Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Information system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Information system - Assignment Example Information has to be interpreted in order to ensure that users can understand the information this mainly through tables, graphs, text and charts. Operating support system becomes necessary in order to ensure information in the database is secure and effective. The operation support system undertakes the monitoring, controlling, analyzing, and management of a computer network. This system is more beneficial as it allows the low-level managers within the bank to monitor the day-to-day running of the operations (Stickney et. al., 2009). As the managers can access vital operational information, it enables them to make sufficient decisions, as the trend of basic operations of the banking clients is easily accessible. Operation support system is gaining advantage today because of its ability to process both financial and non-financial transactions, especially in a banking institution daily. There are various functional areas within the banking institution. These areas enhance effective and efficient transactions, which lead to profitability, especially in the launch of new products. The sales department uses the information to ascertain the products and services that customers are interested in and therefore, develop and administer an effective selling program. Purchasing department uses information in acquisition of goods and services that meet the standards set in the organization in order to meet the expected goals. Manufacturing department uses the information for production scheduling, quality and inventory control and maintenance of products. Marketing department accesses the information in order to ascertain the companys market through carrying out a market survey in, which it produces relevant information based on selling and distribution of products to customers. Finance department uses the information in ascertaining the transactions
Monday, October 28, 2019
Brothels and Convents in Renaissance and Measure for Measure Essay Example for Free
Brothels and Convents in Renaissance and Measure for Measure Essay In this investigation I will focus mostly on the regulation of both convents and brothels in the time period of Shakespeare and the early Renaissance. Ruth Mazo Karras’ â€Å"The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England,†focuses exactly on this topic throughout England and other European countries during the Renaissance. In regards to the convents I will be looking closely at an article entitled â€Å"Subjects on the Worlds Stage: Essays on British Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,†written by David G. Allen and Robert A. White. The regulations of brothels in the Renaissance were regarded heavily. Karras says that women within these brothels were basically regarded as evil and as sinners yet they remained occupying the position of prostitution solely because of the sexual appetite of men; these brothels were considered â€Å"†¦a necessary evil†(Karras). The first parallel between women of convents and stews I came to find was that of the aspect of being forbidden from society in a sense. Women of convents were completely shut off from the public, no insiders could leave and no outsiders could come in (Allen). The only difference in the secrecy of these two places was the fact that the brothels were attended by men. Karras also states that the women of brothels were not given any rights that regular women had, â€Å"In some places, she was not allowed to reject any customer, indeed could not be raped because she was considered to belong to all men and thus had no right to withhold consent†(Karras). These two aspects of women’s lives in this time period play a major part in the drama Measure for Measure, and especially set up the scene in the opening act of the play. When Claudio sends for his sister, Isabel, to help him get out of jail, in which he was sentenced to death for having premarital (by the eyes of the church) sex with Juliet, Isabel leaves the convent in which she was about to take her vows in order to save her brother. Thus, we have an almost-nun and sinful intercourse immediately in Act 1, both directly related to the idea of convents and brothels and the women within these places. In this case, however, Juliet is not a prostitute but in the eyes of Angelo and the law is regarded as one because of her and Claudio’s unofficial and insufficient marriage.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
1.0 INTRODUCTION Over the year’s warehouse technology has evolved from using manually operated equipment to automated equipment to store and pick inventory. In every warehouse facility the goal is to improve efficiency in both the storing and picking of goods. With today’s innovative technology this goal could be accomplished with ease. Every warehouse has its own special needs according to the type of goods that’s received and stored. [11] With today’s technology warehouses are using a variety of state of the art equipment that allows for the efficient storage and retrieval of goods. [5,8] This paper will discuss different types of equipment that has enabled the warehouse in becoming more efficient by identifying the most significant processes in a warehouse. 2.0 WAREHOUSE PROCESS 2.1 RECEIVING PROCESS The receiving process is the first step in a warehouse process. This may seem boring if the concept is still perceived as a clerk standing with a clip board and manually counting each piece of material as it comes in the door. Today’s technology used in the process of receiving, storing and shipping goods through bar code scanning of each pallet of goods as it enters the warehouse. [1,8] Another method used in the receiving process is a system known as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). [1,6] With this method the there is no need for a receiving clerk’s presents when goods arrive. This process allows the entire pallet contents scanned as it passes through the door via the RFID chip secured to the pallet. 2.2 ORGANIZING The second step is organizing the goods for storage. Make sure all items get sorted according to their specific needs for such activities as repackaging or relocating to pallets, in containers. [2,9] Receiving... ...ew warehouse technology companies might consider the following suggestions. [8] Companies should start by evaluating their processes and procedures to make certain they can accomplish the following. [7,8,11] †¢ Don’t forget about the incoming products ï‚ § Concentrate on put-away and increasing refill accuracy †¢ Improve picking accuracy and reduce labor costs by implementing ï‚ § Pick-by-light or pick-by-voice †¢ Large pick quantity processes should strongly consider ï‚ § Package sorting contributes to reduced labor costs ï‚ § On-time and complete shipments. †¢ Companies with the task of implementing new automated systems should consider the following: [7,9] ï‚ § Consider hiring experts to manage the complexities of integrating multiple forms of technology ï‚ § Take control of their warehouse systems via the use of a single warehouse system ï‚ § Use proven best in class practices
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Geologic History of Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire
Valley of Fire and Red Rock Canyon Red Rock Canyon is presently located 5 miles west of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is 197,000 acres within the Mojave Desert. The canyon is one of several in the state with the name Red Rock, this one is located on the east side of Spring Mountain, the flat land rises to a great colorful escarpment, formed along a fault zone (the Keystone Thrust) with several peaks over 8,000 feet, and including huge cliffs and ravines composed of bands of gray Paleozoic carbonates, white and red Jurassic sandstone, all heavily eroded. The wide empty plains beneath the hills are studded with Joshua trees and other plants typical of the Mojave Desert, contributing to a most impressive spectacle. Red rock canyon has a fairly complex geologic history. The now national conservation area was at the bottom of a deep ocean basin and the western coast of North America was in present day Utah. Around 542 million years ago, Paleozoic, the area was under a deep ocean. Thick deposits of sediment, about 9,000ft, were lithified. This lithified sediment eventually formed limestone and other similar carbonate rocks. Preservation of marine invertebrate fossils provides evidence for a marine setting for the Paleozoic. Starting around 250 million years ago, the Mesozoic era, the earths crust rose due to tectonic shifts. This forced water out of the area leaving behind rock formations of salt and gypsum, this lead to the exposure of the former sea bed causing the rock to oxidize to the now characteristic red-orange color. The Paleozoic carbonates are dominantly gray in color and only red-orange locally. These pre-existing carbonate deposits were dissolved and oxidized due to sea level drop and sub aerial exposure, creating an unconformable surface (unconformity). The seabed rose slowly somewhere around 225 million years ago, causing streams to enter shallow waters, depositing mud and sand. This later became shale and marine sandstones of the Triassic Moenkopi formation. During Triassic time, the changing landscape trapped several large bodies of water. These meandering streams deposited mud, gravel and other debris like logs. In some cases minerals replaced the organics changing them into petrified wood. These are some of the few fossils found at the foot of the cliffs. These terrestrial deposits make up the Triassic Chinle Formation. Around 180 million years ago the sea levels had dropped leaving the area completely arid similar to the Sahara desert, a large desert with shifting red sands and huge dune fields. Winds shifted the dunes and leveled older ones leaving angled lines in the sand referred to as cross-beds. These in turn were buried by other sediments and eventually cemented into sandstone by iron oxide and calcium carbonate. The sandstone is locally known as Aztec sandstone; it is very hard and forms the prominent cliffs of the Red Rock escarpment. The Aztec equivalent is known as the Navajo Sandstone, which crops out in many of the Utah National Parks, so the migrating sand sea was laterally extensive. The most significant feature of Red Rock Canyon is the Keystone Thrust Fault, a reverse fault with a shallow dip. A thrust fault is a fracture in the earth's crust, resulting in a compressing force driving one crustal plate over the top of another. This results in older rock lying on top of younger. The Keystone Thrust is part of a large system of thrust faults that extends north into Canada. The dark grey Cambrian Limestone of the Bonanza King Formation was moved sideways and above Aztec Sandstone from the Jurassic era. Placing in essence older stone over younger, opposite of what we know to usually happen in geologic time and from the laws of superposition. This thrust fault was most active during the long Sevier Orogeny, a mountain building event, about 70 million years ago. This tectonic activity from the west pushed upper crust eastward; the movement on the Sevier fold-thrust was nearly 100 kilometers. Geologist believe 65 million years ago, during the Larimide Orogeny, that two of the earth's crustal plates collided with such force that part of one plate was shoved up and over younger sandstones. This thrust contact is clearly defined by the sharp contrast between the grey limestones and the red sandstones. The southern Nevada section of the fold and thrust belt was not affected by Larimide deformation just Sevier Orogeny. Like the Larimide, the Sevier Orogeny was also due to collision of earth’s crustal plates at the subduction zone at the western US margin. The stress and strain associated with this collision caused low-angle thrusting further inland, which is embodied by the Rocky Mountain topography that we see today. The reason Nevada is the most mountainous state is because the continental crust was stretched almost 100% in Tertiary time. Southern NV was affected by this extension, as shown by Fig 1 with the thrusts that are split by the strike-slip faults. The thrust faults were emplaced in Late Jurassic to early Tertiary time. Then, during the Miocene, right lateral movement on the LVVSZ split all of the pre-existing thrusts. So, if that is the case, then the rocks that you see at Red Rocks are the same as seen in the VALLEY OF FIRE. However, there are Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks that crop out in the Valley of Fire that don’t exist or are buried and not exposed in Red Rock Canyon. Valley Of fire is located 55 miles Northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada east of Overton. It encompasses 46,000 acres and is Nevada’s oldest state park. The geologic history of this park follows the same time line are Red rock. With only a few differences, the white and red Jurassic sandstone and limestone’s from the Paleozoic era. These are the same sequence of rock units as exposed in Red Rocks The Muddy Mountain thrust of the Valley Of Fire is equivalent to the Keystone thrust in Red Rocks, which brings Cambrian Bonanza King over the Jurassic Aztec. The Willow Tank Thrust is the easternmost thrust, which brings Jurassic Aztec over the Cretaceous Willow Tank Formation (thrust is shown in fig 2). Cretaceous rocks in the Valley of Fire (these rocks were deposited in a foreland basin in front of the thrust belt and thus were preserved due to subsequent burial). The Willow Tank Formation, ~101-98 Ma, dates from a fossil fern and radiometric ages from ash beds, conglomerates, mudstones, ash beds, sandstones in this unit. Which are interpreted to have been deposited in a low-lying floodplain and lake environments. White Member Sandstones and conglomerates are interpreted to be deposited in braided stream and alluvial fan environments, 95-96 Ma, age dates from ash beds. The white color is attributed to the uplift and erosion of the Jurassic Aztec sandstone on the Willow Tank thrust. So this unit is derived from the erosion of that frontal thrust Red Member. Also, sandstones and conglomerates have been interpreted to be deposited in braided stream and alluvial fan environments, ~93 Ma, age date from one ash bed the red color is due to erosion of older units (Triassic-Paleozoic) on the Willow Tank Thrust. Overton Conglomerate Member is dominantly carbonates with subordinate sandstone interpreted to be mainly braided stream deposits which the age not known. The Tertiary units that crop out in the Valley of Fire are basin-fill deposits. While extension was happening (Basin and Range), many valleys were formed and housed river, lake and alluvial fan depositional environments. So the Tertiary Horse Spring and Muddy Creek Formations are basin-fill deposits. The climate in the present day area contributes to the preservation of the outcrops of sandstone. With mild winters I ranging from 0 to 75 degrees and summers exceeding 120 degrees, the arid landscape only has weathering from wind to deal with. The rainfall rarely exceeds 4inches a year. Some of the interesting and peculiar shaped out crops include the Atlatl (at’-lat-l) Rock which is named for an ancient Indian spear that is depicted in many petro glyphs or rock art. There are many of these petro glyphs through out the Valley Of Fire and Red Rock Canyon. Atlatl Rock is located near the west entrance of the park. It has some outstanding examples of petro glyphs. In order to see it you must climb up a stairway which is about 40 feet high. The petro glyphs at Atlatl Rock are out in the open, visible to passers by, about 40 to 60 feet above the ground. The main panel is a relatively flat surface which faces exactly east. This was verified by taking compass readings from several vantage points. Atlatl Rock shows a set of images which appear to tell some kind of story. There are many interpretations of these images. Some of the interpretations are controversial. No one will ever really know what any petro glyph that was made in prehistoric times means. Through the means of ethnographic analogy, anthropologists try to interpret the possible meanings of these images. Atlatl Rock is intriguing because it contains images that we seem to know the meaning of because they look familiar. The images we think we know are mixed in with images that we can only guess at. The Beehives are so named for their resemblance to beehives. This effect is caused by erosion, mostly wind, or Aeolian processes. Aeolian erosion has two main processes, deflation and abrasion. Nearby is evidence of the process of deflation where sand is removed by wind and transported across the desert forming sand dunes and abrading rock surfaces along the way. Although Aeolian abrasion is not often as significant as the abrasion process in streams or along shores, it is significant over long periods of time. The results are sculpted rocks with unusual shapes due to the in situ erosion. In a fluvial environment erosion results in rounded shapes as rocks are tumbled end over end. The wind based abrasion pits, polishes, facets and shapes the exposed rock surfaces in as many ways as the wind can blow. As the sand is ultimately deposited in dunes somewhere, it takes on the shapes of ripples and waves like sand under flowing water. As the sand piles up, dunes get larger. As the wind continues to blow, the dunes migrate in the direct that it does. The shifting winds and the continuing deposition of sand creates an effect called cross bedding. This is caused by the sand being blown down the slip face or leeward side of the dune. Over time the dunes that were created in this area became fossilized. Geologic process have reveal these fossilized dune fields and exposed them to erosion. At the Beehives we see the process repeat and reveal itself. The wind blown sand abrades the softer rock first articulating the layers of sand originally deposited hundreds of millions of years ago as the courser, leeward deposit remains. One of the most well known is the Seven Sisters, seven free standing rocks all in a single row. The Seven Sisters are called that because of the unusual results of Aeolian erosion on the bright red sandstone. This type of erosion is common in deserts. In the Valley of Fire wind erosion creates nature’s sculptures in numbers. Everywhere are examples of the winds action on the soft red sandstone. As the wind abrades the rocks disarticulating them one grain at a time it leaves its mark on the stone. Each grain freed from its place joins in with the wind to free more of its cohorts. The horde finally rests in dunes and then moves and shifts as the wind pushes it. Over millions of years, what was once a ridge or a mountain, has been reduced by the relentless action of the winter, water, heat and cold, to relatively slender stone pillars. Sometimes they stand together. The Seven Sister's do not actually resemble people in anything but an imagined sense. They are icons sculpted out of red sandstone by nature. They represent the struggle of all forms, animate and stationary against the forces of time and nature. A petro glyph is a mark made into a stone surface by humans to represent some object. This is contrasted to what is often referred to as rock painting, which is a design or image painted or drawn on to the surface of the rock. Those are called pictographs. Petro glyphs images are pecked, scratched or ground into the surface of the rock. In some areas the authors used a hammer stone and a pebble as a chisel. In Southwestern deserts, petro glyphs are found on canyon walls, rocks, on cliff sides where time and weather and the unique chemistry of the rock, adds a color to the rock surface. This coating usually consists of iron and manganese dioxides mixed with other things such as the by products lichens. This is called a ‘desert varnish' or patina. With a patina or varnish the rock surfaces often appear shiny or wet. Sometimes images are also cut into a surface that is not discolored. Some images on are on high, flat canyon walls or steep rock faces sometimes as far from the ground as a dozens of meters. Works Cited 1)†GEOLOGY. †Red Rock Canyon. 30 Apr. 2009 . 2)†Red Rock Canyon Geology. †Prodigy's Personal Web Pages. 30 Apr. 2009 . 3)†Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area -. †Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 30 Apr. 2009 . 4)†Thrust Fault. †About Geology – The Complete Guide to Geology. 30 Apr. 2009 . 5)†Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada. †Desert Biomes by DesertUSA. 30 Apr. 2009 . Interview Kelsey McNamara, grad student at Montana State University, May 2, 2009 via Email
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Linda Barry †Case Study Essay
Linda Barry, a single mother with 3 children, was hired as an order-entry clerk for a trucking firm. Her first 2 weeks on the job were spent in a special class from 8am-4pm, where she learned how to sort, code and enter the orders on the computer, as instructor with her constantly at first, and then less frequently as she gained knowledge, skills and confidence. Linda was happy to have the job and enjoyed her work schedule. When the training was completed, she was told to report to the order entry department the following Monday. When she was first employed, either Linda failed to read and understand the printed information about her regular work schedule or perhaps the recruiter forgot to tell her that she was to fill a spot in a special shift that worked from 4am till noon. In any case, Linda failed to report to work on the early schedule on the first day of regular work. When she did arrive at 8am, her supervisor criticized her for lack of responsibility. Barry responded by saying that she could not work at the early shift because she had to prepare her children for school, and she threatened to resign if she could not work on the later shift because of a heavy work load and a difficult labor market, the supervisor needed Linda to do the job yet no room for her in the 8am-4pm shift. QUESTIONS: 1. Analyze the communication blockages in this case. Discuss what ideas of communication, listening, realistic job previews, feedbacks and interference it has. 2. Explain how you would handle the employment situation at the end of the case. What ideas could be applied to help solve the problem?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Word Choice Brake vs. Break - Proofeds Writing Tips
Word Choice Brake vs. Break - Proofeds Writing Tips Word Choice: Brake vs. Break â€Å"Brake†and â€Å"break†sound identical. Both words can be a noun or a verb. They’re even anagrams of one another! But when it comes to their meanings, these terms are entirely distinct. How, then, can you be sure that you’re using â€Å"brake†and â€Å"break†correctly? Check out our guide to make sure your writing is always error free. Brake (Slow Down or Stop) Used as a verb (i.e., an action word) â€Å"brake†means â€Å"slow down or stop a vehicle.†For instance: The car braked before it hit the curb. As a noun, a â€Å"brake†is a device used to stop or slow down a vehicle: Always check your car’s emergency brake before a long journey. We can also use this word figuratively when not discussing vehicles. For example, if we pause a project that is underway to do more planning, we might say that we are â€Å"putting the brakes on it.†Break (Damage, Violate or Interrupt) â€Å"Break†actually has several meanings. As a verb, it can mean to: Damage or destroy something (e.g., It will break if you drop it†¦) Violate a law or promise (e.g., I would never break an oath†¦) Interrupt or end something (e.g., Let’s break for lunch†¦) Reveal something or make it public (e.g., To break news†¦) It is worth noting that the simple past tense and past participle forms of this verb are â€Å"broke†and â€Å"broken†respectively, not â€Å"breaked.†This is because â€Å"break†is an irregular verb. As a noun, meanwhile, a â€Å"break†can be a: Point of damage (e.g., We repaired it at the break†¦) Pause or interruption (e.g., Take regular breaks while writing†¦) Gap or opening in something (e.g., We ran for the break in the tree line†¦) A vacation or holiday (e.g., He went to Cancun for spring break†¦) The word â€Å"break†also features in a number of phrases, such as â€Å"breaking bad.†These can be tricky if you’re not a native English speaker, but keep an ear out for how they are used and don’t be afraid to look up unfamiliar phrases. Brake or Break? These terms have so many meanings between them that it can get confusing! However, the word â€Å"brake†is always related to slowing something down or stopping it (both as a verb and a noun). If you are dealing with any other situation, the correct word will be â€Å"break.†Remember: Brake (verb) = To slow down or stop Brake (noun) = A device for slowing a vehicle down Break (verb) = To damage, violate, or interrupt something Break (noun) = A point of damage, a pause, or a vacation
Monday, October 21, 2019
Diets for Pets with Medical Disorders essays
Diets for Pets with Medical Disorders essays DIETS FOR PETS WITH MEDICAL DISORDERS Homemade Diets For Pets with Skin Disease (Allergic Conditions) The most common skin disorder seen in many veterinary practices is allergic (atopic) dermatitis. This condition results in itchiness after exposure to environmental (usually airborne) allergens (foreign proteins which induce allergies.) True food allergies are quite rare in pets. Food intolerances, in which the pet develops and allergic response to a non-nutrient in the food (such as an additive,) occur in pets but the true incidence is hard to gauge. While dietary therapy is not a mainstay in the treatment of itchy pets, feeding the best, most natural and holistic diet possible is recommended. Diets designed for pets with gastrointestinal disease can be useful for pets with skin disorders with some modification. These modified diets are used to assess and treat food allergies as well as assess any improvement in the pet with any skin disorder, including atopic dermatitis. Keep in mind that even itchy pets without true food allergy may still show improvement when fed the diet used to test and treat food allergies. Controlled Diets for Adult Cats with Skin Disease (Allergic Conditions) Multivitamin/mineral supplement (added as clinical signs improve after the feeding trial, as long as the pet does not relapse if using flavored products.) This diet provides 352 kcal, 31.1 gm of protein, 25.1 gm of fat, and it supports the daily calorie needs of a 10 pound cat. 1. 4 1/2 ounces of cooked venison can also be used in place of the rabbit. 2. 1/2 cups of rice or 3/4 cups of boiled potato with skin can be added to the diet if desired. 3. Vitamins and minerals can be supplied as follows: A natural product from Standard Process (Calcifood Wafers or Calcium Lactate) can be used (use 1-2 Calcifood Wafer or 2 Calcium Lactate tablets.) ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter F
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting with the Letter F Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter F used in chemistry and chemical engineering.f - femtoF - FluorineFA - Fully AmorphousFA - Furnace AnnealingFAC - Free Available ChlorineFAD - Flavin Adenine DinucleotideFADE - Fast Atomic Density EvaluationFAN - Free Amino NitrogenFAS - Fluorescence Actin StainingFAS - Folic Acid SynthesisFBC - Fesser, Bishop and Campbell modelFBD - Free Body DiagramFBR - Fast Breeder ReactorFC - Face CellFC - Face CenteredFC - Fragment CrystallizationFCC - Face Centered CubicFCC - Fluid Catalytic CrackingFCC - Food Chemical CodexFCCU - Fluidized Catalytic Cracking UnitFCHC - Face Centered Hyper-CubicFCS - Fellow of the Chemical SocietyFCS - Fire Control SystemFCS - Fluorescence Correlation SpectroscopyFE - FerredoxinFE - Free EnergyFe - IronFGC - Flue Gas ConditioningFIGD - Flow Injection/Gas DiffusionFIGE - Field Inversion Gel ElectrophoresisF IPS - Fast Imaging Plasma SpectrometerFm - FermiumFOS - FructoOligoSaccharideFP - Freezing PointFPD - Freezing Point DepressionFPLC - Fast Performance Liquid ChromatographyFr - FranciumFRAP - Fluorine-Resistant Acid PhosphataseFRS - Fellow of the Royal SocietyFS - Free StateFSA - Formamidine Sulphinic AcidFW - Formula Weight​
Saturday, October 19, 2019
What is community organizing what do community organzers do Essay
What is community organizing what do community organzers do - Essay Example This was the start of Alinsky’s endeavor into community organizing as we know it today. Later on, he became the catalyst for other community organizations that involved large African-American communities in the ensuing decades. The extent of the people’s participation was greatly exemplified through his initiative which became the guiding rule for community organizing. The term community organizing itself came from the budding growth of social activism which ignited in the United States after the Second World War It consists of a membership organization which usually includes churches, labor unions, individuals and so on. They then as a whole engage in a consensual campaign which aims to promote particular concerns such as that of health, education, environment etc. the triumph of these organizations include proofs that can be seen in federal actions taken towards the implementation of their causes which includes as a great example the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was a program of the Great Society. This was a feat unto itself which propelled the country into being what it is at the present time in history and how it views its population. Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation (IAS) is among the roster of these early community organizations. His model for community organizing became the basis for alternatives to ease racial tension and consequent riots. Communities took it upon themselves to call IAS and help them with the conflicts that are taking place in their territories. Alinsky was also known for satirically accusing Eastman Kodak of the contribution to race relation in creating the colored film (Sen, p.45). 1. The organizer and community leader’s role is to reflect a distinct organizational model with local volunteer leaders and professional staff. Behind the scenes, the organizer works to recruit, coordinate, take notes, research and ‘buy donuts.’ In its most basic form, the leader builds power to attain his
Friday, October 18, 2019
Cjus 340 DB3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cjus 340 DB3 - Essay Example Contrary to that environmental criminologists concentrate on the place and the time of crime. They also use map as a tool to find out crime patterns in respective locations (Brantingham & Brantingham 49). Apart from the mentioned factors, the family environment plays pivotal role in upbringing of a child. If environmental problems exist in the family then the child is most likely to fall prey to the criminal activities. The root cause of a crime as per the researches conducted by the researchers is poverty, poor educational system and the family structure. Communication gap within the family and poor relationship amongst the family members inculcates bad behavior in children (Brantingham & Brantingham 53). It is observed that a family which is financially weak and has more children than required contributes towards criminal activities. Abusing and neglecting a child is another factor to promote antisocial activities. Physiological and Sociological surveys indicate that 50 percent children are at a risk of criminal activities for being neglected, abused and deprived from their due rights. Hence, juvenile delinquencies are on the rise in United States of America (Eysenck
Entrepreneurial Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Entrepreneurial Finance - Essay Example ing the relevant external and internal elements which are involved in new business startups it answers the questions such as where the organization stands right now, which direction is it going in and how to get there. It acts as a resume for any proposed business and is usually created to explain the vision and entrepreneur has for his business. A business plan is read by investors, employees, bankers, venture capitalists, customers, suppliers and advisors. Every stakeholder has a different perspective and interest in the business and so the content and focus of a business plan depends upon who is going to read it. For a profit organization, a business plan typically focuses on the financial goals such as profits. It comprises of the industry dynamics, company’s vision and mission, the resources required to run the business, the amount of capital needed, the sources of capital, the production and marketing plan and the pro forma financial statements to determine the expected profitability of the company over time. In short, it is a complete document consisting of all the information related to a business. A business plan is valuable not only to an entrepreneur, but to potential investors or even the new personnel who want to familiarize themselves with the venture, its goals and objectives. Following are three major roles of a business plan: The financial assessment of a business is an important activity which must be carried out on a continuous basis. It is done to identify if the business is solvent, that is, if its assets exceeds its debt and thus making the business capable of paying to all its creditors on time. Secondly, it helps entrepreneurs of investors to estimate the equity value of the company at any given point in time. A business is considered a financial success if it meets the following criteria: The financial plan of a business is the section in the business plan which determines if the new business venture is viable or not, or if it would be
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Strategic management. read article then answer questions Essay
Strategic management. read article then answer questions - Essay Example This confounding hinders the fact that resource-based concept is only one of the various strategic logics within heterogeneous firms that leads to intra-industry performance differences. The influence of environments on company performance has been a key theme in strategy and has become a function of the fit between organizational structure and the environmental setting (Porter, 1996). Extrapolating this argument to inter-organizational level, researchers argue that the influence of network position on firm performance is controlled by the environmental context. Essential to the argument is that changes in the environment influence the nature of skills and capabilities needed for competitive advantage. Since network positions are crucial to firms in an attempt to acquire appropriate skills and capabilities, firms are compelled to strategically design their networks to acquire skills and capabilities in a changed environment. Nevertheless, any mismatch between needs of the environment and the firm’s position could have serious performance implications (Bingham and Eisenhardt, 2008). Position strategy has various advantages like constructing an impressive empire surrounding an attractive market that offers long-term competitive advantage. In addition, competitive advantage relies on valuable strategic position within an industry and linking the various resources to defend the position, since strategic positioning drives huge profitability (Peteraf, 1993). Often companies defend their position by combining resources that their competitors find difficult to imitate; therefore, position strategy links resources to successfully defend an organization from challengers. Nevertheless, like any strategy, the position strategy has its vulnerability factor which is change since when industries change relocating a business empire locked in a strategic position is tough. The weaknesses of this strategy include dismantling synergies in case of change that management wo rked hard to put in place and exposing the organization to risks in transition to a fresh strategy. Thus, change forces managers to dismantle their resources in position strategy and reassembling them in fresh strategic positions, which consumes time and potentially lethal because performance may stall until all pieces are reassembled (Siggelkow, 2001). Currently firms are leveraging on social media tools in an attempt to attract consumers to engage in their interactive online social environment (Shadkam and O'Hara, 2013). In environments of moderate change, leverage strategies outperform position strategies because change is incremental and conventional which ensures that managers rotate strategically important resources in the industry. Although position strategy bases on the empire analogy, leverage strategy resembles chess in that competitive advantage results from having valuable pieces and ensuring smart moves with the pieces. Organizations pursuing leveraging strategy attain competitive advantage through their strategically essential resources within the existing as well as new industries at a rate consistent with market change. For instance, Pepsi owns various strategically important resources; however, the company has leveraged the resources to
Find everything related to food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Find everything related to food - Essay Example The continental army who were stationed at Valley Forge tried to obtain food from the local farms during the encampment in winter.2 These farmers sold their farm produce meaning that they could not just give away their produce for free. Washington would dispatch procurement parties to pay for the needed supplies. On the other hand, farmers did not want to sell to the army because they paid using continental money or promised them money. The British soldiers paid in gold, and the farmers took advantage since they were loyalists, not patriots. Other farmers did not believe in war due to their religious affiliations. Herbert Hoover was the 31st United States president; he was born in West Branch Iowa in 1874, 10th August. His family was affiliated with the Quakers religion together with the community as a whole; this created a tight religious identity. His parents passed away when he was ten years old and later went to live with his uncle in Oregon. During his stay, he attended Quakers schools where he obtained a firm belief in the common good and a sense of belonging. At seventeen years, he went to Stanford University where he earned a degree in geology. He started working as a mining engineer in many parts around the world. He was able to make full use of his knowledge in the Chinese Boxer Rebellion and the Australian Gold Rush. After the eruption of the First World War, Hoover was in England. 3He was able to organize, direct procurement, distribution of food and delivery to Belgian people who were controlled by the Germans. Society Hill was named after a society of free traders that is now obsolete. In this society, William Penn saw virgin land and vast woodlands were stretching towards Schuylkill to the west. The area acted as a settlement of the Swedes and Dutch, and they had a glasshouse, sawmill and tannery. Two years later, the society did not have any money, and their properties were handed to trustees in order to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Strategic management. read article then answer questions Essay
Strategic management. read article then answer questions - Essay Example This confounding hinders the fact that resource-based concept is only one of the various strategic logics within heterogeneous firms that leads to intra-industry performance differences. The influence of environments on company performance has been a key theme in strategy and has become a function of the fit between organizational structure and the environmental setting (Porter, 1996). Extrapolating this argument to inter-organizational level, researchers argue that the influence of network position on firm performance is controlled by the environmental context. Essential to the argument is that changes in the environment influence the nature of skills and capabilities needed for competitive advantage. Since network positions are crucial to firms in an attempt to acquire appropriate skills and capabilities, firms are compelled to strategically design their networks to acquire skills and capabilities in a changed environment. Nevertheless, any mismatch between needs of the environment and the firm’s position could have serious performance implications (Bingham and Eisenhardt, 2008). Position strategy has various advantages like constructing an impressive empire surrounding an attractive market that offers long-term competitive advantage. In addition, competitive advantage relies on valuable strategic position within an industry and linking the various resources to defend the position, since strategic positioning drives huge profitability (Peteraf, 1993). Often companies defend their position by combining resources that their competitors find difficult to imitate; therefore, position strategy links resources to successfully defend an organization from challengers. Nevertheless, like any strategy, the position strategy has its vulnerability factor which is change since when industries change relocating a business empire locked in a strategic position is tough. The weaknesses of this strategy include dismantling synergies in case of change that management wo rked hard to put in place and exposing the organization to risks in transition to a fresh strategy. Thus, change forces managers to dismantle their resources in position strategy and reassembling them in fresh strategic positions, which consumes time and potentially lethal because performance may stall until all pieces are reassembled (Siggelkow, 2001). Currently firms are leveraging on social media tools in an attempt to attract consumers to engage in their interactive online social environment (Shadkam and O'Hara, 2013). In environments of moderate change, leverage strategies outperform position strategies because change is incremental and conventional which ensures that managers rotate strategically important resources in the industry. Although position strategy bases on the empire analogy, leverage strategy resembles chess in that competitive advantage results from having valuable pieces and ensuring smart moves with the pieces. Organizations pursuing leveraging strategy attain competitive advantage through their strategically essential resources within the existing as well as new industries at a rate consistent with market change. For instance, Pepsi owns various strategically important resources; however, the company has leveraged the resources to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The case of Radmacher v Granatino Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The case of Radmacher v Granatino - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper is the case of Radmacher v Granatino that has drawn much attention because the High Court will be finally deciding how much weight it would place on the pre/ante-nuptial agreement in the area of financial relief during divorce. Pre-nuptial or ante-nuptial arrangement is typically sought by rich families, as in the case of Radmacher formerly Granatino v Granatino, to protect and preserve the assets of the wealthy party from a claim during divorce. The terms are typically spelled out on how their assets be divided or waiver of claim through a written agreement. Pre-nuptial or ante nuptial however is traditionally viewed by English law as non-binding because it is contrary to public policy. English Courts however have discretion to how to treat ante-nuptial agreements, on what weight should be placed on them and has the power to veer away from what was agreed on the ante-nuptial arrangement. This is especially so when there are children borne out of a long marriage. There are also other circumstances when the Courts could reinterpret or set aside the ante-nuptial agreement from its original arrangement in cases where there is an indication of duress on the weaker party to agree, may cause unfairness to one party, non full disclosure of assets, or where the parties involved was not able to get independent counsel on the various implications of the ante-nuptial arrangement before entering into the agreement.... The husband was a French national and the wife is a German national. The ante-nuptial agreement was signed three months before the marriage under German jurisdiction and specified that each party will keep their assets and that the other party will make no claim against the assets of the other in the event of a divorce. The wife had considerable wealth and inheritance before the marriage while the husband was a banker at the time the agreement was signed. The husband did not have an independent counsel about the implication of the ante-nuptial agreement. The agreement also contained no provision in the event that their marriage will have children. They were married in London in 1998. After eight years of marriage, the appellant and the respondent separated. Their marriage produced two daughters. During the dissolution of their marriage, the husband embarked on a research studies and had left his job as a banker and applied to the court for financial relief. The High Court then decide d to grant him over ?5.5m which would enable him to have an annual income of ?100,000 for life. He was allowed to have a home in England so that his children could visit him. The wife appealed to the Court of Appeals where it was decided in favour of her to give weight to the ante-nuptial agreement where the financial relief should only be limited on the provision of him being a father and not for his own need. The husband then appealed to the Supreme Court. Decision Traditionally, English Courts do not put considerable weight to agreements between individuals who were getting married or already married4 (post-nuptial agreement) that specifies the contingency or terms of their separation on the grounds that this may encourage them to separate5. Such,
Monday, October 14, 2019
Ernest Hemingway Essay Example for Free
Ernest Hemingway Essay Ernest Hemingway is one of the writers that define American Literature. Although he accomplished much in reputation and status due to his novel, his most celebrated works have always been his short stories. His short stories, which are known for their simple language and artful prose, are often seen as a reflection of his life. It can indeed be seen through several of the plots he penned that he was drawing out his own life experiences such as his portrayal of himself as a macho man, his relationship with the women in his life, war and death and of course alcohol. Noting this Martin Scofield rightly states, â€Å"the personal experience on which he frequently drew directly in his writing was full of confusing tension and conflict – between masculine and feminine elements in his personality, between admiration for the physical courage and a growing disillusion with violence, and between the optimism of youth and physical energy, and the inevitable depredation of old age and death. In his short stories we see vividly developed snapshots of turmoil, precise delineations of individual fragments of disparate experience.†(Scofield 139). The kind of heroes that the author went to write about in his book were a direct reflection of the kind of man he wanted to be. The male protagonist has an aura of dignity and an unwavering integrity about them. Compromise is not known to these characters in most instances. In fact both male and female characters that were created by Hemingway are more often than not, defiant of the society that they exist in and continually go against the societal norms and expectations. Hemingway was by nature a macho man. His life has shown us his indulgences in great adventures. The time he spent in wars, hunting and sport is reflected in several of his works. The kind of heroes Hemingway wrote about will probably not suffice today; torn soldiers, and death defying hunters, adventurers and bullfighters made up his works, but that these characters exhibited a personal code of honesty and decency. Harvey Claflin Mansfield rightly categorized the author’s personality in his book ‘Maniliness’, â€Å"Hemingway was a macho fellow and a seeker of adventure when coupled with fun†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Mansfield 52). An example of this can be taken from his short story ‘Indian Camp,’ where the physician is neither concerned with his lack of anesthetic and equipment nor the screaming patient. In true alpha male mode, he goes onto deliver a child with a jack-knife. His complete lack of interest in the women’s pain, which normally affects people, and the way he goes onto admire his work as though it was a non-living thing gives off a very sadistic and stereotypical macho essence. At the same time we can compare the physician’s character to the American Indian man who slit his throat and died during his wife’s giving birth. That man did not have the courage and strength to face the ordeal that his wife was going through, unlike the physician who seemed to think nothing of it. And like that Hemingway continuously writes about men that could stand up to things and endure things. The strength which he at times referred to ‘grace under pressure’ was reflective of the kind of man that does not succumb to his problems. His story of the bull fighter can also be seen as an example of this very thing, where the protagonist ignores injuries to enter battle. Explaining the development of the characters through the developments in Hemingway’s life, John Campbell noted, â€Å"In the 1920s, Hemingway began to develop a public role for himself in an attempt to show people how a writer acts when not writing. He became comfortable with this role and wrote essays for Esquire Magazine that reflected a person, outdoorsman image of a very physical man; he made a safari to Africa in the 1930s, killed big game, and so on. His male characters began to resemble this image and became more â€Å"Active†in the 1930s and 1940s. Readers often associate this macho image with Hemingway, but it is difficult to generalize about men in his work, since the early male characters are vulnerable and the later ones – more independent – have a sense of â€Å"toughness†strength and masculinity.† (Campbell 251) Hemingway wrote extensively throughout his career. One of the main recurring themes that can be seen in his short stories is that of war and death. He participated in the First World War as an ambulance driver under the Red Cross. It was during his term in Italy that he had his first love affair and was also injured. As a part of the Italian infantry he was awarded two decorations by the Italian government as well. It was his time here that he witnessed first hand the ruthlessness and stoic attitude of soldiers around him. Much of his observations later became part of his works. His time as a war correspondent in span also influenced his work. The events of the civil war that took place in Spain greatly affected him. â€Å"The Spanish civil war stories have two characteristics in common. The first-person narrator in all of them is obviously Hemingway himself, correspond dent, film-maker, raconteur, and famous personage. The second characteristic is that the real subject of all these stories, as well as the play, is the political nature of the conflict. Philips Rawlings, the main character in the ‘Fifth Column’ is also substantially autobiographical and the ‘girl,’ Dorothy Bridges, is clearly based on Martha Gellhorn, as is the girl in the story ‘Landscapes with Figures†(Donaldson 236). The stories are his version of events and how he saw the war. Most of the material is based on first hand information and as he experienced it. His short stories poignantly portrayed soldiers that left behind and lived with legacies of combat. In ‘Soldier’s Home,’ Krebs is the disillusioned veteran that comes back to home to find himself without a spiritual home. He is out of place, alienated from his family, religion and society. Hemingway’s examination of the war torn characters can also bee seen through Nick Adams. Some critiques have linked the short stories to a potential autobiographical connection and their thematic treatment to the various stages the characters go through i.e. Nick’s stages of recovery from his physical and psychological war wounds which mirror the one’s Hemingway suffered himself. It is Hemingway who in the third-person story supports the fundamental idea of Nick’s physical and spiritual recovery and renewal. It can be taken in view that writing was a form of catharsis for the author and through writing about his ordeal he managed to work through his anxiety of war (to an extent). We can see through the stories, glimpses of Hemingway’s own pain and anguish. When he returned from war ridden areas he was deeply affected. The effects of his experiences were heavy influences on his work and gave them a new sense of life. Hemingway had extremely turbulent relationships with the women in his life. His love stories are ruled by conflict between men and women whose lives are always stuck in some momentum of great tension and problems, or an extremely vivid change. He was married to four different women and was infamous for his multiple affairs. If one was to look at Hemingway’s life, one would notice that he lacked the will to stick to one woman. At some point and time breaking things off and moving on stopped giving him the guilt it once did and women became just a habit for him. His relationships with women affected his work a great deal; Paul Reuban went onto prove this in his work when he wrote that, â€Å"His [Hemingway’s] writing also reflected his trouble with relating to women and his tendency to treat them as objects, as he had four marriages and countless affairs, highlighting his theme of alienation and disconnection [in his work].†It was his guilt over women that led him to the bottle and subsequently drenched him in depression. He could not move past his guilt quickly enough before he moved onto the next woman. In his entire life he repeatedly cheated on all the women he was with; it was a vicious cycle of finding love, breaking love by finding someone else, getting depressed over his actions, finding someone else to get out of the depression. An example of the effect that his love life had on his work can be seen in ‘Hills like White Elephants,’ which was written after Hemingway had cheated on his wife Hadley with her own friend Pauline Pfeiffer. When Hemingway asked for a divorce, Hadley placed a condition of a separation between him and Pfeiffer for a certain period of time; if he remained in love even after that time he was to be granted the divorce. It was during this period that he wrote the story. The biggest similarity between his life and the short story is that in either a family member or loved one was being separated. The story which centers on a conversation between a man and a woman show that the man is the authority. The poor communication skills between the two also reflect that their relationship might end. Perhaps Hemingway himself saw this as Hadley and himself which poor communication was ending up in the death of something that connected them, in the case of the characters this would be the unborn child. When in Italy, Hemingway had a love affair while he was wounded in this duration. The effects of this can be seen in his works as well. In ‘A very short story,’ the injured solider who is found on the Italian front has a love affair with a nurse who tended to him. Just like Hemingway himself who fell in love with Agnes Von Kurowsky. As the story goes, the nurse later leaves the solider for an Italian officer. â€Å"‘A very short story’ ranks as one of Hemingway’s least effective stories. Behind a pretense of objectivity, it excoriates the faithless Agnes. Even four years after the jilting, he was too close to his subject matter to achieve the requisite artistic distance†¦ twice again he explored the subject of love between a wounded soldier and his nurse†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Beegal 105). Throughout his work it will be seen that he advocates the kind of courage in the world where men must survive without women, which goes against the work itself because it is based largely on this mother, sisters, wives, lovers etc. Hemingway’s works paved way for an entirely new genre of writing. He used plain simple language to give voice to his stories. Much of his work, when it comes to short stories, is greatly influenced by his life and it can be seen through the various example given herewith, how his life was a muse to him. His relationships with women and subsequently alcohol, his experiences at war and the death that he saw, and his ideas on masculinity and manhood were some of the basic ideas that he infused with his writings to form the basis of many of his stories. Hemingway may have been gifted but he very conflicts that he tried to work out through his writings, and the very tensions that he wrote about, subsequently became the reason he took his own life.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Technological Progress in Science, Arts and Literature
Technological Progress in Science, Arts and Literature Introduction Technology has an influence on the existence of human beings because it brings new risks as well as improving our lives. Technology has impacted a vast range of sectors ranging from health, sports, communication, and entertainment among other parameters. For instance, today individuals are anticipated to live longer as compared to the olden days due to the impacts of new technology in the medical sector. Scientific discoveries are made day by day thereby changing our world. Discussion Just like any other sectors, literature and arts field has also been significantly affected by the advancement in science and technological aspects in our world today. The manner in which art and literature works are presented has become completely different as compared to the early days before technological developments. Some of the rapidly growing art and literature aspects that have been affected by the advancement of science and technology include art application, graphic design; computer generated paintings, art blogs, Photoshop, 3D hacking, E-book, digitally created music, 3D scanning among others (Garcia Calantone, 2002). To begin, one of the literature industries that scientific and technological development has impacted significantly is the film and movie sector. Both digital and mechanical innovations have affected everything from production, distribution, and exhibition of film products. For instance, under production, the advanced technology has changed the manner in which films are shot especially with the use of some special effects. For example, the Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) is a technology that which implicates the computer graphics to unique effects. It is mainly used for visual effects since it makes the scenes controllable. For example, instead of employing the use of thousands of extras in a given scene as before, today CGI would be used for easier and simpler control. Also, many technologies today affect the distribution of films. For example, it is possible for individuals to view movies on portable devices in every location across the world. It is also possible to upload films on small devices and watch them at your discretion. The use of the internet has also simplified the viewing process of films both in legal and illegal means. For instance, an individual can download and view pirated copies free of charge on the internet. Finally, under film industry, the exhibition process of videos has been influenced as well. For instance, special effects have affected the manner in which videos are exhibited through the creation of new motives for the audience due to the special effects that are provided by the CGI technology. Besides, the digital technology has facilitated the creation of bigger and better films with numerous scenes which result into visceral pleasure for the viewers. Another key area in literature that has been transformed by the technological and scientific advancement is our reading and publishing of books. In this sector, self-publishing has been developed, and it has changed the world of books in various ways. For example, today, there is a broader understanding of publishing as compared to before. For an extended period, the publishing industry has suffered the irony that there is the only evidence of publishing when it is invisible. Today, since it is possible to publish brochures for fundraising or sports or even school cookbooks, individuals have learned the steps that are involved in publishing. Besides, due to the emergence of science and technological skills, the role of an author has continuously changed. As a result of media fragmentation in the recent years, publishers were dependent on the authors for marketing reasons, and this is a way of empowering. Because authors can meet their readers during the marketing process more so at literary festivals, or by tweeting or running blogs, they get to know their readers well and do not have to rely on publishers for relationship mediation purposes. The duty of agents has as well changed due to this type of advancement. Initially, the role of agents was to introduce the ingenuine authors to potential investors then associating with them in building long-term careers. However, due to the emergence of many self-publishing authors, agents have found it difficult since the self-publishing authors interact with the readers themselves and therefore agents are expected to identify other areas in which to direct their efforts. Finally, as a result of technological and scientific improvements, the issue is not only about making money. Self-publishing means that an individual assumes a personal responsibility to manage and produce their content which can be effectively achieved through one copy which is kept at home as the sale of many copies online. In other words, self-publishing means that a person recognizes and preserves the content which has value for another person; however, the process does not have to result in earning an income solely. Technological and scientific advancements have also altered the manner in which authors of various items do their work. According to Nietzsche, our writing instruments also work on our thoughts (Carr, 2008). Therefore, Nietzsche acquired a writing ball which compensated for his failed eyesight. This is one instance in which technology changed the manner in which literature works can be presented. The emergence of writing tools and machines has transformed writing to a great extent. Technology has not only changed an individuals styles of writing, but it also has pronunciation on literary establishment entirely. Style can be something that is tangible, but it is built from an individuals words and phrases with academic specialization of stylometry which is intended to its study and elusively associates with the authors unique feel and voice of their prose. With the invention of computers, word processing programs have entirely changed everything. For example, revision has become a considerably easy task. In fact, the difference between composition and revision has completely eroded. For example, today there are writing devices which direct the user through a draft without any stoppage for revision. Word processors have as well found their way to settings and plots in a similar way that typewriters did. Also, literary production circumstances have also changed. For example, in 1983, John Updike dismissed his secretary since he got a word processor (Kirschenbaum, 2014). Apart from style, the sense of the text has also changed due to technological advancement. For example, word processing has enabled writers to grasp manuscripts wholly. Initially, the manuscript was available through search functions. In fact, entire passages could be moved at the users will thereby reordering chapters and sections. The advancement in technology and science has also led to the development of modern literature. There has been an evolution from the gramophone and telegraph to cyberspace and cinema due to technological changes. Each technological breakthrough is accompanied by its changes in literature. Tablet computers, TV and Smartphone have threatened the cultural authority of books thereby shattering the attention or destroying reading. New communication technologies always produce new frameworks that often adjust the appearance of literature i.e. file window, website or even the screen and page. For example, with the help of technology, Walter Benjamin, a commentator, incorporated a technique of rapid intercutting g and jump cuts into a particular form of writing. This was a way in which traffic literature absorbed the film technologies. Concerning art, technology has redefined it in a strange and new ways. Individuals have created works by moving through laser beams or common data that has been gathered from the air pollution. Technology has improvised new ways through which artists express themselves. For instance, the lasers i.e. which are brush strokes, particularly in London one, is known as Assemblance whose design is aimed at encouraging visitors to create light structures and drawings of the floor through the use of colored lasers beams together with smokes. An experience known as Petting Zoo is another favorite digital revolution in the art arena. This involves the snake-like tubes which hung from the ceiling. These tubes may bend move and change colors depending on the way that they have read your sound, movement, and touch. If an individual is simply standing, the tubes will also stand bored. This artwork was developed by Minimaforms which is a design group with the aim of providing a glimpse of future when robots will be capable of reading our moods and react with kindness (Pschera, 2016). The progression of science and technology has also remarkably changed film animation. Several years back, the only way in which an individual would come up with cartoons was hand making frame by frame. However, today many cartoons are made with flash after some software which has interpolation features. In other words, this would mean that an individual doesnt have to draw all the frames for the production of movement illusion. The invention of zoetrope and the current technology has enabled the creation of graphic animation and the evolution of cartoons from 2D to the 3D format and stereoscopic 3D (Adar, Dontcheva, Fogarty Weld, 2008). It is possible to release animated movies across the globe which has become the top-grossing movies over the years. Technological advancement has brought massive changes in this sector, and if a comparison is made between the first cartoon that was made and the current animation, an individual would be convinced that a period is coming when everything would be possible. Technology continuously continues their development, and it has created the movement on a flat screen by making flat images to constantly and rapidly pass on the screen one after the other so that illusion is created. It is possible for a person to catch their favorite cartoons online in their laptops, Smartphone or iPad in high quality due to this technology. Many new cartoons are also made with the 3D software. However, creativity and studies and psychology character definition are required to achieve this. Technology has also improved the difference between modern and classical animated cartoons. For instance, a person who was born in the past century can evidently notice the difference and the unique nature between the old and new cartoons. However, the characters and features of cartoons are almost similar only that those for today are fancy as compared to those for the olden days. Animators and the animation studios continuously combine the latest technological and scientific advances with the naturally born and creative talents to push and raise the levels of possibilities especially to ensure that they come up with the most recent versions of cartoons which are fancier as compared to cartoons of the earlier generations. The final area that has been considerably impacted by the new scientific and technological advancement methodology is writing literary works. Some literary techniques have been improvised to deepen the fiction that an individual has and also to facilitate adequate communication of the intended meaning. The writer is free to use as many techniques as they would want to their literature work as long as they effectively relay their intended information or message. First, there is the use of allegory in which the writer comes up with a story whereby the characters and events bring out a system of symbolic meaning. Symbolism is another technique that can be used in presenting literary work by authors. In this instance, the writer is free to use n action, object, character or word within the story to suggest something but its not its actual dictionary meaning. Irony can also be used, and it has three types. First is verbal irony in which the intended meaning of a statement varies from the actual meaning. It is in most instances referred to as sarcasm. Secondly is the situational irony which occurs when the intended outcome of a particular action is different from the real result. The final type of irony is dramatic. In this case, the audience is more aware of the situation of the character than the characters does. Finally, due to advancement in todays literary works, there is also use of figurative language which creates a meaningful and exciting story. This type of language makes a comparison between different things. The figurative language includes simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole. The use of figurative language is essential since it gives the audience a clear image of what is being referred to by the performer or the author of an article. This, therefore, makes it easier for the public to synthesize and visualize what the author is talking about. Conclusion It is evident that science and technological advancement has not left out any sector when it comes to its application in various fields. Just like all other areas, art and literary has experienced a vast impact as a result of technological advancements. As the research paper has provided, numerous changes have been noticed especially in the video and film industries. The processes of production, distribution, and exhibition of a video film have substantially improved due to the introduction of CGI which has made it easier to combine many effects easier and more quickly as compared to the initial days. I think that technological advancement is a good thing since it has enhanced innovation and creativity thereby simplifying tasks to be much easier as opposed to olden days when it could take long before completing a particular task. References Adar, E., Dontcheva, M., Fogarty, J., Weld, D. S. (2008, October). Zoetrope: interacting with the ephemeral web. In Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (pp. 239-248). ACM. Carr, N. (2008). Is Google making us stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains (Vol. 1). July. Garcia, R., Calantone, R. (2002). A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: a literature review. Journal of product innovation management, 19(2), 110-132. Kirschenbaum, M. (2014). Operating Systems of the Mind: Bibliography After Word Processing (The Example of Updike). The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 108(4), 380-412. Pschera, A. (2016). Animal Internet: Nature and the Digital Revolution. New Vessel Press.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
International criminal court Essay -- essays research papers fc
ICC and America      Over the past few years, the International Criminal Court (ICC or â€Å"the Court†) has been igniting controversy the world over. As more countries rallied behind it, more objections have been made, particularly from Americans, regarding what many view as fundamental flaws. I have chosen two papers to compare and contrast the different viewpoints taken by the authors when reflecting upon America’s involvement with the ICC. One calls for total rejection of the ICC, the other weighs the risks and benefits and calls for revision but acceptance.      The first article, entitled â€Å"National Constitutional Compatibility and the International Criminal Court†, is written by Helen Duffy and published in the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law. The second article, entitled â€Å"Reasonable Doubt: The Case against the Proposed International Criminal Court†, is written by Gary T. Dempsey and published online at the Cato Institute website. Duffy’s article was published late in 2001, a contrast to Dempsey’s article which was published in 1998, just one day prior to the International Rome conference on July 17th that resulted in the establishment of the ICC. Many of the incongruencies in the ICC treaty that troubled Americans three years ago have yet to be brought into balance with American values. These two papers give similar, although at times slightly different, viewpoints on the issue. Dempsey criticizes the ICC before it has even been birthed into existence. â€Å"Specifically, the court threatens to diminish America’s sovereignty, produce arbitrary and highly politicized ‘justice,’ and grow into a jurisdictional leviathan.†He expresses his lack of faith in the Court’s ability to complement national governments and their respective judicial systems while refraining from infringing upon their sovereignty. He is explicitly clear in his position, stating in his paper that, â€Å"For those and other reasons, the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives should have sufficient grounds to†¦refuse to ratify and to fund the International Criminal Court.†Duffy brings the issue up, adding pertinent information concerning other government’s constitutions and how some other nations have gone so far as to amend their own constitution to accommodate their acceptance of the ICC’s regulations. â€Å"A small number ... ...ntradiction of terms. If the Court finds it unsatisfactory, doesn’t that imply that the Court already believes the authorities are not doing justice? How much â€Å"convincing†would they need? Duffy again points out the need for revision in the treaty.      Both papers share a similar overview from remarkably different viewpoints. Many of the somewhat extremist views that Dempsey takes are tempered through Duffy’s call for consideration and revision. As the ICC moves forward with the trial of Slobodan Milosevic and others to come, it is important to cooperate harmoniously with the rest of the world’s nations, seeking justice and guidance. At the same time, we must not lose sight of those rights and responsibilities that make us one of the greatest nations on earth. Works Cited â€Å"National Constitutional Compatibility and the International Criminal Court.†Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law. Helen Duffy. 2001.'l+L.+5 â€Å"Reasonable Doubt: The Case against the Proposed International Criminal Court.†Gary T. Dempsey. 16 July. 1998.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Create A Classic Detective Story Essay
In this assignment I will analyse the classic Sherlock Holmes detective story the â€Å"Speckled Band†and find out how sir Conan Doyle takes a basic idea from all detective stories, a murder and still create a classic story. First off a detective story needs a murder and in this case it was the death of Sarah stoner that starts the story off, but no death in any detective story would be complete without a mysterious death and the way Sarah died was a mystery. And I think that most detective stories use mysterious deaths because this makes the story more interesting and more intriguing because if the death was straight forward then the reader might be able to predict the ending of the story before actually reading the end of the story. This story also has its fair shares of mysterious characters for instance Helen Stoner, who is Sarah stoners sister is as mysterious as they get, like when she first met Sherlock she was wearing black clothes like she just came from a funeral. But why use mysterious characters? Because it is these characters that keep the reader guessing as to who the suspects may be and sometimes the writer can use this as an advantage to create a huge twist in the end of the story. The story describes the atmosphere as well such in the case of Sarah’s death the atmosphere was described as dark, mysterious sounds etc and this is very important to use descriptions of certain atmospheres and locations because they will help the reader create a sort of picture of the scene in their heads therefore making them want to read more because it helps them get more involved with the story – and also makes them think about what’s going to happen next. The location of the story is also important and in this story most of the tension is created in the mansion of Helen stoner, which is owned by Dr Roylott. And in this mansion are a number of false clues such as in the room of Sarah stoner there’s an emergency bell that don’t work, her bed bolted to the ground, no windows and a ventilator that goes straight in to Dr Roylotts room. But the biggest false clue to me was the title itself the â€Å"Speckled Band†and it was pure genius for Conan Doyle to use a title like this because some people read the story purely out of curiosity to find out what the speckled band was. So by using mysterious deaths, mysterious characters, atmospheres, locations & false clues the writer is able to draw the reader in the story, use tension to create questions in the mind of the reader but it also helps the writer stay 5 steps ahead to create a classic detective story.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Experiential Exercise 3A Developing an EFE Matrix for Walt Disney Company Purpose This exercise will give you practice developing an EFE matrix . An EFE matrix summarizes the result of an external audit . This is an important tool widely used by strategists . Instructions Step 1Join with other two students in class , and jointly prepare an EFE Matrix for Walt Disney Company . Refer back to the cohesion case and to Experiential Exercise 1A . If necessary , to identify external opportunities and threats . Use the information in the S&P Industry Surveys that you copied as part of Experiential Exercise 1A . Be sure not to include strategies as opportunities , but di include as many $’s , %’s , #’s , and ratios as possible . Step 2 All three-person team participating in this exercise should record their EFE total weighted scores on the board . Put your initials after your score to identify it as your team’s Step 3 Compare the total weighted scores. Which team’s score came closest to the instructor’s answer ? iscuss reasons for variation in the scores reported on the board . Experential Exercise 3C Developing an EFE Matrix for my University Purpose More colleges and universities are embarking upon the strategic-management process . Institutions are consciously and systematically identifying and evaluating external opportunities and threats facing higher education in your state , the nation , and the world . Instructions Step 1Join with two other i ndividuals in class and jointly prepare an EFE Matrix for your institution. Step 2 Go to the board and record your total weighted score in a column that includes the scores of all three person-teams participating . Put your initials after your score to identify it as your team’s. Step 3 Which team viewed your college’s strategies most positively ? Which team viewed your college’s most negatively ? Discuss the nature of the differences . Opportunities †¢Ã‚   Move into different segments †¢Ã‚   Proper inventory management †¢Ã‚   Market development in untapped countries. †¢Ã‚   Reduction in operating costs. †¢Ã‚   Disney music channel    Benchmarking to improve management practices. †¢Ã‚   Disney school of management and training †¢Ã‚   Online Websites †¢Ã‚   Develop more attractions for theme park. Threats †¢Ã‚   Security Threats due to terrorism †¢Ã‚   Employee retention †¢Ã‚   High compe tition in Media Industry. †¢Ã‚   Facing fierce competition from Paramount Parks, Universal Studios and Six Flags Theme Parks. †¢Ã‚   Social and ethnic groups. †¢Ã‚   Government policies †¢Ã‚   High demanding market in terms of innovation. †¢Ã‚   Increasing salaries and labor cost. †¢Ã‚   Recession    Maintain product differentiation. †¢Ã‚   Tight competition in national and international markets. †¢Ã‚   Searching, paying and retaining innovative people. †¢Ã‚   Piracy Recent changes in U. S. , global, or regional economic conditions could have a continuing adverse effect on the profitability of some or all of our businesses. Changes in public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment and consumer products could reduce demand for our entertainment offerings and products and adversely affect the profitability of any of our businesses. Changes in technology and in consumer consumption patterns may affect demand for our entertainment products or the cost of producing or distributing products. The success of our businesses is highly dependent on the existence and maintenance of intellectual property rights in the entertainment products and services we create. A variety of uncontrollable events may reduce demand for our products and services, impair our ability to provide our products and services or increase the cost of providing our products and services. Increased competitive pressures may reduce our revenues or increase our costs. Sustained increases in costs of pension and postretirement medical and other employee health and welfare benefits may reduce our profitability. Our results may be adversely affected if long-term programming or carriage contracts are not renewed on sufficiently favorable terms. Changes in regulations applicable to our businesses may impair the profitability of our businesses. Labor disputes may disrupt our operations and adversely affect the profitability of any of our businesses. Provisions in our corporate documents and Delaware state law could delay or prevent a change of control, even if that change would be beneficial to shareholders. The seasonality of certain of our businesses could exacerbate negative impacts on our operations. The Company’s acquisition of Marvel is expected to cause short term dilution in earnings per share and there can be no assurance that anticipated improvements in earnings per share will be realized.
World’s Reliance on Computers
Computers are used in many different ways; they are used in all sorts of different fields of work and are very important to many different people. Practically anything that you use is made by computers. Today’s modern vehicles and airplanes were are designed on a computer. Our country’s traffic signals are run by a network of computers. In a hospital, most lifesaving machines are run by computers. Space exploration would not have been possible without the help of computers. Most employers today require the use of computers. Most people in this 21st century would be lost if they didn’t have the computer.In the early 1800’s with no computers, the medical field had no cures for life threatening diseases. But now in the 21st century most of the cures we have discovered were created with the aid of computers. Computers our found everywhere, in places such as pharmacies. Where without them they would have a hard time keeping inventory, and managing which medicin e goes to which patient. The votes for elections are counted, it may have been done by hand one day, but that makes them inaccurate and easily tampered with. But with the growing population and security risks it would be unmanageable without computers.As said previously space exploration would not be possible at all without the guidance of computer systems. You got to admit life would truly suck without computers. Many people do not agree at all and argue that we don’t need computers at all to live on. Well they could be right, but they sure do not know what would happen to the economy and the quality of life without them. At one point in time there were computers that were nowhere near as intricate like the ones we have learned to love today. Older computers were not as small as the ones we are used to having on our laps today.In fact the first computer ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and computer), weighed 30 short tons, was roughly 8 feet by 3 feet by 100 feet, took up 1800 square feet (size of a modern apartment), and consumed 150 kW of power. Now compare that to your Apple MacBook Air. ***Computers changed the world a lot. It helped man step forward into the future. Thanks to computers, space exploration came true, new designs of vehicles and other transportation were made, entertainment became more entertaining, medical science made more cures for diseases, etc. . . The computers impacted our lives in many ways. You may not notice it but they did make life a lot easier. Without computers, the world would be a harder place to live in. Thanks to the computers, everyday life is easier for us. Some people may disagree but most wouldn't. Some people say that computers are taking away man power. That may be true but computers did make the impossible possible. *** In this modern age, most businesses today depend on computers and its comparable equipment. Computers have been the key tool to build a successful business.Business computer users have m any different uses for the computers, such as keeping a database on inventory, or managing client accounts, keeping track of money, and so much more. Laptops are another type of computer which is portable, and can be used anywhere. Many business user like laptops because the allow them to do work while on an airplane, or a train. Business users tend to use applications like Microsoft Office Suite where they can make slideshows with pie-charts and graphs to present information to other people in meetings. Any of the new movies you watch are made with special effects.These special effects are made on the computer; in fact most of the graphics you see have all been enhanced on a computer as well. To the left is a picture from the movie â€Å"Avatar. †Avatar was created by specially made suits attached to computers which then turned movement into animation, and then used high tech texturing and graphics to create these creatures. This wasn't the only movie made with computers. M ovies like Lord of the Rings, Titanic, Fight Club, Star Wars, and many more used computers to make them seem more stimulating and accurate.There are movies that have been entirely made on computers such as Finding Nemo and Despicable Me. Now computers are not only used in motion picture graphics they are even used to create the video games we all love to play. In facts the game console you play your video games on are considered mini computers such as PlayStation, Xbox, and Wii. Without computers you would never experience what it feels like to play Halo! Schools all over the country are starting to need more money to invest in their computer systems.Computers are starting to play a huge role in the education field. They help students create magnificent essays such as this one. Make PowerPoint presentations for their school projects. They can easily find the information they need on the thousands of different databases there are on the internet. Most high schools and colleges are re quiring that you type all of your essays and reports. Teachers also benefit from the use of computers as well. They can use the computer to do attendance, manage grades, and communicate with student outside of class time.Medical technology is the most important use of computers. Computers have helped save countless numbers of lives in the hospitals. All of the hospitals newer equipment is all running on a computer. Right now majority of the computers in the hospital help the hospital keep track of patient data, and they make sure the patient doesn’t have a balance! Scientists use computers to find cures for diseases that need cures like cancer and Alzheimer’s. Some of the cures we have found today would not have been possible without computers.It is astonishing how computers have changed the way we live. Something simple such as purchasing fare for the metro lines needs a computer. Tokens are no longer used today. As a replacement for tokens we now use metro cards. The metro cards store data that made by a computer. Also, online shopping has been very effective in previous few years. For the people who don’t have the time to shop in a store this them to just shop online. It also provides ease around the holiday season when the stores are mobbed. The internet has opened so many doors for the world.Computers are not only a luxury anymore they are now a necessity for businesses, homes, and schools. They have become learning devices, great information organizers for businesses. They have made communication instant. Without computers, we as a nation would not be move forward as fast as we are! If all of the computers in the world were to stop working, we would all be in big trouble. If you think that our society is prepared for a world with no computers, well, Godspeed. The fact is our world would be at a halt and mass chaos would arise. A world without computers, well, it’s unimaginable!
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Increasing the Number of People Downsizing in Social Housing Essay
Increasing the Number of People Downsizing in Social Housing - Essay Example With housing being a necessity, it observes with keenness that there has been a downward trend in many countries regarding people who own homes or have decent housing. It probes the root cause of the problem with the different scholars offering different views on the subject. It enhances the importance of housing and the fact that governments have played a big role in the so called â€Å"downsizing’. It therefore delegates itself the duty of bringing the solution to this societal problem that has been highlighted by the emergence of slums while at the same time posh estates of the rich exist. It simply offers solution and tries to ascertain how an increase can be made to the number of people in the social housing. With examples from countries such as Britain, United States, and Sweden it analyses their policies and checks on whether they seceded or not. To this end, it is informative, sceptical, and analytical. Aims of the strategy To understand whether there can be an increa se in the number of people who attain the social housing with the understanding that there are forces that fight this move and have led to the decrease of the same. Background Study Housing is a basic necessity. This then means that home ownership serves the purpose of ensuring that fundamental obligations are fulfilled. This may include raising the quality of family life and education. To this end, housing plays a fundamental role in the economies of both developed and developing countries with the governments of respective countries acknowledging this as a mirror of development. Housing policy then has been regarded in two different views; there are those who view it in terms of continuity or change with the change protagonist accusing the regime of short termism due to their nature of treating the housing as a â€Å"political football†and being chameleons in their nature of changing colours and direction to reflect party political preferences (Balchin and Rhoden 2002). Th ese changing political positions have made it impossible to have choices that are rational in the housing sector. This change perspective is argued by Harloe (1995) who notes that the case of British housing policy is ideal example where he links the change from the periods of 1919 to 1970s. He notes that this is as a result of both long term economic changes and shorter political tensions by stating that social housing widened from residual housing only in times of market disruptions and political upheavals. Barker (2003) supports this by contending that the role of housing policy was only to support modernization of the housing market while the social housing played a different role. To this end, the propagators of this view had their insights on the fact
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
CIPD - M1-B DEP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
CIPD - M1-B DEP - Coursework Example The executives in this department assist the officials in allocating the resources, allotting people for a particular project and to help them in other problems. In this case, professional development is certainly required as the human resource executives must be updated with the latest advancements. Professional development is certainly important in today’s competitive world. An employee must equip and update himself with the technological developments and advancements to help him survive in an industry. Professional development is a concept of learning new skills, updating and improving their skills. This will enable them to improve their career and this directly and indirectly improves the organization as well. This improvement must be informative to help them to tackle domain related issues. The human resource profession map exhibits the professional areas, behavioral aspects one must possess in order to be an efficient human resource executive. The CIPD human resource map emphasizes on the professional and behavioral aspects of a human resource executive. This is described with the help of human resource map and this map is divided in to three distinct parts. The primary part of the map indicates the behavioral aspects which describe the character of a person employed in an organization. (CIPD, 2010). Since the behavior of a person determines his professional character, this area is considered to be the primary classification of the human resource map. The secondary part of the map is built with the professional areas which define the operations and happenings in the organization. This also describes how an employee is professionally capable of handling the situations in an organization. The professional areas are in turn classified under two different categories, stra tegy insights and solutions and leading and managing the human resource function. The professional areas in the human resource map
Monday, October 7, 2019
Christianity versus Islamism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Christianity versus Islamism - Essay Example The objective of the essay is to compare and contrast two specific characteristics that are evident in two religions, one eastern religion and one Abrahamic religion, particularly Christianity versus Islamism in terms of belief system and rituals or rites. Likewise, two interviews each from the practitioner of the identified religions from any of the following sources: face to face, over phone, email, an online source, or even from a biography, is proposed to be used to solicit personal insights on the comparative details of the characteristics abovementioned. For the essay, a biography was used for points of views of the Islam faith; while a face-to-face interview with a Catholic practitioner was used for Christian views of the characteristics identified. ...eaven (a disciple died in his place) resurrection of Jesus affirmed denied, since he did not die second coming of Jesus affirmed affirmed means of salvation correct belief, faith, good deeds, sacraments (some Protestants emphasi ze faith alone) correct belief, good deeds, Five Pillars Rituals & Practices Christianity Islam house of worship church, chapel, cathedral, basilica, meeting hall mosque day of worship Sunday Friday religious leaders priest, bishop, archbishop, patriarch, pope, pastor, minister, preacher, deacon imams major sacred rituals baptism, communion (Eucharist) Five Pillars: prayer, pilgrimage, charity, fasting, confession of faith central religious holy days Lent, Holy Week, Easter Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-Adha, month of Ramadan other holidays Christmas, saints days Mawlid, Ashura major symbols cross, crucifix, dove, anchor, fish, alpha and omega, chi rho, halo crescent, name of Allah in Arabic Source: Religion Facts, 2011. As seen from the comparative review, distinct differences come in terms of various key elements with similarities only on the following accounts: birth of Jesus and his second coming, salvation sourced from practicing correct beliefs and angels and demons as spiritual beings. The rest of the characteristics manifest contrasting elements. Christians, particularly focusing on the Catholic Church, believe that God is the Supreme Power and Jesus was believed to be the Son of God. In Islam, there is no other God but Allah and Jesus was believed to be the second to the last prophet. Further, Catholics believed Jesus died on the cross and both Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus was ascended alive into heaven. The main books differ for both religions: Bible for the Catholics and Quran for the Muslims.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
(Film adaptation)should be named in accordance with the thesis Research Paper
(Film adaptation)should be named in accordance with the thesis statement - Research Paper Example s who were graced with the opportunity of reading Mark O’Brien’s insightful and thought provoking article upon its initial publication in 1990 must have been touched by the profoundness of the story and the raw streak of honesty which prevails in the author’s recollection of a journey which triggered and fulfilled the exploration of his sexuality. Yet, it is the 2012 adaptation of O’Brien’s article under the name of The Sessions starring John Hawkes as Mark O’Brien and Helen Hunt as sex surrogate Cheryl Cohen-Greene that delves into a greater comprehension of the psychological elements of disability, which is a state that for the most part has always been associated with physical consequences rather than accepting the emotional characteristics which are linked with it. The elements that transform the article â€Å"On Seeing a Sex Surrogate†into the motion picture The Sessions are rooted in O’Brien’s discussion of his life’s intimate details openly with the priest, the development of a bond of love between himself and Cheryl and his discovery of a life partner in Susan. These factors reemphasize and restate the idea that the positive molding of an individual’s psychological state through love, acceptance and understanding can trigger a profound change in one’s self-image. While, this phenomenon is gradually observed by the audience throughout the course of the film it is eventually witnessed and reaffirmed when the emotional outburst of the three most important women in his life – his nurse, Cheryl and his life partner in the last phase of his existence is projected at Mark’s funeral. Therefore, The Sessions is an insight into the life of disabled individuals who have to fight through life de aling with psychological issues that are prompted by the negative attitude of society and religious construct towards invalids’ sexuality and how these issues can be resolved through the application of positive psychology including the transformation
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