Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Creative Writing Commentry Essay Example for Free
Creative Writing Commentry Essay The kite runner presents a tale of intertwined personal conflicts and tragedies, its a compelling novel set in 1970s Afghanistan, revolving around a tragic incident that allows Hosseini to examine themes of loyalty and betrayal, revealing its significant flaws in 1970s Afghan society. This capturing plot is what attracted me to use The Kite Runner as my stimulus text as it presented me with an opportunity to explore the themes of loyalty and betrayal whilst adding a modern twist to it. For my creative piece I decided to compose a short monologue of a friend witnessing his life long companion being a victim of knife crime, this short monologue mirrors that of Amirs thoughts during the scene in the kite runner whilst his half-brother Hassan is being raped by another boy from the neighbourhood. From this monologue it is clear I have specifically formed it by taking certain aspects from the rape scene of the kite runner and also empowered another aspect from the kite runner by utilising the theme of betrayal and also considering the historical context of the novel as it was set at a time of conflict in Afghan community during the 1970s therefore by modernising it so it relates to the social context of today, as knife crime is almost a daily, fashionable occurrence in modern society, just like conflicts between the Pashtuns and Hazaras were during 1970s Afghanistan. The title Loyalty Juxtaposes the actual monologue as it portrays an act of disloyalty, and in a sense betrayal. This was done to make the reader think back to the title after reading it as the plot of the monologue is likely to have been a contrast of their assumptions before they actually read it, this also adds a sense of ambiguity and leaves the reader to speculate or predict what may have happened next as I purposely did not make it clear what the narrator does after Jamals final words, does he in fact empower the title by then pursuing his murderer? This is a question that is likely to linger in the readers thoughts. My title has a similar effect to that of Khaled Hosseinis novel, as the title The Kite Runner is one which immediately create assumptions about a story which portrays freedom and unity, however just like my monologue, the novel juxtaposes its title as the story is based around oppression in Afghan society and intra-conflicts between a religion . Like Khaled Hosseini, I employed the use of short and single word sentences in the build up to my climax to create a sense of anticipation just before one of the main characters Jamal is stabbed Jamals filled with panic. Confusion. Regret. This is also done in kite runner towards the rape sceneHe unzipped his jeans. Dropped his underwear. He positioned himself behind Hassan. Hassan Didnt struggle. This was done as It creates a hostile environment, reinforcing the readers belief that something dramatic is inevitable. Another technique I have adopted from Khaled Hosseini is his use of flashbacks to provide the reader with information of the two boys relationship before this tragic night, this is effective as it allows them to understand why this young boys thoughts are filled with such hatred and hostility towards himself for not helping his dying friend. Furthermore I attempted to employed Hosseinis use of imagery effectively in my Creative piece, this is shown through my description of the scenes prior to the knife incident Jamal still lay on the ground dampened by the slight drizzle of rain. Stationary. His blood slowly dripping from his jacket to the ground landing into the pool of water, diluting it. This is similar to the way Hosseini approaches the climactic scene of his novel when he describes the alley in which Hassan is raped A havoc of scrap and rubble littered the alley. Worn bicycle tires, bottles with peeled labels, ripped up magazines, yellow newspapers, all scattered amid a pile of bricks and slabs of cements. Another technique of Hosseinis that I attempted to replicate was the way in which he structured The Kite Runner, many critics have suggested that Hosseini develops a structure in the novel where he is able to set up expectations at the beginning of the novel, then turn these expectations into a reality by the end. I have attempted this by incorporating flashbacks into my first paragraph making it appear as something dramatic is going to occur in the next paragraph, whilst Hosseini employs flashbacks also to represent the fact that the key character Amir will be forced to rectify these early experiences to salvage what is remaining of his guilty conscious. I also incorporated a similar sentence structure in my piece utilising short sentences and pauses. Overall I have tried to replicate certain aspects from my stimulus text The Kite Runner, mainly those involving form structure, the key themes and also the significance of the title and flashbacks, the historical and social context of the novel, the use of imagery, juxtaposition of the themes as loyalty and betrayal are almost opposites of each other. I believe I have been successful in achieving most of these factors as the majority are included in my creative peice.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Success of the Simpsons Essay examples -- essays papers
The Success of the Simpsons The Improbable Long-Term Success of The Simpsons When examining the history of modern prime-time television, there is a certain pattern that virtually every successful show inevitably falls into. After a period of initial success, perhaps lasting three or four years, the writing on the show becomes stale by using the same format and same jokes over and over. The viewing audience becomes bored, and eventually, the show fades into television oblivion. Or, as Jeff MacGregor states in The New York Times, â€Å"Historically†¦(successful shows) collapse under the weight of their own complacency, hanging on for a few lifeless seasons while the producers wait to cash out their millions and move to Maui.†Based on this premise, it would seem that â€Å"The Simpsons,†an animated series that debuted in 1987 as thirty second segments on â€Å"The Tracey Ullman Show,†should have worn out its welcome long ago. However, â€Å"The Simpsons†is still going strong today. The secret to the show’s success lies in its producers’ ability to understand the expectations of the television audience and the culture that surrounds them. This understanding, combined with â€Å"wry sarcasm, topical themes, and superb scripting that puts most other comedies to shame,†as well as some old-fashioned slapstick comedy, makes â€Å"The Simpsons†one of the most popular programs in television history. The show is often complex and highly intellectual, while remaining funny at the most basic levels. As Jim Gleeson states in The College Tribune, â€Å"The show is rare in rewarding attention to detail, with especially obscure references that†¦ even if you had never heard of†¦you would still laugh, giddy with the crafted sleight of it all.†This fact that the show works on several levels at once draws a generationally diverse fan base. The adults are attracted by the surprisingly sophisticated dialogue, while the children enjoy the clumsy antics of Homer and the traditionally â€Å"cartoonish†aspects of the program. An example of a multidimensional scene occurs in the episode where Marge, the mother of the Simpson family, starts a crusade against campaign violence. Maggie, the baby, is mesmerized by an â€Å"Itchy and Scratchy†cartoon show in which the mouse pummels the cat over the head with a sledgehammer. Later in the episode, Maggie imitates the actions of the mouse by hitting her fathe... ... theory suggests that the success of â€Å"The Simpsons†is a consequence of television history, and could not have taken place if the show had originated twenty years earlier. The medium of television needed time to build up complexity and diversity, so that the show could virtually redefine what is expected of a television program. Based on this theory, â€Å"The Simpsons’†effect on television is similar to the Beatles’ effect on music. The theory predicts that the show will continue on until, just like the Beatles, they have nothing left to do. At its current pace, â€Å"The Simpsons†seems like it could go on forever. The show is continually progressing and perhaps funnier than ever. The writers are further developing the characters with each passing episode, and the show’s possibilities, for the time being, seem limitless. It is difficult to explain exactly what the allure of the show is, but at the core its most appealing characteristic is that it is simply funny. From the simple pleasure of watching Homer fall flat on his face to the most obscure reference imaginable, â€Å"The Simpsons†continues to entertain over a decade after its conception and shows no signs of slowing down.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Cross Contamination Example Essay
There are 3 different types of contamination in the food industry; microbial contamination, physical contamination and chemical contamination, with microbial contamination being a more frequent cause of food poisoning and rising, with the amount of products contaminated having seen 91 % between 2006 and 201 1 (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs , 2012) . A variety of things can cause microbial cross- contamination, but the most common causes are through vehicles or vectors carrying harmful bacteria (pathogens) from a source to the food.The source or reservoir is where the contamination Originates from, for example, humans, raw food, rodents, dust and soil. In the context of cross- contamination, a vehicle is a substance, object or living thing that moves the contaminant away from its source to the food. The vehicle could either be dictionary or a mobile vehicle. A vector is an organism, usually a bird or an insect, that transmits a pathogen from one place to another. The aim for a food manufacturer is to make a commercially sterile, not completely sterile.The definition for a commercially sterile product is â€Å"Commercial sterility of food means the conditions achieved by application of heat which renders such food free from microorganisms capable of growing in the food at temperatures at which the food is likely to be held during distribution and storage. †(Food and Agriculture Organization, 2007). The reason for this is that he severe thermal treatment needed to make a product completely sterile would severely reduce the sensory quality and nutritional value of the product, as well as increasing the energy consumption to reach higher heats.There are various reasons as to why cross-contamination happens and is a major cause of food poisoning, for example, poor hand washing techniques, confusion of terminology by staff, equipment design and color coded equipment which people do not adhere to. It is also very difficult to track down the causes of an outbreak, so it may take a while to take the relevant assure to stop the outbreak and sometimes the wrong thing is blamed, for example, in 2011 , Spanish fruit and vegetables were blamed for an E. Coli outbreak across Europe, killing 22 people.However, it was later discovered that German bean sprouts were the likely cause (BBC News, 201 1). The mistake cost the Spanish fruit and vegetable industry Emma per week, proving how economically important it is to get the causes right (BBC News, 201 1). In many food poisoning cases, a sequence of events contributes to an outbreak, rather than just one activity alone. This is called the microbial chain ND makes it even harder to discover the true cause Of an outbreak. An example of a microbial chain is; cooked ham comes into a store and is sliced.This ham has come from the supplier contaminated so has now contaminated the slices used. The slices is not washed and other meats, for example, more cooked ham or cooked beef, is slice d on it. This then causes the other meats to become contaminated, making it difficult to find the meat that originally caused the problem. The cooked meat that has been contaminated is ready to eat, so therefore is a high risk product as no further retirement will be done to kill pathogens, meaning it is very likely that a case of food poisoning would come from this microbial chain if the pathogen was harmful enough.A wide range of things can act as vehicles for microbes, for example, hands, clothes, cleaning cloths and pests can all act as mobile vehicles, and food- contact surfaces, food itself and hand-contact surfaces, such as door handles, fridge door and taps, can all act as stationary vehicles. These vehicles can carry pathogens onto high risk foods such as ready to eat products such as, cooked meats, cooked prawns, oysters, and dairy products. A high risk food can be defined as â€Å"any ready-to-eat food that will support the growth of pathogenic bacteria easily and does n ot require any further heat treatment or cooking'. Warwick University , 2011). This means that special care needs to be taken preparing these foods in the factory or in the kitchen, for example, using separate areas in the factory or using separate chopping boards for raw and cooked meat in the kitchen. There are many laws that have been put in place to try and prevent cross-contamination, therefore reducing the frequency of major food poisoning outbreaks. These laws can be found in SEC) 852/2004 Hygiene of Food Stuffs and it is the job of environmental health officers to enforce these laws, through audits.This laws have been changed and updated over time since 2004 to make them more relevant and applicable. A public enquiry on the 2005 E. Coli 0157 outbreak in South Wales, chaired by Hugh Pennington, a professor Of bacteriology, helped further improve this piece of legislation when it was published in 2009. However, many find these difficult to interpret and use in the context of t heir own business, so the Food Standards Agency created Safe Food Better Business', tit different sections for different types of companies that handle food, for example, for caterers, takeaways, retailers, child minders and care homes.These documents are also provided in different languages to help provide businesses, run by foreign owners who don't speak English, improve the safety of the food from the business and help them adhere to the laws in (SEC) 852/2004, therefore reducing the risk of an outbreak occurring through cross- contamination from this business. There are many examples of where cross- contamination has been the probable cause of major food poisoning outbreaks, for example, an outbreak of Weston Blumenthal ‘The Fat Duck' restaurant in 2009, the E. Oil 0157 outbreak in in 2005 in South Wales and an E. Coli outbreak in Lancashire, Scotland in 1996. The 2005 outbreak of E. Coli 0157 in South Wales was a major outbreak and lots of mistakes were made for it to occ ur, which were highlighted in the Pennington Report. In the outbreak, 157 cases were identified, 31 people admitted to hospital and 1 five year old boy died. This prompted a public enquiry carried out by a Professor in Bacteriology called Hugh Pennington.The problems identified were; poor audits carried out by Environmental Health Officers at John Tudor and Son, critical control points not met, no valid ‘Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point' (HACK) plan and issues with cooked meat being prepared and packed in the same area as raw meat, therefore causing cross-contamination (Pennington, 2009). The meat also ending up in schools in the area, meaning smaller children with weaker immune systems were more at risk of becoming infected, so they were more vulnerable to serious illness and death.One cause of the outbreak was that there was only one Vic packer, which are used o vacuum pack a product, was used for cooked and raw meat, causing any pathogens that were on the raw meat to contaminate the Vic packer, which then contaminated the cooked meat. This then became the problem as the cooked meat will not be treated again, so there is a good chance that a harmful level of pathogens will be present in the meat when consumed.Environmental health officers that had inspected the premises had noticed that there was only one Vic packer for both, however the Food Business operator had told that they had another Vic packer that was of site for repairs. This turned out to be a lie and could have easily been detected, had the inspector enquired further and asked for proof, however it was only discovered to be not true at later inspection. In the Pennington Report it states that ‘special attention' was paid to the Vic packer and that ‘the use of one for both raw and cooked meats carried with it a serious risk of cross- contamination'.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The American Revolution - 978 Words
The period prior to the American Revolution saw the formation of the thirteen colonies through which United States was governed as a British colony. The actual revolution refers to a period through which a political upheaval was experienced, and this was through the period between 1765 and 1785 (Irvin, 5). During this time, Americans rebelled against the aristocratic and monarchies instituted by the British in the thirteen colonies. The rebellion led to the overthrow of the government of Great Britain through which the United States of America was founded. Bad taxation policies, as well as intolerable acts of conflict like the Boston massacre and tea party, were the main reasons that made the colonies to rebel. The Intolerable Acts was the American Patriots name for a series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea party. They were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in throwing a large tea shipment into Boston harbor. The escalation of the ‘intolerable’ acts brought together the representatives from all the colonies with the exception of Georgia in a bid to discuss their reaction towards the British rule and this became what was called the ‘first’ continental congress. Philadelphia was the place where the representative met for the first congress in 1774 (Rakove, 389-390) on September 5 to October 26, 1774 at Carpenters Hall. It was only the delegates from Georgia who were not allowed to attend by the thenShow MoreRelatedThe American Revolution : The Revolution1367 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Revolution Revolutionizes the World It was the first revolution to majorly succeed and change how people saw their countries, it was the American Revolution. 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The upheaval was a primitive modern revolution in which generality traversed for liberty in the statute of law, constitutional privilege and supremacy. Ensuing years of contentionRead MoreThe American Revolution889 Words  | 4 PagesThe American Revolution was one of the most vital events in American History lasting form 1775 to 1783, it effected the nation socially, economically and politically. The American Revolution brought upon many changes in America, and freedom of the nation. The Revolutionary War was a stepping stone to what we are as a nation today, it created both short and long-term effects on the world. When wanting to blame a certain side, the British politicians or the American agitators, several key points leadRead MoreThe American Revolution993 Words  | 4 PagesThe topic of the American Revolution is a topic that has been discussed on multiple levels and is extremely well-known, especially within the United States. 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