing the side effects, and doses. In a study- toxicity of silver nanoparticles- it was found that exposure to more than 125mg/kg of silver nanoparticles will lead to liver damage due to toxicity. In a study curcumin nanoparticle formulation was used to test its effect on Alzheimer’s disease in mice. Nanocurcumin was synthesized and orally given to the mice for twelve days. Memory tests were done before starting every new stage of the experiment. Results have shown that mice treated with nanocurcumin could clear the cognitive tests- significant improvements were observed.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Dr Jack Kevorkian: Disrupting The Universe :: essays research papers
Dr Jack Kevorkian: Disrupting the Universe      Dr. Jack Kevorkian did something that most people would never even think of doing or think that someone would do such a thing. He really did disrupt the universe by taking the whole world by surprise. Jack Kevorkian was the first person in the United States to assist in suicides in a big way. He started in 1990 by placing a newspaper add for assisted suicide. He then developed a device he called the Suicide Machine, which injected deadly drugs into the bloodstream. Once the shock passed over, the issue was brought up that he did not commit any crimes, or he is a murderer. Most people think very strongly in one way or the other. Myself and many other people believe that Jack Kevorkian has not done anything wrong and he should not be punished.      He has been present at 46 suicides since 1990. He has been to jail numerous times , but always let off on bail or another technicality. 38 times he has not even gone to court for his assisted suicides. Assisted suicides are still illegal in every state, but he has gotten off on technicalities or some other issue.      All of the people he assisted in suicides either were terminally ill or they wanted to be killed due to other serious medical problems. There have been reports of a person beating her son in tennis one week before she killed herself with the help of Jack Kevorkian and his suicide machine, but she was terminally ill and Dr. Kevorkian would not help kill people unless their life was in danger or they were not living comfortably. Kevorkian was previously a doctor dealing with terminally ill people and death counseling. From this experience he knew that for some people suicide was the only Solution.      On the other hand, some people believe that what he started was a terrible thing. Just the other day there was a article in the newspaper that a man who was sick was planning to kill himself, so he had a party with all his friends as sort of a going away celebration.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Drinking Reality Essay -- essays papers
Drinking Reality There is nothing in the world I love more than coffee, I thought. The aroma that calls you from a million miles away. The bitterness it sends through your soul, filling you up; giving you the warmth that you so desperately crave. And the darkness†¦ the blackness that reminds me all too much of my life. I didn’t know what I was doing there, but somehow it made sense. I skipped my first class that day. My first class ever. I didn’t know why†¦. If I had to think about it, I never knew why I did anything. All my life, I was guided and told what to do by others. I never realized where I was going; I walked a tight rope of others expectations thinking that if I ever took my eyes off what was ahead, I would fall. I never even looked out to see if there was another rope†¦. Maybe one who did not have such high expectations. I just hoped that my parents and friends knew best, and that I was heading in the right direction. I sat at one of those coffee shops, w here they pretend that the black stuff that they sell you for three dollars a cup is really gourmet. I was sittin...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How my brother leon brought home a wife
â€Å"How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife†Leon and Bald waited for the arrival of Maria at the barrio. Maria was afraid that she will not be accepted by Loon's father because she may not able to adapt their way of living in the province. Bald was ignoring to his older brother's question about why did d they have to go to WAIS instead of Camino Real. The reason is that their father wanted to t est. Maria if she is worthy to be Loon's wife. Bald discussed their travel to his father. Appreciate Maria. Because she accepted and respected Leon for what he areaIll is. She didn't care what Loon's life back in Encumbrance. She was a supportive and a love inning wife to Leon. She was so endearing and kindhearted lady. She was very keen to meet Loon's family. The fact that the rural is different from the city can be somewhat disco raging but the closer hey get to the house, Maria still manages to overcome any trials. SSH e admits for having some fear, but she also shows clearly it d id not stop her. Believe that social status is not a hindrance if you truly love each other. How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife Baldo and his older brother Leon were both waiting for their visitor riding a carratela. When Baldo sa his older brother's wife, who is Maria, he was amazed by her beauty as he narrates their journey to their home in Nagrebcan. Maria was felt a bit anxious because of meeting Leon and Baldo's parents for the first time, but along their way home, she discovered the differences of the life of the people lived there and the life in the city where she met and fell in love with Leon. Leon and Baldo waited for the arrival of Maria at the barrio.Maria was afraid that she won't be accepted by Leon's father because she may not able to adapt their way of living in the province. Baldo was ignoring to his older brother's question about why did they have to go to Waig instead of Camino Real. (The reason is that their father wanted to test Maria if she is worthy to be Leon's wife.) Baldo discussed their travel to his father.Leon's entire family talked to Maria. his Father's voice became livelier th an before when he talked to her (which means he accepted her wholeheartedly.) We should respect and accept one's life.Social status is not a hindrance if you truly love each other. Meeting your special someone to your family is the right thing to do. One may have to sacrifice small part of his/her life in order to have a happy life.Leon/Noel – Maria's husband, older brother of BaldoMaria – Leon's wifeBaldo – Leon's younger brother, also the narrator of this story Mother and Father of Leon and BaldoAurelia – Leon and Baldo's younger sisterLabang – the carabaoWe should respect and accept one's life. Social status is not a hindrance if you truly love each other. Meeting your special someone to your family is the right thing to do. One may have to sacrifice small part of his/her life in order to have a happy life.
Literary Tools of a Writer
The world is full of writers of all kinds: novelists, biographers, copy writers, and even floggers. Every so often, one of those writers will rise above the rest and become a great author?but what exactly does that take? Many qualities have to come together in one person to make his or her writing great, so having the idea for a story alone is not enough; great writers also have to possess talent and originality as well as the dedication required to see a story through to the end.Anyone can tell a story, but it takes special talent to tell a story beautifully and engagingly. As a reader, my favorite stories are always the ones that draw me in with descriptive language, imagery, and metaphors used skillfully by the authors. One example is F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby, which I loved reading because of Fitzgerald talent for using literary devices.In one chapter, he describes a valley full of ashes, but instead of simply calling it what it is, Fitzgerald creates a much more inter esting and inspiring description: â€Å"This is a valley of ashes?a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where she take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally, with a transcendent effort, of ash-gray men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air†(23).Rather than Just telling you that the valley is full of ashes, Fitzgerald shows you with his words, creating images in your mind of a gray, ashy valley through his expert use of metaphors and similes. This mastery of figurative language is one of the most important parts of being a great writer, because it is what separates a simple story, like one that you would tell from day to day, from a literary masterpiece.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Causes and Effects of Smoking Among Students
A cause effect essay The causes and effects of smoking among students Smoking is one of the most dangerous widespread phenomena that threatens lives of a huge number of people worldwide. It starts as a way of having fun, but ends as an addiction that is therefore so difficult to give up. Today, we often hear of â€Å"smoking among students†. So why do students smoke and what effects smoking has on them? There are many reasons behind the phenomenon of smoking among students. To start with, students smoke because they are curious and want to discover the world of those who smoke.They are just trying to have some fun when they smoke the first cigarette. Other students take up smoking due to the family problems, especially when they see their parents having quarrels. Moreover, some students smoke since they think a cigarette would relieve stress they had during the day, especially at school. Last but not least, students try to imitate adult smokers because they want to show that t hey are adults, too. If we look at the consequences of smoking, we will find so many. Smoking causes cancer. As a result, the addict students would suffer from health problems that end in death.Another effect is that after certain years, the addict would develop respiratory problems and will face a lot of problems in running without losing breath. So, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema are always a lingering threat. One more important effect of smoking is that it causes a lot of anger for the addict. Whenever they lack cigarettes, they start reacting angrily and strangely. To sum up, smoking is an ongoing threatening danger for addicts and might affect the next generation. The best solution is prevention according to the proverb that says â€Å"Prevention is better than cure†.A cause effect essay The causes and effects of smoking among students Smoking is one of the most dangerous widespread phenomena that threatens lives of a huge number of people worldwide. It starts as a wa y of having fun, but ends as an addiction that is therefore so difficult to give up. Today, we often hear of â€Å"smoking among students†. So why do students smoke and what effects smoking has on them? There are many reasons behind the phenomenon of smoking among students. To start with, students smoke because they are curious and want to discover the world of those who smoke.They are just trying to have some fun when they smoke the first cigarette. Other students take up smoking due to the family problems, especially when they see their parents having quarrels. Moreover, some students smoke since they think a cigarette would relieve stress they had during the day, especially at school. Last but not least, students try to imitate adult smokers because they want to show that they are adults, too. If we look at the consequences of smoking, we will find so many. Smoking causes cancer. As a result, the addict students would suffer from health problems that end in death.Another e ffect is that after certain years, the addict would develop respiratory problems and will face a lot of problems in running without losing breath. So, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema are always a lingering threat. One more important effect of smoking is that it causes a lot of anger for the addict. Whenever they lack cigarettes, they start reacting angrily and strangely. To sum up, smoking is an ongoing threatening danger for addicts and might affect the next generation. The best solution is prevention according to the proverb that says â€Å"Prevention is better than cure†.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Essay
Martin Luther is credited for starting the Protestant Reformation by declaring the corruption he saw in the Roman Catholic Church. By standing firm in his faith and openly going against the church, he’s able to get the people thinking for themselves and discovering the truth of their leaders and religion. Martin Luther was born November 10, 1483 in Eislenben, Germany, to copper miner Hans and peasant Margaretha Luder. Living in poverty, his father is set on Luther becoming a lawyer for higher income and family honor. In 1501, he enrolled at Master of Arts in Erford, and received his Bachelor’s degree in 1502 and Master’s in 1505. He then enrolled to the law school. In 1505, he’s caught in a thunderstorm and asks God for deliverance. Since he lived through the fright, he then devotes himself to God, dropping out of law school and joining the monastery, although against his father’s orders. While searching for personal salvation, Luther took his spiritual growth very seriously and often times punished himself. He spent most hours praying and confessing. Through this, he began to notice his frequent and awful sins. He was told to follow after academics which he then taught theology at the University of Wittenberg. On October 18, 1512, he is given a Doctorate in Theology. In 1513, he studied Psalm 22 and gained enlightenment. He realized, as Paul said, â€Å"The just will live by faith,†and that salvation comes with solely faith and not religious works or practices. Luther’s knowledge of the Scriptures and his analytical mind caused him to see the power-hungry church leaders’ corruption. A major issue Luther saw was the selling of indulgences which were ways to get people of the church to pay for prayers and salvation. The Roman Catholic Church used these indulgences to put fear into their followers and money into their own pockets. Along with that complaint and others, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the church door on October 31, 1517. Within two weeks, the news of his rebellion spread through Germany and throughout Europe in two months. The Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press played a vital role in this expansion. Within days, many copies of the news was made and sent out. This gave the people of the church and of the nations concrete evidence of their leaders’ corruption. Soon, the fear of the people faded and so did the church’s power. In 1520, Luther is threatened with excommunication from the church. In January of 1520 he is excommunicated and named as a heretic. In April of 1521, the Diet of Worms met and Luther is questioned about his act. He is told to recant but he refuses to do so unless the Scriptures would have him do otherwise. In 1522, Luther translates the New Testament to German where again, the printing press made it available to society. He also formed his own church, Lutheranism, and teaches his practices and gains followers. On June 13, 1525, he married former nun Katharina von Bora and went on to have six children together. As time goes on, he gains many health problems and dies at the age of 62 on February 18, 1546. Through personal enlightenment and rebellion, Martin Luther started the transformation of the Christian church and many of its practices today. By refusing the deception of the church, he leads a revolt against the church and sets the example of strong, unshakable faith. Luther’s impact on religion didn’t stop in the 1500s, and is still standing firm and modeling the religion of society now.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Coach Inc. Essay
Recommendations and Justification First, Lew Frankfort should continue to make new, high quality handbags that will impress customers. This will help Coach to continue to grow and prosper. New designs will help attract more customers to buy Coach products. The company can only benefit with new and unique products in the market. If Lew Frankfort can continue to do this Coach can be a leader in the market, which will help the company grow. Second, brand awareness should be increased. It can be increased through social media and e-commerce sites. This will help Coach be well known around the world. The more people know about the company and it’s products the more customers it will attract. Third, Coach should protect its products against counterfeiting. Coach can do this by making sure that no patterns or fabrics are stolen so that they can be made into fakes that look similar to the authentic products. It should also pursue knockoff sellers in Asia. Knockoffs can attract customers to the shops that sell them, wh ich will decrease the customers that shop at actual Coach shops. Fourth, Coach should continue to expand its market globally. It should increase its factory stores to help with the market. In the case it says that factory stores should be no closer than 50 miles from full price stores. This is important because it is a marketing strategy. All of this will continue to expand Coach. Finally, Coach should continue pursuing its plans to expand in Asia. Japan is an important market for luxury goods and China is suppose to become the world’s largest market for luxury goods. Coach needs to build a presence in important locations where competitors have yet to expand to. Dominant Economic Features (PESTEL) Total luxury market is $220 billion with an expected growth rate of about 7 to 8 percent annually through 2015 to get to $350 billion. Most of the growth will come from China and India, which are some of the countries that seem to be emerging. In the case, Coach’s specific target market is identified as being $24-$28 billion. Furthermore, the luxury handbag, leather goods and accessories market is at about $120 billion. It can be noted that the luxury brands are mainly targeted to wealthy customers who want a well-known luxury brand. This luxury brand market continues to prosper since many wealthy people want the status and value of owning these luxury products. It can also be noted that the luxury market is worldwide. The United States owns 30 percent of the market and Europe also owns 30 percent of the market. Additionally, all of these luxury goods companies use unique strategies to try and create high differentiation. These differentiating factors can include all of the following: styling, reputation, quality, image, and customer service. The case also shows that there is a growing desire for luxury goods by middle class consumers. This could be since most middle class families want to reward themselves with some form of luxury goods. Most of the luxury goods manufacturers in the case were vertically integrated into the function of retail stores. Other designers were made under the supervision of the designer while products by Coach were made by low-cost contract manufacturers. Five Forces Model There is a strong rivalry amongst competitors in the market. Interfirm rivalry is the strongest competitive force in this market. These competitors try to make their products of the finest material and newest styles to compete with one another. Buyers have little leverage in negotiating with manufacturers of luxury goods. Consumers do not have the ability to negotiate the price of luxury goods when in retail stores. According to the case Coach Inc. and several other luxury goods makers continued to maintain the same price each year. The consumers and retailer buyers are weak competitive forces in the market. The bargaining power and leverage of suppliers is also a weak competitive force. There is a competition from substitutes in the market. For instance, there are many substitutes for luxury goods in almost every product category. Several consumers who do not want a luxury good will purchase a substitute product because it is most likely at a much lower cost. There is not a really a threat of a new entry. This can be considered a weak competitive force since it is quite difficult for a new luxury brand to enter the market. The majority of current luxury brands have strong reputations that were built years ago. Because of this they have a strong sense of loyalty from their customers. In summary, there is a small chance of their being a threat of a new entry to take over the market. Buyers and suppliers have almost no leverage when negotiating with sellers, and the rivalry in the industry excludes price competition. Most consumers are brand loyal and want the actual luxury product, which shows that substitutes will not hurt the market much. Driving Forces As stated before Coach is looking to globalize by expanding in emerging markets in Asia. Coach will continue to expand through social media and e-commerce sites. There is a high preference for differentiated products. The more differentiated the better. Coach also wants to expand its market into Europe. Currently Coach is not very well known in Europe so it could drastically help the company with sales if they can get a growing market in Europe. Market Position of Rivals Coach’s rivals are not leaders of the market as Coach is; however, they do still compete. For example, Coach is not as popular as some of the other competitors in Europe. Each rival has some unique aspect that continues to drag in customers. This could be the fabric, design, or quality of the product being sold. Not only that, but other rivals can be in a less competitive environment in certain countries which can give that industry the upper hand. Key Success Factors for Future Competitive Success To continue to succeed Coach needs to be innovative with all future products. This tends to attract more customers to the market. Coach needs to keep up with rivals to see what is selling that they do not have. This will help Coach compete against its rivals. Industry Outlook Coach as an industry is doing extremely well in the market. It is currently the leader of the market because of its effective marketing strategies. Competitive forces are growing stronger since they have some markets in continents that Coach is not as popular in yet. Furthermore, some of the competitor’s branch out to male customers more that Coach does. The industry does have a sufficient competitive strength to defend against unattractive industry factors. The industry has a few problems here and there, but there is nothing severe. The industry still has plenty of room for growth. Coach can expand into Europe and into the men’s market to grow even larger. How Well the Company’s Present Strategy is Working Coach is currently targeting the lower part of the luxury products (the cheaper part). This market provides the opportunity for more customers than more expensive markets. Coach targets the top 20 percent of Americans by household income unlike other markets who target the top 5 percent. Coach has a multi-tiered retail strategy that has full-price retail sores, department stores, and factory outlets. Coach’s flagship stores carry all of the high priced products. Core stores have the widely demanded products. Having a discount factory outlet store allows Coach to maintain a year-round full price policy in its full price retail stores. Overall Coach has established a great competitive advantage. It’s profit growth performance and its high volume of sales has shown the effectiveness of Coach’s strategy. SWOT Analysis Coach has contracts that guarantee the company access to the highest quality leathers. Coach has negotiated offshore production contracts that helped deliver high product quality and low manufacturing costs. Coach has also leveraged existing brand names by adding various accessory lines. Additionally, Coach has built a multi-tiered retailing approach. They have also cultivated a strong brand awareness around the world. These are all of Coach’s strengths at the current time. Some of Coach’s weaknesses include: a small European presence. Coach is not very well known in Europe as it is in the United States and other parts of the world. Coach has a very small role in the men’s market. Some of Coach’s market opportunities are developing retail locations in Europe since it currently is not well known there. If Coach can do this it can open up a whole new market to increase its sales. Coach needs to develop new product lines that are geared towards men. Coach nee ds to expand into Asia in countries such as China, Japan, and India to help the growth of the company. Some external threats are as follows: weakened brand image and restricted sales outlook. Company’s Strength/Weakness compared to other Rivals One of Coach’s strengths is the industry’s strong customer loyalty. Coach has customers who will pay a lot of money for one of its deluxe products and it has customers who have been fans of Coach product’s for a long time. One of Coach’s weaknesses compared to other rivals is the fact that it has very little European presence. Some of its rivals have a strong presence in Europe, but this is not the case with Coach. Not only that, but Coach has a very small portion in the men’s market. Some of Coach’s rivals have a strong presence in the men’s market. Furthermore, Coach’s penetration in ancillary markets is small when compared to some of its rivals. These are all of Coach’s strengths and weaknesses compared to other rivals.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Analyze Marriott International Inc Research Paper
Analyze Marriott International Inc - Research Paper Example A real hands-on director, he systematically relished visiting Marriott’s progressively glamorous places, and spending time with the ever-growing positions of friends who, in his awareness, were the key secret of his firm’s accomplishment. (Marriott International Inc., 2000). Currently, Marriott International, Inc. is a foremost international hospitality corporation with approximately 2,800 functioning units in USA and 67 other nations and regions. In keeping with Marriott’s supreme valued custom of service, the JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts brand is, itself, a new take on treat, offering detail-oriented individual and reliable service. On the other hand, from the amenity structures you expect to the least facts that amuses, JW Marriott superiorities itself in offering those unforeseen touches that lift each visitor’s vacation. As a fresh affiliate of the JW Marriott clan, the JW Grand Rapids is devoted to conserving the philosophy that the Marriott’s initiated some decades back. A culture that distinguishes its connections as the most valuable possessions and appreciates that how the firm serves its visitors is a straight echo of how much they are esteemed. Its Headquarters are located in Bethesda; on the other hand, the company has 102868 Employees in USA and 195551 Employees worldwide. Marriott is an international lodging firm based in Bethesda, Md. The business functions and franchises guesthouses and licenses holiday possession resorts under 18 sorts. The majorities of the employees say Marriott gives unique assistances. (Marriott International Inc., 2000). Whereas they vary by site, the business operates 715 possessions in USA alone .Those seeking an outdated 9 - 5 work day might not find this office the greatest fit, depending on the work. However most workers say the corporation inspires work-life stability, need to stay long-term and say its a welcoming environment. At Marriott, 81% of
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