Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Beauty Is Not Pain - 1704 Words
Beauty is NOT pain As we get older we all experience changes in our body, some that we love and others that we could do without. People are born in all shapes and sizes, but why is it that some choose to change that with cosmetic and plastic surgery? What would motivate someone to go through hours of pain just for a new body? With the appearance of more â€Å"perfect†looking celebrities in the media, the self-esteem of many women spiral down, especially in Asia. Beauty standards in South Korea are now being define by many K-Pop idols. â€Å"In Seoul, 1 of every 5 women ages 19 to 49 has had some type of plastic surgery, according to a 2009 survey by Trend Monitor†(Chow, NPR). With the media exposing the image of â€Å"perfection†in K-Pop celebrities’†¦show more content†¦Lee). The surgery is done with â€Å"IV sedation and local anesthetics†that are enough to keep you awake in order to â€Å"cooperate during your surgery to determine t he desired outcome of the upper eyelid fold†and to insure â€Å"that the shape and size of your eyes remain symmetrical†(Dr. Lee). The double eyelid surgery are said to date back to Japan in the late 19th century, however it was first introduced to South Korea sometime during 1950-1953, which marked the era of the Korean War. Credit goes to American plastic surgeon Dr. Ralph Millard who during the war was station in Seoul, Korea to do reconstructive surgery on wounded soldiers. During Dr. Millard’s time in Seoul, he was the first to develop and perform the double eyelid surgery on a Korean man who wanted rounder eyes (Baer). Dr. Millard managed to finish the surgery successfully and shortly after receiving many Korean women patients who reportedly worked in the sex trade and Korean women who were future war brides. Sex trade women wanted the surgery in order to gain more appeal to American men and Asian war brides wanted the surgery in order to â€Å"fit in†with their husband’s American family (Baer). The double eyelid surgery became popular more after World War II as Asian women wanted to reflect western women who were seen as more beautiful (Baer). The controversy and
Sunday, May 17, 2020
How to Appeal a Dismissal From College
No one has ever entered college with the goal of being suspended or dismissed. Unfortunately, life happens. Perhaps you simply werent quite ready for the challenges of college or the freedom of living on your own. Or maybe you encountered factors outside of your control  illness, injury, a family crisis, depression, death of a friend, or some other distraction that made college a lower priority than it needed to be. Whatever the situation, the good news is that an academic dismissal is rarely the last word on the matter. Nearly all colleges allow students to appeal a dismissal. Schools realize that your GPA doesnt tell the whole story and that there are always factors that contributed to your poor academic performance. An appeal gives you the opportunity to put your grades into context, explain what went wrong, and convince the appeals committee that you have a plan for future success. If Possible, Appeal in Person Some colleges allow written appeals only, but if you have the option of appealing in person, you should take advantage of the opportunity. The members of the appeals committee will think you are more committed to being readmitted if you take the trouble to travel back to college to make your case. Even if the thought of appearing in front of the committee terrifies you, it is still usually a good idea. In fact, genuine nervousness and tears can sometimes make the committee more sympathetic to you. You will want to be well prepared for your meeting and follow strategies for a successful in-person appeal. Show up on time, well dressed, and by yourself (you dont want it to look as tho your parents are dragging you to your appeal). Also, be sure to think about the types of questions youre likely to be asked during an appeal. The committee will certainly want to know what went wrong, and theyll want to know what your plan is for future success. Be painfully honest when youre speaking with the committee members. They will have received information from your professors and advisors as well as student life personnel, so theyre going to know if youre holding back information. Make the Most of a Written Appeal Often in-person appeals require a written statement, and in other situations, an appeal letter is your only option for pleading your case. In either situation, your appeal letter needs to be crafted effectively. To write a successful appeal letter, you need to be polite, humble, and honest. Make your letter personal, and address it to the Dean or the members of the committee who will be considering your appeal. Be respectful, and always keep in mind that you are asking for a favor. The appeal letter is no place to express anger or entitlement. For an example of a good letter by a student who was overwhelmed by problems at home, be sure to read Emmas appeal letter. Emma owns up to mistakes she made, summarizes the situation that led to the bad grades, and explains how she will avoid similar problems in the future. Her letter focuses on a single and serious distraction from school, and she remembers to thank the committee in her closing. Many appeals are based on situations that are more embarrassing and less sympathetic than a family crisis. When you read Jasons appeal letter, youll learn that his failing grades were the result of problems with alcohol. Jason approaches this situation the only way that is likely to be successful in an appeal: he owns up to it. His letter is honest about what went wrong and just as important, it is clear in the steps that Jason has taken that he has plans to get his problems with alcohol under control. His polite and honest approach to his situation is likely to win the sympathy of the appeals committee. Avoid Common Mistakes When Writing Your Appeal If the best appeal letters own up to the students failures in a polite and honest way, it shouldnt be a surprise that unsuccessful appeals do just the opposite. Bretts appeal letter makes some serious mistakes beginning in the very first paragraph. Brett is quick to blame others for his problems, and rather than look in the mirror, he points to his professors as the source of his low grades. We clearly arent getting the full story in Bretts letter, and he doesnt convince anyone that he is putting in the hard work that he claims he is. What exactly has Brett been doing with his time that has led to his academic failure? The committee doesnt know, and the appeal is likely to fail for that reason. A Final Word on Appealing a Dismissal If youre reading this, youre most likely in the unenviable position of being dismissed from college. Dont lose hope of returning to school just yet. Colleges are learning environments, and the faculty and staff members on the appeals committee are fully aware that students make mistakes and have bad semesters. Your job is to show that you have the maturity to own up to your mistakes and that you have the ability to learn from your missteps and devise a plan for future success. If you can do both of these things, you have a good chance of appealing successfully. Finally, even if your appeal is not successful, realize that dismissal doesnt need to be the end of your college aspirations. Many dismissed students enroll in a community college, prove that they are capable of succeeding in college coursework, and then reapply to either their original institution or another four-year college.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Divisibility Tricks and How to Divide in Your Head
A great way to enhance student learning in mathematics is to use tricks. Luckily, if you are teaching division, there are a lot of math tricks to choose from. Dividing by 2 All even numbers are divisible by 2. E.g., all numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. Dividing by 3 Add up all the digits in the number.Find out what the sum is. If the sum is divisible by 3, so is the number.For example: 12123 (121239) 9 is divisible by 3, therefore 12123 is too! Dividing by 4 Are the last two digits in your number divisible by 4?If so, the number is too!For example: 358912 ends in 12 which is divisible by 4, and so is 358912. Dividing by 5 Numbers ending in 5 or 0 are always divisible by 5. Dividing by 6 If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, it is also divisible by 6. Dividing by 7 First Test: Take the last digit in a number.Double and subtract the last digit in your number from the rest of the digits.Repeat the process for larger numbers.Example: Take 357. Double the 7 to get 14. Subtract 14 from 35 to get 21, which is divisible by 7, and we can now say that 357 is divisible by 7. Second Test: Take the number and multiply each digit beginning on the right-hand side (ones) by 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5. Repeat this sequence as necessary.Add the products.If the sum is divisible by 7, so is your number.Example: Is 2016 divisible by 7?6(1) 1(3) 0(2) 2(6) 2121 is divisible by 7, and we can now say that 2016 is also divisible by 7. Dividing by 8 This ones not as easy. If the last 3 digits are divisible by 8, so is the entire number.Example: 6008. The last 3 digits are divisible by 8, meaning 6008 is as well. Dividing by 9 Almost the same rule and dividing by 3. Add up all the digits in the number.Find out what the sum is. If the sum is divisible by 9, so is the number.For example: 43785 (4378527) 27 is divisible by 9, therefore 43785 is too! Dividing by 10 If the number ends in a 0, it is divisible by 10.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Being Classified As Brain Dead - 1580 Words
In the medical world, we are sometimes placed into situations with an undesirable outcome. The least desirable outcome imaginable to being pronounced dead, or in our scenario, being labeled â€Å"brain dead†. Being classified as brain dead, is not an easy diagnosis to be made, and is defined as â€Å"irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, is dead.†Throughout the course of assessing the articles provided, we learned about a patient by the name of Jahi McMath who had tonsillectomy performed at the Children’s Hospital Oakland. Upon entering the procedure, the family was told the procedure was considered normal. Unfortunately, approximately thirty minutes after the procedure, Jahi begin to experience†¦show more content†¦With scientific data, the medical team wanted to take Jahi off the ventilator after seven days, because research has proven there is less than 1% of recoveries after a seven-day period. The do ctors ultimately viewed removing Jahi from the ventilator after seven days as an ethical decision due to scientific data, however, the family became distort and wished to keep Jahi on the ventilator. As the doctors explained why they would not keep her on a ventilator, the family obtained a restraining order on the medical team and requested to switch their daughter to a new medical center that stated they would keep her on the ventilator. The family was ethically challenged because they did not want to let their daughter go, although they did not know what their daughter’s wishes were since she was brain dead. The doctors argued with the family saying they did not want to transport the child, because she was already labeled brain dead. After much arguing, the family turned to the courts. The family fought hard to obtain the restraining order, because they thought there was still life. Although the family wanted to believe there was still a possibility of life, they must be e thical in their decisions as well. Was filing a restraint order necessary, or simply just a way to maintain hope? As the court case grew between the Children’s Hospital and the family of Jahi, question came about of other testsShow MoreRelatedWho Is An Organ Donor Right?853 Words  | 4 PagesHero or Heartless Donating an organ, whether it is before or after dead, is seen by society as the right thing to do, but at what cost. Being asked to become an organ donor right before getting our license is almost always a yes. Death is one of the farthest things from our mind and when we are asked this question we would rather live life knowing our organs could be used to save someone’s life. 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Essay about Analysis of Emily Dickinson’s No. 657 and No....
Analysis of Emily Dickinson’s I dwell in Possibility (No. 657) and The Soul selects her own Society (No. 303) 303 The Soul selects her own Society Then shuts the Door To her divine Majority Present no more Unmoved she notes the Chariots pausing At her low Gate Unmoved an Emperor kneeling Upon her Mat I’ve known her from an ample nation Choose One Then close the Valves of her attention Like Stone 657 I dwell in Possibility A fairer House than Prose More numerous of Windows Superior for Doors Of Chambers as the Cedars Impregnable of Eye And for an Everlasting Roof The Gambrels of the Sky Of Visitors the fairest For Occupation This The spreading wide my narrow Hands To gather Paradise†¦show more content†¦The idea of a regal Emperor - and you may picture the Emperor in his flowing, ornate robes - actually kneeling before a common woman - is an image that sets the tone of superiority. The reader can ‘see’ the ample nation begging for her attention and ‘see’ her point at one then turn away from the rest. Like Stone is a concrete image of the poet herself shutting out all that she does not desire. Yet another analysis’ of the images in The Soul selects her own Society are that they create a theme analogous to God and the universe. The Soul as the human being sees herself as god-like, she creates a universe of her own choosing by creating a defined space with her carefully chosen words - Door, Gate - which keep the external world out. Whereas God has created ‘Heaven’ for His personal space, the poet’s haven is not grand, but simple - low Gate, her Mat. The poet is the ‘common man’ who becomes superior through linguistic word play. The suggestion of superiority as stated above infer that the soul has given herself ‘heavenly’ qualities. Each word has been carefully chosen by Dickinson to convey her message. The search for the exact word is lauded in Dickinson’s poem I dwell in Possibility. In this poem she speculates on the craft of poetry. The poet loves words and delights in the vast number of words that she has to choose from. She sees poetry as having infinite Possibility, whereas prose is more
Wal-Mart Case Study
Question: Discuss about theWal-Mart Case Study. Answer: Introduction: Wal-Mart is a giant amongst the chain of stores and is stated to be the second biggest organization all across the world. Its revenue is nearly $500 billion and they currently employ over two million people including their business associates. Their very impressive success story got started in the early 1960s when their founder Sam Walton started his initial venture of a discount store. The products sold at his stores were identical to what the competitors sold from their outlets but he managed to woo the public to his stores by keeping his prices highly competitive sold the same products as his competitors which he did by lowering his level of profits. This strategy caught on very quickly and his company got off to a flying start immediately thereafter. His strategy of Every Day Low Price (or EDLP) was a runaway success and has remained the basic philosophy of this group till today. With the accurate harnessing of the concepts of Economies of Scale this organization offer its custom ers the lowest in the market prices for products even of the top and exclusive brands(Walmart, 1962). In the next phase they expanded their operations consistently to not only work in geographically different places but also adding different product lines to ensure that the common customer could get all his requirements from them. Now like any other organization they too work in any environment where the challenges are several and the competition is ruthless. They cannot control the environmental forces but then they met the external challenges by building up their strengths. They built up a corporate image of being very highly focused not only on the customers needs but also their wants and to do this image building they adopted the strategy of inculcating organization wide basic three values and beliefs of Service to Our Customers, Respect for the Individual, and Striving for Excellence. This organizational philosophy was followed up with their very famous rule of ten feet where the employees of the stores promises that if he or she comes within ten feet of a customers to their out let then he or she will greet him, wish him and volunteer to help and render assistance(Goldman, 2011). These and other steps which generated additional value for the customers got cloned quickly by the competition and soon the results started tapering off. Thus in the next step of building internal competence and strengths they started developing a very efficient and effective Supply Chain which would enable them to have a more stronger grip on the input side whereby they could retain their strangle hold on the spiraling prices. Being efficient meant doing things right and being effective meant doing the right things. They made it a point to drive home to their vendors that they are their partners in their journey and hence they have to ensure that they invariably make constant efforts at adding extra value for the customers of Wal-Mart. This is a competence which is very important in the retail industry especially in the food sector. This effort of this organization has been found to be very difficult to clone(Edemariam, 2009). On the flip side is the fact that wherever this organization opened an outlet the local traders had either to roll down shutters for good or land into severe financial difficulties since their campaign of retaining low prices consistently which they could manage through superior planning and execution out priced the smaller local traders. Some people tend to believe that their approach of employing local people, buying from local vendors and participate in the welfare of the locality are all to offset this criticism(Corpwatch, 2006). They have also built up their internal strengths by having closer monitoring of the incoming supplies over RF tracking systems which strengthened their Inventory Management efficiencies. Of late they are trying to keep track of the customers changing preference trends by acquiring and getting a company called Kosmix which keeps track of the social media message exchanges to get the first hand knowledge of the changing trends in customer preferences(Allthingsd, 2011). This is again a new approach and perhaps the first attempt at being in known of the changing taste patterns of the customers. It may be added that Wal-Mart is known for their very unorthodox and innovative ways of conducting business and perhaps the first systematic efforts on a reasonably large scale so that they can prepare their operations well in advance to benefit from the changes in the offing(Nicholson, 2011). Wal-Mart believes in delivering the best to their customers and practices all methods, new and novel, to satisfy their clientele. References: Allthingsd, 2011. Exclusive walmart paid 300 million plus for kosmix. [Online] Available at: https://allthingsd.com/20110418/exclusive-wal-mart-paid-300-million-plus-for-kosmix/ [Accessed 24 October 2016]. Corpwatch, 2006. A Brief History: Walmart. [Online] Available at: https://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=13796 [Accessed 24 October 2016]. Edemariam, A., 2009. It all began in a small store in Arkansas. [Online] Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2009/mar/14/wal-mart-us-economy [Accessed 24 October 2016]. Goldman, L., 2011. The Incredible Story Of Walmart's Expansion From Five Dime To Global Megacorp. [Online] Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com/the-incredible-story-of-walmarts-expansion-from-five-and-dime-to-global-megacorp-2011-7?IR=T [Accessed 24 October 2016]. Nicholson, C., 2011. Wal-Mart Buys Social Media Firm Kosmix. [Online] Available at: https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/04/19/wal-mart-buys-social-media-site-kosmix/?_r=0 [Accessed 24 October 2016]. Walmart, 1962. Our History. [Online] Available at: https://corporate.walmart.com/our-story/our-history [Accessed 24 October 2016].
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy Actions of the Government
Question: Discuss about the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy Actions of the Government. Answer: The graph above represents the changes that would occur if tax was imposed on sweets and sugary snacks. Since the demand is inelastic to both low and high calorie food stuffs, the demand curve is steeply sloped; the close the elasticity to zero, the more vertical the slope becomes; at zero the curve is perfect inelastic and is vertical. The initial price is P and quantity level is Q. Since the demand is inelastic, the tax incidence will be borne by the consumers; the producers will be able to transfer nearly or the whole burden to the consumers. The price level will rise significantly. It however would require a huge tax imposition to bring some desired changes in the market behavior. I would therefore argue for the tax/subsidy imposition. Although the change wont be significant, at least there will be a reduction in the obesity level which is rising every year in Australia. The subsidy will raise the welfare of the citizens who are health conscious since they will be paying less tha t what they were paying earlier. The loss of consumers surplus for the sweets and sugary snacks consumers will be a gain to the fruits and vegetables consumers. Makin in his argument laid out the simple idea presented by Keynes on the effectiveness of the fiscal stimulus on boosting the economic activity. His simple idea was that pumping of extra spending by the government would stimulate the growth of output. This is because there will be an expansion in the economys income which will stimulate some extra spending by the households. The increased spending which means an increase in the economys level of demand causes the market price to rise. Suppliers are attracted to selling at a higher price and thus are forced to raise their production level and subsequently output expands. During a recession, the economic growth becomes poor, the investment level falls, employment falls; many people become unemployed. There is contraction of the economys income. If the governments spending remain unchanged during a recession, there will still be a deficit because the revenue raised will fall. This is because increased employment raises the governments revenue, and a decrease makes it to fall. Fiscal policies that may be implemented during a recession includes a tax cut which further lowers the governments revenue and pumping of additional government spending through borrowing. The discretionary policies increases the level of the government budget balance. A fiscal contraction would involve a reduction in the governments spending. However, this should be on wasteful government programs. The government need to do a research and determine the programs that yield good returns and differentiate them from those that dont and withdraw its spending from those that dont. It should also determine the programs that are mostly demanded by the public and withdrawal spending from those with less demand. This will reduce its spending and lower is budget deficit. Since a claim has been posed that high government spending suppresses private investment through increased interest rate. Low spending will stimulate economic growth through falling interest rate. Monetary policy can be used to create an economic stimulus by raising the supply of money in the economy or lowering of the interest rate. With a high supply of money, households have an income to raise their spending and stimulate demand and output production. At a lower interest rate, investment level rises since capital borrowing is made cheaper. Makin argue that, it is more effective because it does not increase the economys level of borrowing. It therefore helps in maintaining the credit worthiness of an economy which would otherwise be lost with the implementation of discretionary fiscal actions of additional pumping.
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