Thursday, February 28, 2019
Healthcare System In Hongkong Health And Social Care Essay
2. Public wellness c ar operate in Hong Kong atomic number 18 to a great extent subsidized by the organisation. However, with the ageing existence and increasing medical costs, the semi man outgo on wellness criminal maintenance is estimated to increase at a much red-hot gait than the economic system in the coming old ages. With the real(a) figure that the creation wellness outgo may turn from 2.9 % of in 2004 to 5.5 % of GDP by 2033, it is clear that the bing supporting a priori account is non sustainable. addition funding for wellness bid is needed to supplement authorities s outgo on wellness c be services and for the longa? full term sustainability of our health cargon system.THEMEDICAL CHARGE IN HONG KONG3. The medical services in Hong Kong are provided by the public and privy orbit. The medical charge in Hong Kong potful be divided into two facets Government or Public work and Private Service.Government or Public Services4. Government or Public Services are p rovided by the Department of Health ( DH ) and the hospital Authority ( HA ) . Medical charges of common out-patient and in-patient interventions are as honor intervention at a authorities ordinary out-patient clinic costs $ 45 for Hong Kong occupants specializer clinic for earreach costs $ 100 for the first attending, $ 60 for recapitulation and $ 10 per drug point tolerant intervention for instances of TB, leprosy, genital affection, and m another(prenominal)hood and kid wellness counsel the admittance fee of in-patients in public infirmaries is $ 50, while busying acute beds and non-acute beds are charged $ 100 and $ 68 per two dozen hours severally. The above charges may be waived if patient crapper non afford them.5. as downstairs from general out-patient and in-patient services, the DH and the HA anyway provide Chinese medical specialty services and Student Healthcare Services to the populace. Chinese Medicine Centres depart bear down patients $ 120 with two doses of Chinese herb for a intervention per visit. Healthcare services for pupils are free of charge. Immunizations against 10 puerility infective diseases are free as good. Family be aftering service is besides available in maternal and child wellness Centres at a charge of $ 1 for every visit.Private Servicess6. Apart from authorities or public services, private medical services besides lead an of aftermath function in Hong Kong s health care system of. However, fees charged by private practicians vary and separate charges are frequently made. Patients are normally required to pay excess fees on services care research lab trials and X-ray scrutinies. With mention to the Report of Doctors Fees Survey 2010 1 , the medians of some common out-patient and in-patient charges are as follow audience fees for general patterns and specializer patterns are charged $ 200 and $ 575 severally day-to-day infirmary attending charge varies from $ 700 to $ 2,000, runing from remaining in ward to excellent individualist suites surgical operations charges from $ 4,000 to $ 50,000, runing from degree 6 to level 1 surgeries. otherwise services such as vaccinums, composing medical studies and finishing restitution policy claim signifiers are charged individually and the fees varied.PUBLIC CONSULTATION7. We have conducted two intensive public audiences in order to roll up sentiments from every sector of our society about the health care system.8. The first stagecoach audience showed that the biggest concerns of the populace were ageing population and increasing medical costs. A large reform was needed to run into some(prenominal) challenges. The populace expected that the health care reform will make a long-run sustainable system. The bulk of community agreed that the reform should concentrate on both service bringing and funding agreements. Among the six possible aide-de-camp funding options, the populace expressed divergent positions over the uncoerced private we llness insurance and compulsory private wellness insurance. Some doubted the effectivity of the mandatory health care insurance and voted for the volunteer strategy.9. In the 2nd phase audience, the demand of reform to our health care system is confirmed. The populace called for auxiliary health care funding, and wider picks and give away protection in health care services. thitherfore, the Government has formulated proposals to reform our health care system and modulating voluntary wellness insurance. The public came to a consensus that the manner of health care insurance should be voluntary. Based on the community s positions, the public tolerate is the chief support beginning for health care. Individualised health care and wider pick with quality confidence to suit everyone s demand were preferred.10. There was a widely shared concern over the sustainability and the security of the health care insurance system. The Government warrants that the strategy provides uninterrupted protection for participants into their quondam(a) ages. Besides, the strategy is patternised and regulated by the Government, so as to forethought the insured involvements harmonizing to the jurisprudence.PROPOSED VOLUNTARY HEALTH INSURANCE SYSTEM11. Auxiliary funding is an of the essence(p) constituent of the wellness anxiety financing reform. The signifier of auxiliary funding is an of import determination as it non merely influences the present community, but our in store(predicate) coevalss. Among the six possible auxiliary funding options, the Government decided to class forward the voluntary wellness insurance system as a portion of the wellness attention financing reform.12. The proposed Health Protection organisation ( HPS ) is a strategy that standardizes and regulates the voluntary private wellness insurance. Unlike other voluntary private wellness insurance in current market, insurances under the HPS is regulated to accept all endorsers and offer no exclusion of pre-existing medical conditions with guaranteed reclamation for life. The pick of taking out insurance is voluntary either by persons or employers. The premium is based on the endorser s pick and affordability. Subscribers will so hold a recrudesce entree to healthcare services under the HPS, and they would non detain primary attention until their unwellnesss worsen. Under the HPS, no one shall be left enduring from disease due to miss of fiscal agencies to pay for health care. Compared to the bing funding theoretical account, the voluntary wellness insurance system ensures effectual pooling and sharing of the health care hazards for persons.13. Voluntary wellness insurance system aims at preparation the community with better picks for health care protection and heightening the longa?term sustainability of our health care system. The insured are allowed to take both public and private health care services. Persons who can afford could utilize private health care on a sustained foo ting and horizontal take top-up insurance programs to accommodate their ain demands. By promoting more people to take private health care services, the voluntary strategy can cut down the force per unit area on the public system. The public system could profit those who depend on the populace health care system by concentrating its resources on mark service countries and population groups, particularly low-income households, under-privileged groups and other needy.14. The footings and definitions of the wellness insurance policy are standardized. insurance companies take parting in the HPS are required to offer standard wellness insurance programs that follow the specified regulations and demands. However, the insurance companies are free to offer top-up benefits beyond the nucleus demands and specifications, so as to accommodate consumers demands. The HPS programs are required to supply coverage for hospital admittances or ambulatory processs, and its classify services like spe cialist outa?patient audiences and probes, advanced diagnostic imagination. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy for malignant neoplastic disease is besides included in the nucleus demands of the program. However, primary attention, specializer services and diagnostic imagination in general, and pregnancy coverage are non included as the program s nucleus demand. Insurance programs under the HPS are besides portable amid insurance companies and on go forthing employment. The insured are able to get their wellness insurance policy for every bit long as they want, it will non be affected if they change occupations. Unlike the bing wellness insurance, insurance companies under the HPS could exchange their programs to another insurance company or go on their programs after retirement with no loss in coverage.15. The Government has planned to utilize $ 50 billion financial modesty as fiscal inducements to back up the health care reform. Fiscal inducements are given to protect the bad pers ons, to offer premium price diminution for new endorsers and to lend to the salvaging constituent of the HPS programs.Decision16. The Government will widely air out the voluntary wellness insurance and beg public support for our attempts to better the health care in Hong Kong. Any question on this draft may be addressed to Ms Li Wan-in, Assistant deposit for Food and Health Bureau on 3150 8494.Food and Health Bureau22 October 2010
Abortion: Pregnancy and Unwarranted Government Intrusion
Abortion Ever since the idea/decision of abortion in that location has been arguments if it is good argon not. Very many people are strongly once muchst it and resign very good information on why still Im professional abortion. Im pro abortion be arrive first of all it should really be up to women if its legal or not because its their bodies that have to go through the regale of fetal extraction. There are some circumstances in which an abortion is indispensable. Lets enunciate a high school couple happens to get expectant theyre not very capable to take care of a fuck up and be parents.A muck up would compound the already existing problems a jejune already has like school, sports, getting ready for college. Thats not life for a baby especially an un pauperismed virtuoso, what kind of quality of life is that for the baby or parents. What if the expectant parents of that baby arent fit to be parents having problems with drugs and alcohol no one should grow up around that . If the baby did it could possibly happen in the corrupt footsteps of its failing parents and decision up doing the same things.If women are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term the result is unwanted children which so when they grow up are at a disadvantage, and sometimes inclined(p) toward brutal behavior to others. Now unconstipated God forbid lets say some woman had been raped and she has gotten pregnant because of that, she is probably going to want an abortion. This may sound vulgar and mean but what women would want to living that baby and look at him or her and every day and be reminded of that time where she was highly helpless and being taken advantage of.No one should have to keep reliving that moment over and over again that would be very traumatic. Now the big problems why abortion should be legal came out in the 1973 case of Roe vs Wade. This case came on after women started having behind the scenes abortions where women had it done by coat hangers and dirty instruments to do these highly dangerous procedures usually done on themselves or buy a paid mortal who has done these horrid procedures before. Most women would end up having sober infections, internal bleeding and in some cases level off death.So abortion should be legal so we dont have this back-room procedures anymore and women having disastrous injuries. But if they already have a serious disease or complication such as heart disease, kidney disease, skanky hypertension, sickle-cell anemia and severe diabetes. The availability of legal abortion poop help advert serious medical problems that can occur from childbirth. If abortion was extrajudicial the government would be pushing an undue burden on women and or families which is illegal least moods because the government can not burst out on a person or persons life like that.And when an abortion is done a women nevertheless has 90 days to have on done or it becomes illegal regardless. (the trimester law that wa s established in the Roe vs Wade case) We should not intrude on women and or families matters by dictum what they can and cant do regarding matters such as these, abortion is even protected by the fourteenth amendment which gives women right to privacy. We should respect and support a woman and her family as they fountain the life altering decision of whether to have a child or not.So its not about the fact that you are supposedly killing a unborn foetus its more that we have the decision and the option to do what that person needs to do. For some families an accidental pregnancy is okay but for some such an event can be very catastrophic. It can result in increase tensions, disrupt stability and put way below the line of economic survival. The outlawing of abortion would also be prejudiced towards the poor women and families that must resort to the dangerous self-induced or back avenue procedures.Men with these very wealthy families can send their wives or girlfriends to other countries and establish to have it done legally. It go out also if outlawed make more children bear children studies show that 44% of 14 year old girls will become pregnant before they turn twenty. This could happen to your daughter or some other loved one. Abortion and reproductive freedom more broadly defined are important pieces of ensuring this common dream. To obtain a better future, we must each be free to make profoundly personal decisions about our reproductive lives without unwarranted government intrusion.As with all freedoms, there are limits. But a government that respects the personal lawfulness of its people both interferes in these essentially private decisions as myopic as possible and helps ensure that everyone has the opportunity to make these decisions responsibly. So boilers suit there are a few circumstances where an abortion is needed such as early childhood, medical complications that can be averted, and could cause major problems for the family and the unborn child.This is why I feel that abortion should be legal even though what the people against abortion are saying and try to throw in your face and make you believe. They have no evidence for their studies cause there is no proof behind what they say. The fetus can not feel pain before the first trimester (90 days) and no where in the bible does it say that its wrong because when the bible was written abortions werent even around at the time let alone thought of.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Qualitatively Compare The Problem Solving Behavior Education Essay
The purport of this appraise is to depict and to qualitatively comp ar the argument snip divulgeing doings of immature subscribeed loters in cosy and ceremonious positions. Ten divvy upers were consistently selected from a purposive community of 25 sellers in cardinal unfastened grocerys in capital of Lebanon. Sellers in the sample distri exception metamorphose in disciplineing, age, and peddling miss intos. Ethnographic pil mild slip eyeshot was the general systemological endeavour for this survey. Four methods of roll uping informations were utilise Participant contemplation, interviewing, aggregation of artefacts, and outline of papers. Interviews ranged from cozy conversations, to semi- twistd interviews, to perfunctory interviews Two weeks later on the semi-structured interviews and based on minutess executed by the offsprings in the on the loose(p) fit, a formal trial was administered. Items of the formal trial were presented as either slown ess exercises or as playscript creases. Upon intent of the formal trial, each topic was asked to explicate processs employ in profession resolution. All interviews were taped and beat back down for analysis. The process engrossd for informations analysis was analytic initiation which compound examine the information for sepa grazes and for relationships among these gradations. Upon analyze the undertaking get going sashay demeanors of sellers across informal and formal horizons, cardinal findings emerged. First, sellers employed computational schemes in the informal scene which be assorted from those utilise when course cinch weighing exercisings in the formal scene. Second, the visceral computational schemes that topics utilise in the informal scene were indistinguishable to those employed when fix picnic give voice frolics and were associated with a eminent achievement rate than computational schemes used when hunt down fall jaunt calculation exercisings in the formal scene. The consequences were discussed and interpreted utilizing Vergnaud s theoretical account and fellowship in case theory. The consequences were similar to findings of a gens of relevant semiempirical look for surveies. Deductions and recommendations for control were presented along with suggestions for further interrogation.ContextAccomplishment in civilizes has been diminishing steadily in m any a(prenominal) narrates. In peculiar, the U.S.A and slightly European states aim shown in the last 30 out of date ages a diminution in inculcate accomplishment in mathsematicssematics ( Millroy, 1992 ) . In Lebanon there is a continue astir(predicate) the detrimental effects of exam-driven direction and peculiarly that of numeral job resolution ( Osta, 1997 ) . Failing each(prenominal) while estimable as non world able to cover the disbursals argon major(ip) causes of falling out- of initiate. With no new(prenominal) beginni ng of support, pupils endure to utilisation to back up themselves and their house take overs and so attain in what has been called the informal sector of the economic system .In his account book, The early(a) Path, the Peruvian economic expert, Hernando de Soto, gives a absorbing history of how Peru s informal economic system was created by illiterate provincials who were excluded from take parting in the formal economic system. He describes how the informals responded by reservation food market places to back up themselves with precisely limited resources. By forming themselves and voluntarily obeying their own(prenominal) regulations and norms, they created a subculture that socially and economically outstanding.In most states where the phenomenon of informal economic system prevails, channel peddling is considered as sensation of the most popular professions that kids pattern. In galore(postnominal) real and developing states, the phenomenon of course peddling o r market kids has been across-the-board spreading. In this survey, we argon chiefly interested in sing the exemplify of Lebanon and India. pass Children in IndiaIndia is the 7th largest state in the universe with the largest population of street kids. They change state as porters on coach and railroad Stationss, chemical mechanism in car fix stores, sellers of tea, nutrient or hand do goods, seamsters, rag plumeers who pick useable points from refuse. Harmonizing to the Civil Society forum study, it has a big and right away contorting population of 1.027 billion of which 40 % be under 18 ( 1/3 of the entire population be under age15 ) . In 2001, the rate of urbanisation was 28.77 % . The accelerated gait of industrialisation and urbanisation in the state has disrupted the househ over-the-hill life and has compelled tribal and rural hatful to migrate to large metropoliss. Migration from rural to urban countries ( in hunt of study ) has resulted in the rapid growing of the u rban population and most 29 % of the entire population lives in urban countries.There are some negative effects of the urban roar. One of the negative effects is the world of a big pro slew of the urban hapless life in slums and jhopad-patties or thatched huts ( Phillips, 1994 ) . An norm of 50 % of the urban population lives in conditions of intense want compounded by deficiency of entree to basic services, legitimate lodging and hapless urban administration. In add-on, Agrawal ( 1999 ) show that about 90 per centum of the trading in the state is in unorganised and informal sectors.Literacy degrees are distillery low. Handiness and installations for instruction and societal substructure is alternatively poor to run into the demands of a turning population. Even now 2.6 per centum of the kids in the urban countries and 3.5 per centum in rural countries rush neer attended nurture ( Agrawal, 1999, p.24 ) . As the consequence, the figure of street kids in India is swelling . Harmonizing to UNICEF s appraisal, there are about 11 million street kids in India ( 1994 ) . These figures are considered to be conservative. An estimated 100,000-125,000 street kids live in Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi, with 45,000 in Bangalore.Harmonizing to old surveies about street kids in India, bulk of the street kids who are of crop-going age and even over school-going-age are kids who start out neer been to schools. The increasing figure of street kids whitethorn hold an impact on India s economic system. Arbind Singh, coordinator, National Alliance of Street Vendors of India, outlined the part of street sellers to the local economic system.Street Children in LebanonAfter World War II and the creative bodily function of Israel country in 1948, 1000s of Palestinian refugees entered Lebanon, some settling in Beirut. Seventeen refugee usher outtonments are spread all over Lebanon, the most thickly populated are those found in Beirut. In 1964 and late in 1994, the Lebanes e governing has passed deuce edicts which outlined the conditions of go for aliens populating in Lebanon. As alien refugees, the Palestinians are barred from rub downing in over 70 professions. This deficiency of employment chance for the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon has created a annihilating economic status. ( OUUOUU?U OUUO?UOUUS )In 1978, and after the Israeli business to Southern Lebanon, many Lebanese fled to the capital Beirut and settled following to the Palestinian refugee cigarettonments. Through out the refugees bumtonments, untold than than 60 % of both Lebanese and Palestinians live below the thinness line. Children suffer greatly- born into cantonments as refugees, they have lived no variant manner. In many casings, neither have their parents. Life without equal schools, wellness attention, feed or shelter becomes the norm. Palestinian arabs can non fall in any professional associations- relegated to the unskilled and informal labor markets, they compet e with 50,000 Egyptian and one million Syrian. In add-on to employment and belongings limitations, authorities disallow them from inscribing their kids in Public schools. ) United Nations Human Rights System, 2002 )For some clock time, pedagogues who have canvas school accomplishment in rural and urban communities have recognised that kids do good in their day-by-day life and so turn as victorful citizens, in malice of their hapless state-supported video display in school mathematics ( Dambrosio, 1992 ) . For illustration, Saxe ( 1988 ) showed that Brazilian confect Sellerss with minor or no schooling, can develop in the merchandising experience arithmetic patterns that differ from the arithmetic taught in schools and that are associated with a gamy success rate. Increasingly, pedagogues have found the ethnical milieus of kids to be a operator impacting their accomplishment in school mathematics ( Dawe, 1988 ) , put junket support to the speculation that cognitive power , larning capablenesss, and attitudes towards larning are closely related to cultural background ( Dambrosio, 1992 ) to which Millroy ( 1992 ) , adds a socio-political dimension that may make larning barriers impacting peculiarly kids from disadvantaged groups. Outside the school environment, the world initiation of low-achieving kids and grownups in schools is oft successful. both kids and grownups perform numerally good in their out-of-school environment numeration, measurement, have outing jobs and pull decisions utilizing techniques of explicating, take careing and get bying with their environment that they have learned in their cultural scene ( Dambrosio, 1992 ) . These patterns have been generated or learned by their ascendants, transmitted by dint of coevalss, modified done a procedure of cultural kineticss and learned in a more insouciant and less formal manner than school mathematics. It is the ancestral learning of the groups. It is the ethnomathematics . ( Dambrosio, 1992 )Ethnomathematics develops largely when there is a disagreement surrounded by people s demand for job resolution and the sum of mathematics they have learned in school i.e. when people become involved in under fetchings necessitating job work outing accomplishments that are non learned in school ( Nunes, Schliemann & A Carraher, 1993 ) . It has been suggested that there are informal ways of making arithmetic computations that have small to make with the processs taught in school ( Carraher & A Carraher, 1985 ) . Besides surveies have documented differences across groups as a numeric function of their degree of schooling. However, it is rather mathematical that the same differences between street and school arithmetic could be within persons. In other words, it magnate be the instance that the same individual could work out jobs sometimes in formal, and at other times, in informal ways. This seems peculiarly potential with kids who frequently have to make mat hematical computations immaterial school that may be beyond the degree of their cognition of school algorithms. It seems rather contingent that these kids might hold trouble with modus operandis learned at school and yet at the same clip are able to work out, by more effectual ways, the jobs for which these modus operandis were devised. One manner to research this mind is to look at kids who have to do frequent and rather complex computations outside school. The kids who sell issues in street markets in Beirut organize one much(prenominal) group.PurposesWhile the short term purpose of the present instance survey is to look into the utilizations of math by a sample of immature schooled sellers in the streets of Beirut who use math in their occupations, its long term purpose is to be transferred and replicated in India. Specifically, the intent of this survey is to1. Describe the job work outing sort of a sample of 10 immature street sellers in informal and formal scenes in Bei rut.2. Compare qualitatively the job work outing behavior of the sample in informal and formal scenes in Beirut.RationaleOur purpose is to analyze the mathematical patterns and schemes that develop out of street sellers day-to-day activities, to admit their strengths and to see their failings, as chances to negociate broader apprehensions of what counts a mathematics. Millroy ( 1992 ) has stated that an information of these factors the societal, cultural and political facets of math would promote a broader conceptualisation of math and may get down a procedure whereby math could be seen as an active experience, accessible to all people . ( p.50 )Second, the consequences of this survey may lend to the turning organic structure of research in planetary knowledge or knowledge in pattern by analyzing the job work outing behaviour of the same group in deuce distinguishable scenes. Very few surveies investigated the ways in which the arithmetic cognition is learned outside schoo l. In analyzing the arithmetic of Liberian seamsters, Lave ( 1988 ) pro constitute that there were two qualitatively different manners of making arithmetic. The untaught seamsters used a use of measures attack, an unwritten context-based manner of working with Numberss in melodic phrase to the use of symbols attack employed by their schooled counter parts. It is possible that much(prenominal) different manners of making arithmetic may be found within the same persons particularly if they use math in every(prenominal) cardinal hours work scenes ( Nunes et al. , 1993 ) . If so, it may be utile to depict and contrast the utilizations of math by the same group in the context-based ( informal ) and school-based ( formal ) scenes.Third, the canvass of informal and formal processs in arithmetic, that is the manner people command Numberss in work outing add-on, negatively charged, generation and division jobs is a pictorial starting point for research for several thousand. Dam brosio ( 1992 ) claims that arithmetic is a in truth childly facet of math. Another ground is that concluding about Numberss is segment of mundane experience every bit good as portion of the formal subject of math ( Nunes et al. , 1993 ) . On the other manus, Lave et Al. ( 1990 ) province that one of the several grounds for concentrating on arithmetic was that arithmetic employment has formal belongingss which make it identifiable in the flow of experience in many different state of personal matterss ( cited in Millroy, 1992, p.6 ) and Lave ( 1988 ) states that it ( arithmetic ) has a extremely structured and incorrigible vocabulary, easy recognizable in the class of on-going activity . ( p.5 )Significance FOR EducationThe present survey is eventant for leash chief grounds. First, it represents the archetypal effort in Lebanon to analyse the mathematical job work outing behavior of kids outside the confines of the schoolroom utilizing a qualitative attack. Second, it surveies the public intromission of schooled kids across two different contexts. Third, it contri howeveres to the turning organic structure of research on larning in footings of Apprenticeship theoretical account of direction. Through garnering grounds that could be seen as a challenge to the conventional definition of math, mathematical activity can be seen as interlacing with mundane pattern outside the academic formal scenes. This, in bend, could open new positions for farther research into other theoretical accounts of learning and larning since for old ages, math pedagogues and research proletarians in math instruction have focused on the schoolroom as the primary scene in which math skill takes topographicalal point ( Nunes et al, 1993, p. 557 ) .Another part from this work concerns instructors. The elaborate description and comparing of job work outing behavior of schooled sellers in work and school scenes may supply penetrations for instructors into their pupils d egree of mathematical apprehension. By making chances for pupils job work outing activities in practical contexts, instructors might bring onward quandary to excite pupils innovation, find, and understanding in forms of activity. For, job work outing that relies to a great extent on the acquisition of regulations can be frequently plagued with bugged ( consistent mistake ) algorithms. If pupils can come to understand the regulations by dint of conceive ofing situational contexts, they may be able to holler up their apprehension of these regulations.A farther practical observe of this survey is the device it offers to course developers on how to show mathematical constructs. In a school context, a mathematical construct is normally described and explained by meridian the criterion algorithm for its computation. The analysis of the job work outing behaviors of sellers in work contexts may supply course of study developers with alternate and more effectual ways of showing m athematical constructs.LITERATURE REVIEWA good trade of elaboration has been generated late by grounds that untaught individuals solve mundane math jobs successfully utilizing invented schemes and that many schooled individuals work out every two dozen hours math jobs utilizing schemes different from those learned in school ( Carraher et al. , 1985 Saxe, 1991 ) . For many old ages, math instruction research workers have questioned the math that is generated and used outside of establishments of acquisition ( Millroy, 1992 ) . This is the math that allows untaught and sometimes illiterate people to pattern trades and trades, behavior concern minutess and do their lifes in a assortment of ways. This mathematical activity has been called informal math ( Ginsburg, 1988 ) or mundane math ( Lave, 1988 ) or ethnomath ( Dambrosio, 1992 ) , or even street math ( Nunes et al. , 1993 ) .Several parts to the literature on informal math can be grouped into two categories of surveies ( a ) work that aims at depicting informal math used in Western civilizations and ( B ) work that aims at depicting non-Western autochthonal signifiers of math bing in civilizations, where no systematic transmittal in school prevails ( Nunes et al. , 1993 ) .A good part of the work on informal math in Western civilizations focal points on immature kids and simple arithmetic. Several of import parts to our cognition of simple arithmetic in preschool old ages were made by Ginsburg ( 1988 ) who demonstrates that when kids learn a numeration system and understand it good, they can so contrive ways of utilizing it to work out arithmetic jobs through numeration and decomposition. A 2nd group of surveies on informal math in Western civilizations focal points on math used outside school by grownups, non by kids. This line of probe has shown that it is one thing to larn formal math in school and rather another(prenominal) to work out math jobs intertwined in mundane activities Whether it is inventory taking at work or shopping or ciphering Calories in cookery, school math does non play a really of import function ( Nunes et al. , 1993, p. 3 ) . Hence, the thought prevails that informal math has its ain signifiers that are versions to the ends and conditions of the activities.On the other manus, work on non-Western math showed that several groups of people who learn numeracy without schooling, use their autochthonal numbering systems to work out arithmetic jobs through numeration, decomposition, and reorganizing ( cheery & A Cole, 1967 Ginsburg, 1988 ) . For illustration, Gay and Cole ( 1967 ) study that the Kpelle people of Liberia used rocks as support in work outing arithmetic jobs and could work out add-on and minus jobs utilizing Numberss up to 30 or 40 with truth. beyond that, their method became boring, and people tended to think the figure instead than give an select reply.Several surveies ( Carraher et al. , 1985 Ginsburg, 1988 ) seem to bespeak that scho ol-learned algorithms may non be people s preferred ways for work outing numerical jobs outside the schoolroom. This reflexion seems to be true of kids with changing grades of schooling ( Carraher et al. , 1985 ) , grownups with an simple and secondary instruction and kids up to fifth class in both the United States and the tusk Coast ( Ginsburg, 1988 ) . Carraher et Al. ( 1985 ) have suggested that the state of affairs in which arithmetic jobs are wholeness-minded may hold an of import function in arousing different typefaces of schemes school state of affairss tend to arouse school-taught processs, and out-of-school state of affairss are more likely to give rise to informal processs. In their survey, louver kids, aged 9 to 15 old ages and with assorted degrees of schooling ( set-back to eight class ) , were asked to work out arithmetic jobs in the class of their work as market or street-vendors and in a school-like scene. Their public presentation in the natural state of a ffairs was significantly develop than their public presentation in the school-like scene. Furthermore, their attacks to job work outing varied across state of affairss school-like jobs were more likely to be solved through resort to the school algorithms whereas the natural state of affairs gave rise to a assortment of informal processs that were extremely improbable to hold been learned at school.These consequences have motivated farther probe of the consequence of the state of affairs on the problem-solving processs since many differences exist between the scenes under consideration. Several possible accounts for the differences in public presentation observed in the informal and formal trials were suggested. In peculiar, Nunes et Al. ( 1993 ) present two types of theory that could explicate these consequences. One accent the social-interaction facets of the state of affairs and a 2nd emphasizing the social-cognitive facets.Informal math has frequently been treated in the liter ature as lesser math inciteing idiosyncratic, intuitive, child-like processs, techniques that did non let for generalisation and should therefore be eliminated in the schoolroom through carefully designed direction. ( Nunes et al. , 1993, p.19 ) . However, there are many calls that legitimatise the signifiers of cognition associated with out-of-school patterns.MethodologyPopulation and SampleThe population of this instance survey consists of immature schooled sellers in two unfastened markets in Beirut who had at least trio old ages of schooling and three months of peddling experience.The method used for choosing the sample is purposive sampling. The ground for taking this method was merely because peculiar sellers, whose features were know and dictated by the survey before trying, were intentionally chosen in order to fit and ease the survey. Ten sellers were purposively chosen from two market scenes in Beirut, viz. Haret Hreik and Sabra.Sellers in the sample varied in old ages of schooling ( three to seven old ages ) , in age ( 10 to 16 old ages ) , and peddling experience ( one to eight old ages ) . Four of the sellers worked entirely while the other six helped their male parents or neighbours. Merely three were wholly responsible for buying the atomic number 19 goods at sweeping market and pricing it for marketing.Since competition was normally high in these unfastened markets, the sellers would invariably be obliged to revise and alter their merchandising financial values out of the blue even during the same twenty-four hours. Of the 10 topics, six had complete freedom in altering the fiscal values of the green goods they were selling, while invariably revising their net income and loss. Sellers abandoned long clip for their work Seven topics worked from six to seven yearss per hebdomad with a mean of 10 hours per twenty-four hours whereas, the other three topics, still go toing school, worked after school and during holidaies.Failure was th e basic ground for topics dropping out from school. Seven topics were out-of-school during the clip of the survey, six had dropped school because they merely had failed and repeated categories and merely one had to discontinue and work to back up his household.During the class of their day-to-day work, the topics were involved in minutess that required them to mentally work out a big figure of mathematical jobs without the usage of reckoners or even paper and pencil.DesignAn ethnographic instance survey attack was espouse as the chief methodological analysis.The delimited unit being the job work outing behaviour of immature street sellers in two unfastened markets Sabra and Haret Hreik. These two markets are located in comparatively dumbly populated vicinities in Beirut. The two countries attract a big figure of migratory workers who live at the nearby cantonments. These workers come from a low socio-economic background where household members, including kids, usually work to back up the household. Both are unfastened markets for selling fruits and veggies in fixed booths whose roofs are fundamentally covered with corrugated sheets of Fe, weighted with blocks of rocks and held by thin wooden and Fe supports. The architecture of this roof helps to shadow and protect the sellers and their green goods from rain and direct sunshine. Inside the markets, sellers have wooden tabular arraies, each at his ain topographic point, on which fruits and veggies are exhibited. Other sellers who stand on the marge lines of the market have their ain passenger cars, each shaded by an umbrella. Photographs of the sellers and the two markets are provided and are used as informations beginnings ( Merriam, 1998 ) . ( empathize adjunct A ) .A mix of qualitative and quantitative methods is undertaken. The general methodological attack in the informal scene was to carry on realistic observation of the topics at work in both markets and to observe their job work outing behaviour on the arithmetic undertakings encountered during their day-to-day pattern as sellers. In the formal scene, a formal trial was administered and the job work outing behaviour of topics was studied from worksheets and transcribed audio-taped interviews.DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUESIn an effort to beef up dependability of findings ( Merriam, 1998, Yin, 2003 ) , informations was triangulated utilizing four methods of roll uping grounds from multiple beginnings thespian observation, interviewing, analysis of paperss, and Collecting artefacts.Participant ObservationTo hit a instead emic position on the phenomenon of street peddling, the research worker posed as client asked inquiries on the monetary values of fruits and veggies for a purchase or a possible purchase. During observations, interactions with the sellers every bit good as sellers interactions with other clients were recorded.Interviewing and TestingInterviews ranged from informal conversations, to semi-structured, to formal-stru ctured interviews which were preceded by a formal trial.Informal conversation. These conversations took topographic point the first two hebdomads of the survey. They consisted, basically, of general and open-ended inquiries that would do the capable start speaking about his life. The 2nd type involved instead specific inquiries, a book of which is provided in Appendix B. The chief intent of these conversations was to acquire to recognise the topics better, to take hold information about their age, degree of schooling, nationality, and residence.Semi-structured interviews. The semi-structured interviews were administered in Arabic, the native lingual intercourse of the topics and the verbal responses were taped-recorded along with topics accounts of the processs used for obtaining the reply. A book of the semi-structured interviews is provided in Appendix C. It is deserving adverting here that though inquiries posed in these interviews were comparatively theorize following a g eneral guideline, they were besides generated in the natural scene and were non identified prior to questioning.Formal trial. Upon transcribing informations from the semi-structured interviews, conversations with the topics were separated from minutess. The points of the formal trial were therefore extracted from the minutess executed by topics in an effort to accomplish a sell or a possible sell. In this manner, each operation performed by a topic in the semi-structured interviews was chosen as an point to be included in the formal trial taken by that topic. Problems were presented as either calculation exercises or as word jobs.After transforming the minutess into mathematical operations exercisings, points were chosen indiscriminately for each topic to be presented as word jobs. Problems involved different contexts such as minutess with different currencies, $ and L.L, measurings and weights. A book for word jobs is provided in Appendix E.The formal trial was administered a twos ome of hebdomads after the semi-structured interviews, formal-structured interviews were scheduled. The formal trial took topographic point in the market or at the topics places. It is formal in the sense that it took topographic point in a formal, school-like scene where topics were given documents and pencils and were asked to execute a school-like undertaking while sitting at a tabular array.Formal-structured interviews. Upon completion of every trial point in the formal trial, each topic was interviewed and unwritten accounts of the processs used in job work outing were taped.Roll uping artefactsThis method involved roll uping anything a community makes and uses which reflects their experiences and patterns. The artefacts gathered consisted of exposures of topics at work visualizing the manner these topics exhibited their merchandises and the weights and graduated tables used, in order to demo the natural state of affairs that provided intending for their job work outing behavi our. Besides, specimen of documents on which topics wrote their computations was collected. ( See Appendix D )Analysis of paperssStatistical national and international records from international organisations ( UNICEF and UN ) every bit good as official and legal paperss from the Lebanese authorities were examined.AnalysisData consisting of descriptive and brooding field notes, transcribed taped interviews every bit good as job solutions were read and reread several times. The chief intent for scanning the information was to guarantee its completeness and to enter important observations that helped in establishing the analysis procedure. Careful scanning of the informations resulted in sketching a general and preliminary model for screening these informations. This categorization was chiefly based on the computations carried out by topics in discernible manners in both scenes during job work outing and their accounts for responses.As an initial measure in the procedure of analysis, Eisenhart ( 1988 ) emphasize the constitution of significant units of analysis harmonizing to which ascertained phenomena were divided and forms and regularities evolved in the sellers job work outing behaviour. Similarities and differences between forms of behaviour were delineated and finally major classs emerged stressing wide lineations of sellers job work outing behaviour. Relevant balls of informations were assembled to suit these classs and extra classs were formed to include negative cases which did non suit the general model. Finally, by comparing and fiting these classs and subcategories and mentioning to field notes, consistent integral strategies for sorting and categorising job work outing behaviour of sellers in both scenes, started to emerge. At this point, informations were categorized and consequences were produced.SUMMARY OF RESULTSUpon analysing the job work outing behaviour of street sellers in formal and informal scenes, three major findings emerged. F irst, when work outing the three types of jobs jobs in the informal work scene calculation exercises and word jobs, three heuristics, three computational schemes, and 11 computational substrategies were used by the sellers. These heuristics, computational schemes and substrategies involved a cabal of standard school-taught algorithms and nonstandard processs invented by the sellers. Sellers in the informal scene solved proportion jobs through building-up heuristic which constituted 66 % of the heuristics employed and was associated with a high success rate viz. 92 % . Besides, sellers attempted add-on, generation, and minus jobs utilizing informal, intuitive computational schemes, the most frequent of which was decomposition which represented 62 % of the computational schemes employed and which fire high per centum of right responses, viz. 89 % .Second, sellers in the formal scene used formal computational schemes ( compounding of traditional and idiosyncratic algorithms ) for work outing calculation exercisings that were different from the informal computational schemes used for work outing word jobs. For 81 % of sellers computational schemes when work outing calculation exercisings were formal whereas 78 % of the computational schemes used for work outing word jobs were informal. Informal computational schemes were associated with a high success rate on both types of jobs 85 % for calculation exercisings and 82 % when work outing word jobs. However, utilizing formal computational schemes, this success rate decreased well when work outing calculation exercisings ( 46 % ) and change magnitude when work outing word jobs ( 91 % ) . Third, sellers employed computational schemes in the informal scene that were indistinguishable to those used when work outing word jobs but were qualitatively different from the computational schemes used for work outing calculation exercisings. For, the informal, intuitive computational schemes were entirely used by the sel lers in the informal scene and represented 78 % of the computational schemes in word jobs, whereas 81 % of sellers computational schemes when work outing calculation exercisings were formal ( confederacy of traditional and idiosyncratic algorithms ) . Besides, informal, intuitive computational schemes were associated with a high success rate across scenes whereas the formal computational schemes elicited high success rate, 91 % , merely on word jobs. One of the deductions drawn was that employ jobs were much easier and meaningful than pure calculation exercisings. Besides, the presence of existent objects could non by any ground cut down the complexness of the mathematical jobs posed and therefore lend to this comparative success in the market, since public presentation on word jobs was well high.INTERPRETATION OF RESULTSTheoretical models that were proposed by cognitive developmental theoreticians, specifically the plants of Vygotsky and Piaget, may, to a big extent, explicate wi thin and across single differences in public presentation in the informal and formal scenes. Vergnaud ( 1988 ) has developed a theoretical theoretical account of constructs which may explicate the usage of heuristics every bit good as differences in computational schemes within and across groups and scenes. Vergnaud s theoretical account is based upon the thought that concepts ever affect three facets invariants, representations, and state of affairss. A possible reading for this difference in computational schemes use could be the differential impact of the state of affairss that elicited such computational schemes. The informal computational schemes that were employed in meaningful peddling state of affairss required apprehension and their usage by the topics developed understanding. It was an apprehension of Numberss and figure system developed within a big context, a context of meaningful and sensible relationships. But the formal schemes were instead more symbolic, restricted merely to meaningless representations that messed up the topics public presentation and led to uncertainness and confusion.IMPLICATIONS FOR EDUCATIONThe most of import deduction that can be extracted from this survey is the new construct about what counts as math in general and arithmetic in peculiar. Math is intuitive, realistic, subjective, and can be used as a tool for carry throughing purposive activities. In this regard, the consequences of this survey confirm the position that math, specifically arithmetic, is non an abstract organic structure of regulations but instead can be invented by the people.Deductions for TeachingThis survey has provided grounds that kids can contrive job work outing schemes for work outing add-on, minus, generation, and simple proportion jobs which may non hold been taught to them in school. Teachers could ease more meaningful acquisition by set uping links between kids s intuitive schemes and the traditional algorithms. Besides, Students can outdo larn a construct when they have experienced for themselves manifestations of that construct. A 3rd deduction for instruction is the fact that pupils mistakes can be valuable portion of the acquisition procedure because they can supply information about pupils apprehensionsDeduction for Curriculum DevelopersOne direct deduction of this survey to curriculum development is the designing of course of study near primary constructs and showing it in a whole-part attack as suggested by constructivists ( suffer & A Brooks, 1993 ) . The sellers informal computational schemes were holistic in that they dealt with complete Numberss instead than single figures and they worked from left to compensate, continuing the significance and topographic point value of Numberss. screening mathematical content and structuring jobs around large thoughts can supply chances for pupils every bit good as instructors to get constituent accomplishments, gather more information, and therefore construct ma thematical constructs for, with course of study activities clustered around wide constructs, pupils can choose their ain unique job work outing attacks and utilize them as spring boards for the building of new apprehensions ( Brooks & A Brooks, 1993, p.47 ) .The consequences of this survey have generated a figure of inquiries that are deserving sing for farther research. Possibly, the most important inquiry is the manner in which school larning interacts with the sorts of understandings kids generate through their engagement in every twenty-four hours cultural patterns. Despite the importance of this inquiry, we have small empirical research in this country. Besides, depicting and comparing the job work outing behaviour of sellers in informal and formal scenes have triggered the digesting inquiries about what a mathematical construct is and what it means to work out a job in nonacademic scenes. It may be interesting to retroflex this survey on different mathematical constructs an d with a different group of learners and to compare the job work outing behaviours across contexts.Further research in support of the thought of people s practical theorems, or Vergnaud s theorems-in-action should be conducted. We likely need to develop adept ways for depicting different kinds of implicit cognition and find the range of intuitive job work outing behaviour.POSSIBILITIES FOR REPLICATION IN INDIAWhile our chief focal point in this instance survey was to analyze the job work outing behavior of street kids in Beirut, we are interested in widening it to India. However, we are sure of certain challenges including those pertinent to linguistic communication as different linguistic communications are spoken by kids in assorted metropoliss in India. Besides, the gender function differences result be present. Girls are required to get married early and boys remain on the streets longer. Beging by households is common excessively. The Torahs do non allow kids to set up littl e boxes to sell their wares so they run when they see police coming. There is a surcharge to be stipendiary to the authorities to put up little booths to sell their wares. Besides, there are specific countries that these kids can sell their goods. Most times they are selling and puting up their boxes where it is illegal to make so. So, as a research worker you may hold to wait yearss for your capable to return from gaol etc.Appendix AA participant deliberationThe architecture of Sabra s marketSelling and interchanging moneyNegociating the monetary valueAppendix BScript of Informal ConversationsAdapted from Millroy ( 1992 )A. General, open-ended inquiries to do the topic talk about his life.B. more than specific inquiries1. What is your name?2. How old are you?3. Where are you from?4. At which kinfolk have you dropped school?5. How many old ages have you studied?6. Where do you populate?7. How old were you when you dropped school?8. Why did you drop school?9. For how many old ages have you been working in the market?10. At what clip do you come to the market and when do you go forth?11. How many are you at place?12. prepare your male parent work?13.Have you taken add-on, minus, and generation at school?14.Do you know how to calculate? Do you utilize paper and pencil or a reckoner?15. What do you sell?16. attain you sell entirely or person helps you?17. Make you do sweeping purchases?18. Who makes the pricing on the green goods?19. prat you alter the monetary values, make price reductions or increase the monetary value?20. Make you calculate net income and loss?21. Can you give a alteration to a dollar measure?22. Make you utilize the things you have learned in school while working in themarket?23. Make you like working in the market?24. Make you esteem your brothers to work in the market?25. Is it profitable to work in the market?26. When have a job do you inquire for aid from anybody?27. Make you see change of location back to school?28. What does it t ake to be a good seller?Appendix CScript for semi-structured interviewsQuestions posed were drawn from the topics natural scene, from the type ofminutess used and the inquiries they may confront in their work.1. I am traveling to take X kg of this green goods. How much is that? How do you screw?2. I will take X kilos. I am traveling to give you z L.L measure, what do I acquire back?How did you acquire it?3.You are selling X kg for y L.L but I want z kg, how much do I have to charter? Why?4.I privation to purchase X kg of this and y kg of that. How much do I have to pay? How?5. I have X L.L. I want to take Ys kilos from this green goods, how much will Ihold left? How did you happen out?I have X L.L How many kilos can I purchase with it from this green goods?How did you cognize?7. You are selling X kg of this green goods for Y L.L, but I merely want one kg.How much does one kg cost? How did you acquire the reply?8. Have you changed your monetary values now? By how much? Why?9. I w ant Ten kg from this green goods. I will pay you with a y $ measure. How muchis the alteration in $ ? In L.L? How?10. Can you gauge how much the leftovers from this green goods weigh? How?11. From the leftovers can you perchance think how much have you exchange?How make you cognize?12. How much have you sold today? Can you find your net income? How?Appendix DDocuments on which the sellers wrote their solutions of arithmetic jobs
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay Essay
The Boy in the striped Pyjamas is a narrative raw written by John Boyne. This intelligence was first published in 2006. This novel explores the adventures of Bruno, the son of a Nazi commandant, who meets a young Jewish boy c all(prenominal) last(predicate)ed Shmuel at the denseness uprise his new house at Out-With. Nothing can stop the two becoming best friends, not even a barbed equip fence. The story is set in Germany during the Second World War. This es recount explores how the foots (the core of struggle on children and families, innocence of children and the cruelty and unfairness of discrimination) argon arrested by means of narrative techniques (setting, character and bandage). The innocence of children is a theme that is frequently utilise byout the novel. Character is a narrative technique utilised to convey this particular theme. Bruno and Shmuel are characters in the novel who convey the theme, the innocence of children. Bruno conveys this theme by not kn owing the other office of the fence was a concentration gang, An opportunity to see what was really on the other side of meat of the fence before he went back to Berlin. Bruno also believes venturing to the other side of the fence is a sensible plan and a good substance to finish of his stay at Out-With, All in all, it seemed like a very sensible plan and a great way to say goodbye.Shmuel also conveys this theme because he doesnt realise his father has been killed by one of the Nazis, Shmuel saw a chance to get psyche to help him in the search for his papa. Another example of this theme is when Bruno presumes there was a caf and a shop at the concentration camp, He had thinking there would be a shop in the centre, and maybe a small caf. Bruno also thought the girls and boys living in the concentration camp played tennis, football, skipping and hopscotch, He thought that all the boys and girls who lived here would be in different bases, playing tennis or football, skipping an d drawing out squares for hopscotch on the ground. Cruelty and unfairness of discrimination is a theme broadly apply byout the novel. The various settings in the book convey this theme. When Bruno looks well-nigh the concentration camp he saw two different types of state unhappy, inst Jews in their striped pyjamas and happy, laughing, shouting soldiers in their uniforms, In fact everywhere he look, all he could see was two different types of people either happy, laughing, shouting soldiers in their uniforms or unhappy, crying people in their striped pyjamas.WhenBruno and Gretel look out of Brunos window they saw a group of Jewish children emerge from a hut. These children were being order around and shouted at, Emerging from a hut in the distance, a group of children huddled together and were being shouted at by a group of soldiers. The more they were shouted, the closer they huddled together. The children were also unfairly mocked and jeered by the soldiers at the concentrati on camp, One of the soldiers lunged towards them and they separated and seemed to do what he treasured them to do all along, which was to stand in a single line. When they did, the soldiers all started to laugh and applaud them. The setting of Brunos house in Out-With conveys this theme. When Bruno treasured a tyre to build his swing he asks police lieutenant Kotler for one. Lieutenant Kotler impolitely orders Pavel (a Jewish waiter) to help Bruno find a tyre, Hey, you he shouted, and so adding a word that Bruno did not understand. Come over here, you- He give tongue to the word again, and something about the harsh sound of it made Bruno look outdoor(a) and feel ashamed to be part of this it all.Pavel came towards them and Kotler spoke to him insolently. The solution of war on children and families is a theme often used throughout the story. The plot and the key events of the novel help convey the multiple themes in the novel. The effect of war has rendered Brunos mother to d iscard her health and take more healthful sherries. Also it makes Brunos mother to have more good afternoon naps and to be quieter during the day, Mother kept very quiet during the day and was having an horrible lot more of her afternoon naps, some of them not even in the afternoon but before lunch, and Bruno was worried for her health because hed never known anyone need quite so many medicinal sherries. Gretel had been effected by the war and decided not to play with dolls. She quite had vagabond up maps of Europe where she put picayune pins into them and moved them every day after consulting the newspaper, Gretel had decided that she didnt like dolls anymore and had put them all into four large bags and thrown them away.In their place she had hung up maps of Europe that father had given her, and every day she put little pins into them and moved the pins around constantly after consulting the daily newspaper. In conclusion, the themes of the novel (the effect of war on childr en and families, the innocence of children and the cruelty and unfairness of discrimination) are conveyed through narrative techniques (character, plot and setting). The effect of war on children and families isconveyed through the plot, while the innocence of children is conveyed through the characters of the novel. Finally, the cruelty and unfairness of discrimination is conveyed through the various settings of the novel.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird Letter Essay
June 20, 1935 Mr B. B Underwood chief editor Maycomb tribune newspaper Po cuff Maycomb USA Nst290 Dear Mr B. B Underwood, I strongly confide that tom turkey Robinson was not guilty of the crime and the sentence was untrue and unjust. I am appalled to hear that he was guilty of raping Mayella Ewell when there was no certain or even any evidence once against tom turkey Robinson. I was at the trial of Tom Robinson and noticed many substantial faults in Mayella Ewells story as she proposed in the court.I watched as Atticus examined her certification and asked why she didnt put up a better contradict and why her screams didnt bring the many other children in the Ewells house running. Additionally, all the physical evidence is against the Ewells claims because Mayellas bruises atomic number 18 on the right side of her face and Tom Robinson cant use his left arm due to an accident where his hand was torn apart by a cotton gin when he was a boy. Mayella and Bob Ewell be both very ob noxious during the give chase and in my opinion dont seem very trus iirthy.Mr Ewell did not called a doctor later learning of Mayellas injuries. If Tom Robinson had committed the crime, Mr Ewells first instinct would to get his little girl checked out. i fancy you agree this would be the normal approach of a father relate about his daughter. Toms side of the story is much to a greater extent just. As I listened to Tom he explained that he always did chores for the Ewells and unrivalled day Mayella asked him to lift a box down from a dresser. When Tom climbed on a chair, she grabbed his legs, scaring him so much that he jumped down.She and so hugged him around the waist and asked him to kiss her. As she struggled, her father, Bob Ewell, appeared at the window, affair Mayella a whore and threatening to kill her. As a egress Tom because fled the house. Mr Ewell is likely to have misinterpreted the actual situation. I esteem Bob Ewell is more likely to have bashed or even mol ested his daughter than Mr Robinson . Tom is a respectable member of the Maycomb community with a unfluctuating job and is a hardworking man meanwhile Bob Ewell is lots drunk, mostly unemployed and a member of Maycombs poorest family.The prosecution has produced no medical evidence of the crime and has presented only the shaky testimony of two unreliable witnesses, the physical evidence suggests that Bob Ewell, not Tom Robinson, run through Mayella. I believe Mayella is lonely and unhappy. She committed the unmentionable act of lusting after a black man and then concealed her shame by accusing him of rape after being caught. I conclude again that Tom Robinson is not guilty. Mr Robinson was only named guilty because of the colour of his skin and racism on this town of Maycomb. Thank you for your time in considering my opinion.I guess forward to you publishing my point of view in the tribune I would calculate it being published anonymously of the divide of the community. Sincere ly, Henry Jenkins 19 Mille lane Maycomb USA. June 20, 1935 Mr B. B Underwood chief editor Maycomb tribune newspaper Po boxwood Maycomb USA Nst290 Dear Mr B. B under wood I attended the court case yesterday and I decidedly believe the sentencing of Tom Robinson was ethical and just. I decisively disapprove the statements and remarks that Atticus made during the trail and feel terrible for the Ewell family in result of their daughter being raped.why would a good albumin girl like Mayella be in the slightest attracted to an older black man? We all know that black and white dont mix. Our history and society is supported by this principle. Blacks are there to serve whites after all. They find themselves in Macomb and the rest of the States generally because they are to improve the lives of the white population. I am depress at the fabricated story that Tom Robinson proposed to the court. The possibility of no one being home because Mayella gave his younger siblings money to go and buy ice-creams and then tries to flirt and kiss Mr Robinson is just absurd.These events could not happen. To follow up Mr Robinsons story, Atticus then explains how Bob Ewell beat his own daughter. I believe that this story is just a extensive ridiculous cover up for the horrific rape of Mayella Ewell. I conclude that the sentencing of Tom Robinson was appropriate and just. He deserved every bit of his of the death penalty sentence. He should be frowned upon in the Macomb community. Thank you for reading my letter of opinion. I would greatly prise if this letter could be published in the Macomb tribune. Sincerely, Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose 4 supply road Maycomb USA
Establishment of responsibility Essay
While at the counter, the customer can see other employees making the pizzas and the large ovens in which the pizzas are baked Instructions Identify the six rules of congenital lead and pay an example of severally principle that you magnate observe when picking up your pizza. Note It whitethorn not be possible to observe al unity the principles. ) 1st Principle Establishment of responsibility * Only one individual is trusty for a given task. * For example, the cashier that exchanges the pizza for cash would be the principle of establishment of responsibility. 2nd Principle Segregation of duties.Ac counting employees balances books * another(prenominal) personnel has custody of cash on hand (making deposits) * In this principle- separationism of duties one cannot observe this principle in this scenario. th Principle reinforcement procedures * Pre-number documents or invoices * For example, the cashier has pre-number receipts for each order that is picked up by the cust omer. At the end of the salesclerks shift these invoices are forwarded to story to timely record each transaction. 5th Principle Physical mechanic and electronic controls * Consist of having safes, deposit boxes, and time clocks for time worked. * The clerk has a cashier that controls and safeguards the assets to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the accounting records. th Principle Independent internal verification * Employees review, compare, and reconcile data that was watchful by them.Three measure are recommended * An example cannot be provided for this principle because a customer cannot identify if * 1st Org. should verify records periodically or on a surprise basis. * 2nd A manager should sour the verification of an employee * 3rd Discrepancies and exceptions should be reported to mgt. to make appropriate disciplinary action. Chapter 7 Problem Set B P7-2BThe board of trustees of a local anesthetic perform is concerned ab bulge the internal accounting contro ls pertaining to the offering collections make at periodical services. They ask you to serve on a three-person examine team with the internal auditor of the university and a CPA who has just fall in the church service building. At a meeting of the audit team and the board of trustees you look into the following A) Indicate the weaknesses in internal accounting control in the handling of collections. There are a few weaknesses in internal control in the handling of collections for the church, such as there is no supervision when the leads incur money.There is a chance that the ushers can divvy up money from the collection plate. In addition, the financial repository manages three tasks resembling bank reconciliation, has control and has custody of the cash, and maintains the church records. Moreover, the financial secretary holds unwrap cash ($150-$200) per week different withhold amounts for cash expenditures. There is not a witness when the head care usher or the finan cial secretary count the money. Last, erupts are made payable to cash (Kimmel, Weygandt & Kieso, 2007).B) discover the improvements in internal control procedures that you plan to make at the close meeting of the audit team for Ushers How churches handle usher operations varies from convocation to congregation, but a consistent set of controls fosters the fiduciary integrity of the church, and creates say-so among donors. One problem in the collection process is that only the head usher counts the collection without any accountability to ensure his count is accurate, or that all of the funds donated are transferred to the safe.This can be resolved by having the other ushers count the donations and sign off on the report, so that much(prenominal) than one set of eyes have verified the donations. Additionally, offer ups lead fatality to collide with a course familiarizing would-be ushers with standard run procedures, and reporting standards before being qualified to vo lunteer for usher position. This pull up stakes help solidify controls for the ushers. Head Usher While the church may not be currently experiencing any issue wrong with the usher selection and volunteer system at the church, some improvements might be considered.The church might consider making the head usher a year-long term, elected by church atoms to create continuity, but likewise impose term limits perchance every 3-4 years a head usher must take a sabbatical. Additionally, because the head usher role is so pivotal in the collection process, and it is a place where mistakes or malfeasance can easily take place it would be helpful for the ushers and the financial secretary to be introduce in the collection counts, the day of, so someone outside the usher department can verify tithe counts.Financial Secretary The roughly glaring issue, which opens up easy access for, would be embezzlers in the congregations check policy. All checks being written to cash basically enable s anyone to cash out the check, the church, a rouge employee or volunteer, or otherwise. All checks need to be made out to the church, not to cash. It would be horizontal better if the church went the route of many churches by allowing donors to have donations processed monthly (or weekly depending on donor preference) through e-commerce, allowing debit or credit payments to be made automatically to the church account.This will add a story to the recording process, but it also increases security for donors. The financial secretary also unavoidably to stop pulling cash from weekly donations for cash expenditures as cash transactions are harder to track and thus are more easily abused. Instead a petty cash account needs to be started, and cash allocated as needed based on historical records of cash expenditures. Additionally, a church credit/debit card, or reimbursement policy greatly will diminish the need for high levels of cash in the petty cash account.Finance Committee The fi rst thing the pay committee needs to do is to follow its own policy, and conduct annual audits. The churchs 501 (C)(3) nonprofit designation demands this. Often the most believe employees are the ones who are found to have committed improprieties. Regardless of trust, uniform audits, and reporting is essential. The second major priority is for the financial committee to get a fidelity insurance policy that will protect the church in the case of financial impropriety or massive artifice on part of those who handle finances.In addition to the need for an overwhelm in policy (discussed below), the financial committee needs to inculcate a culture of financial vigilance and rigor to keep the church from even the perception of financial impropriety. C) What church policies should be changed to improve internal control? The church board of trustees is responsible of make sure that the church runs smoothly, from designate the right ministers to the right ministries and making sure t hat the tithes and offerings are accounted for after each service.The first and most important thing that the church needs to do is getting some fidelity insurance. This type of insurance will protect the church of losses that may result of fraudulent acts by stipulate individuals. Protecting the church of any dishonest employee or member who may steal money, securities, and other property that once belong to the church. The second thing is to have an audit conducted because there has not been an audit performed in 15 years. Highly recommend using an outside source of performing the audit, this way every rock and stone will be turn over.The church financial management department should be responsible for counting and recordkeeping of the tithes and offering received but in separate flecks, one office for counting the money and the other office for recordkeeping purposes The head usher responsibility should be making sure that the tithes and offering plates are accounted for and imm ediately delivering the plates (with one member from the board of trustee) to the financial management office (the financial office manager, and one individual from the board of trustees are the only ones with keys to both offices).The financial management recordkeeping personnel and the financial secretary should first come to an agreement on how much cash is needed for the week expense. Also the two will count the money with the intention to be deposit along with a deposit slip the financial secretary will be responsible of making the deposit and afterward returning the deposit receipt to the recordkeeping office for recording purposes.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Elements of Art in the Reproduction of the “Blue Bird†Essay
reverberation of the Blue Bird fresco, ca. 1700-1525 B.C. Water food color on paper. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. television channel For this assignment, I chose the Reproduction of the Blue Bird fresco. This is a very arouse pitch. The very light, almost fragile lines, combined with the watercolor average, give this piece a very delicate appearance. The watercolor medium allows much of the igniter of the paper underneath to reflect through the colors to give the characterisation an overall lustrous appearance. Most of these lines seem to bend and sway, creating movement toward the gritty bird, qualification the bird itself the focal point of this piece. Color While the panther did not seem interested in using a heap of different riddles in this ikon, it was painted with values ranging from pure white to medium values of grey. If you notice, the red hue used is much less saturated, making it a darker tone than the to a greater extent saturated, more pure blue hu e of the bird and the nearby flowers. Texture The overall physical texture of the word picture, I imagine, is very smooth to the touch because it is a watercolor painting. However, texture back tooth be simulated through the use of line as it was through with(p) here. The stylized, curving lines near the bottom of the painting indicate a uncut coastline. They imply texture. Texture doesnt seem to be something that the painter was to a fault concerned with making part of their work.Shape Many of the shapes surrounding the focal point are left implied. The painter seemed to want to keep the trouble focused on the blue bird and thus, did not fill these shapes with color or detail. The shapes that were given full form were done so with curved, more organic lines rather than sharp, angular lines associated with more geometric shapes. Form This painting takes the form of a fresco, as it was originally part of a enlarged series of panels that covered a large wall. Since this is a wa tercolor painting rather than a sculpture, the forms are illusionistic. They cannot be viewed from all angles and have no actual measurable depth and volume. situation Much like texture, Space does not appear to have been a major concern to the painter. The lapping forms do indicate a progression of space however, there is weensy else to create the illusion of depth.
How does Dickens present the poor and poverty in A Christmas Carol?
In the fresh A Christmas Carol Dickens faces that there is oft curt and poorness discharge on in the world. In the novel a families are exposed of going through distress and creation poor, bob Cratchit and his wife and Tiny Tim and his new(prenominal) children, Bob Cratchit is a populace who computes for Mr grump. He has a sm only family who depend on the income he gets from Mr tyke. This is already expose the readers that if Mr grouch did not pay him his remuneration then Bob would be in trouble with his family.How allow he manage to feed them?. Even though this family is poor, they seem to be in high spirits at all times. Bobs family are all dep stop on Mr churl to pay him if not then they will not brood to exist. Showing the readers this family is very unfortunate to not nurse as very a lot bullion as Mr peasant has. This shows that the Cratchits may not be as happier as they are now if they had no coin at all, hitherto going through poverty does not stop tiny Tim from praying to god to help them all.Fred, Scrooges nephew seems to be happy enough with the bullion he has and comes to share his happiness with Mr Scrooge further he neglects Freds withdrawer to lead dinner party at his home. Fred who had married a lady who was not as rich as Mr Scrooge was happy despite the lack of coin he is determined to celebrate Christmas. He is al expressions glad and smiling regardless of how much money he has. Men and women should open their exclude up hearts freely, Even if you opened your heart freely what if money was stopping you? You have all the money you could ever lack for, yet your still not as happy as other are?Fred does not worry about what you think money butt bring. Open your heart freely. Mr Scrooge shows not feeling but seems to be in a bighearted temper at all times level(p) though he has much money than he needs. Fred shows he is better off without all the money that Mr Scrooge has, he has his wife, his family his friends even though he is going through poverty and Dickens is showing this by making Fred go round to his uncles work and invite him to his Christmas dinner and is ignored by Mr Scrooge by calling Christmas a pseud, He is showing that even though you may be poor and are going through poverty there should be cypher to stop you from being in a excellent mood.Fezziwig, another soulfulnessal line of credit man just like Mr Scrooge has umpteen more batch and families who depend on him and rely on him to progress them alive with his money. Fezziwig is seen bad all his workers a day off and smiling and laughing forward with them, Scrooge seems to think why Fezziwig will do such a thing (Spend so much money for his workers). Although Fezziwig is rich and has his family and friends with him he spends some(prenominal) of his money on his workers this expands the happiness he already has, and withal makes his workers light-hearted in the season of Christmas.Mr Scrooge seems t o think that what Fezziwig is doing is too a prank he hobonot come to terms with the fact that sharing is caring. Fezziwig is better off giving money to the poor and being happy unlike Scrooge who has so much money but does not share at all he dislikes wasting money he dislikes spending his money altogether. Dickens is severe to show the readers that even having to be poor and going through tough times with getting to have a nourish and leaving in a place your family can sleep well, being happy about Christmas and the more merrier you are the more merrier your Christmas will be.The readers can tell that Scrooge is very different from Fezziwig the two differences that they have is that Scrooge hates spending his money, even though he is rich he is gloomy rotting a itinerary in his work place and in his kinsfolk on his own. Whereas Fezziwig is as rich as Scrooge, he spends a scummy amount of money to make the life of his workers a little more enjoyable.What Dickens is trying t o show the reader is that Scrooge is the type of person who is greedy at first-year and will want to keep his money to himself and all his thoughts and feelings kept inside himself. His character has formed for his past. Scrooge was a lonely boy and then as a young man he was employed by a kind and giving man. all in all the same, Ebenezer had magnificent ambitions. He also wanted to earn as much as he could ever get and this is what had distorted Scrooges personality as well as himself. His solicitude of having to lose all his money and Business, has changed his neighborly life, and his personal life, its goed him mentally and physically. He has neglected his friends and his family, he also seems to disregard himself and forget how he is, forgetting his health and well being for his money. This fear of poverty has taken over his life and changed him.Dickens is trying to show us that poverty is something very powerful, having no home or money could change the way you think of m oney completely you may remove to get money or even beg, but before when you did have the money you had taken it for granted. So once you have lost all of the money you once had you may want it back again and will do anything to gain it back.Dickens as a child had also gone through poverty as he used to work in a workhouse in his early ages, poverty was a outstanding inspiration for Dickens to create A Christmas Carol as it shows so much that masses may not understand, Charles Dickens is trying to show us how a Christmas should be spent without al the grief but full of joy and happiness.Dickens experience of poverty had also changed his way of thinking and has made him realise that poverty possibly will affect some ones family and their own self in a bad way. retributory before his fathers arrest, the 12-year-old Dickens had begun working ten-hour days at Warrens Blacking Warehouse. He earned six shillings a week pasting labels on jars of thick garment polish. This money paid f or his lodgings with Mrs. Roylance and helped support his family, So Dickens knows how Bob Cratchit will feel about his family being dependent on him for the money he earns for Scrooge.At this time there was a lot of poverty in capital of the United Kingdom and it was not unusual for such a twaddle as A Christmas Carol to occur.TransformationThe transformation that took place had changed the way that scrooge used to think about Christmas, He was at first a very lonely and miserable old man, who used to keep everything to him self, his feelings were never expressed and by no means ever smiled. Scrooge is very touched by the visions that the ghost of Christmas past shows him his transformation begins. He remembers the feelings he had for the love of his life, but he had left her for his business and his wealth. The scenes he had seen were appalling and he had realised that he could steer clear of ending his life in misery. He had seen the consequences of his actions, and stirred away from them.In the novel A Christmas Carol Dickens links Scrooge to bad live on on page 12 Dickens metaphorically describes Scrooge, No hotness could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he. The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect. They often came down givingly, and scrooge never did. Dickens had described Scrooge as being so cold that the heaviest rain and coldest weather were better off than him.He is compared to his nephew Fred who with such a uncle, who comes from such bad weather he was all in a glow his face was ruddy and handsome his eyes sparkled, and his breath smoked again. This is showing us that Fred is a much happier person than scrooge. And even though he is from the same background as Scrooge, he is a completely different person to scrooge. Dickens is trying to show us that Scrooge and Fred have a complete limit between them. Fred is Warm and Scrooge is Cold, As soo n as Fred has entered the room the atmosphere had changed from cold to warm, showing us how cold Scrooge really is.Furthermore Dickens shows Scrooge how the industrial revolution had changed London and the affect it had on the poor people. On Page 77 the tail later takes Scrooge to an obscure part of town, where Scrooge had never penetrated before, Although he recognised its situation and its bad repute. Being so rich Scrooge had never stepped into the bad part of town, which because of them that part of town was in that bad state The onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human society and these poor people who had no jobs and no money had to stay at the dark parts of town which was in a bad condition. The industrial revolution had introduced many new things which had rapidly changed the whole world.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Importance of Internal Communications Essay
Importance of Internal parley theory for a comp on the whole told and ii case studies. Internal parley theory is considered a vital tool for get in touching slew within the union. It does non refer only to those few gainicial convey of communication in a smart set, it is overly the strategic management of study flows to stop up the optima level of employee considerment. (Civicus, 2001) This business context of communication is a multiple trying process. It is a top-down, bottom-up, side-to-side communication harnessed as a means of delivering cores, listening to concerns and motivating staff.Maintaining a veracious inbred communication theory within a come with could reinforce the mint, values and culture among employees, who trick then get it to knowledgeable and external audiences. Internal communications aims to ensure that employees in the come with fail together towards the same goal, know what they should be doing and by when. Internal communic ation has evolved variant flairs of communicating intern whole toldy. Traditionally, it started off with informal and formal maven-to-one and one-to- galore(postnominal) meetings where usually the the boss would communicate in a highly one- track fashion with employees. Lee, 2006) In this case the message is mostly communicated in one way, it does not include feedback from the message recipients. When home run materials were introduced, it was then involved for formal, top-down transmission, for instance, company annual report. Internal communication then evolved to the digital era where Internet was highly used as a communication tool. When email was introduced into the business settings and with it the nature of communication has radically changed. Lee, 2006) As the digital technology advances, inhering communication has evolved to the point where not only plenty employees and employers tolerantly email each other, forward messages without any editing (showing the solely conversational trail), and forward those messages outside of the corporate walls, however also employees and employers can use these emails to occupy approximately grievance procedures, judicial proceeding and dismissal. (Lee, 2006) It is come acrossn that internal communication has undergone deliberately change and will continue growing. straightaways internal communication practitioner is focused on dispute and stimulating employees, managing change and gaining employee combat and commitment. (Chalmers, 2008) The aim has moved from controlling and order race, finished providing information, making announcements and supporting industrial relations, to supporting the development of a flexible recreate environment which adapts to change, tastes improvement, sh atomic number 18s knowledge and know-how, generates estimations and involves bulk in achieving strategic goals. Chalmers, 2008) Most of the sight understand the significance of internal communication just now ve ry few could manage it efficiently. Many people think that internal communication is one of the functions that they think they can do rise up. In fact, when it comes to received situation on handling employees, certain strategies and techniques are expected to communicate and tackle.In talking to many an(prenominal) individuals at very different levels in very disparate sectors, what has come across as crucial is the need for internal communication to be championed at the very top of the system and also for senior management and the boardroom to respect the expertise of the medical specialist tasked to deliver, be they internally or externally placed. Smith, 2008) A large trope of studies by both professional management groups and professional communications bodies consistently take a chance that communicating with employees is a useful and powerful way of engendering great engagement the propensity of the employee to want to come to prevail and want to guide to the suc cess of the company. (Lee, 2006) Gauri Deshmukh, head of HR at SAS India states that internal communication is eventful for a company as it provides information and encourages sharing by private road and supporting the organisations short-term and long-term goals and objectives.In addition, Deshmukh also mentions that with strong internal communications, it ensures that knowledge-sharing and communication processes are array of the periodical work flow across all functions of the business. By having good internal communication, a company ensures that in in the midst of employers and employees they are constantly updated with information. In fact, a good internal communications not only affects organizational and operational success, just now it has a considerable impact on external functions such as marketing, community and government relations, nd investor relations. (Brown, 2002) Internal communication is significant in any company because it is the building block of the o rganisational culture. (Civicus, 2001) Furthermore, internal communication is meaning(a) so that employees become advocates for company. It is important to create a common mathematical function across the company creating the sense of a police squad where everyone feels ownership in their roles and in achieving the companys goals. (WK, 2010) In this way employees feel pass judgment and macrocosm part of the company.Like able, internal communication is one of the key intangible factors leading to high performance. (WK, 2010) For instance, if communication in a company is managed head employees are more confident and clear with the company mission and vision thus makes excellent financial as well up as business. not only that, having good internal communication helps build out companys check off internally as employees are the best ambassadors, and internal perceptions should mirror what the company is telling the world. Trout, 2012) When the company is communicating effectiv ely with its internal s consumeholders, be it employees, management or volunteers, programmes and departments share more resources and information effecting in less duplication of work and stronger impact as a whole company. (Civicus, 2001) Without an effective internal communications, a company sanctions others to determine what information (or disinformation) is communicated to employees about their company. Brown, 2002) Smart employers realize that in environments where employees are able to move from one employer to another with relative ease, it is in the companys best interests to prevail the smarter and more productive employees doing all they can to communicate with them, inform them, twist them and enter into some sort of psychological contract with them is a wise move. Lee, 2006) Besides, without effective internal communications, the crisis of confidence in businesses and corporate lead could pine sincere efforts to build a positive corporate culture and to elicit employee morale and productivity, and devastate the overall image of an organization. (Brown, 2002) Case Study I Nokia is one of the top mobile phone manufacturing business favoured by many people. In order to compete with other mobile phone manufacturer Nokia is constantly improvising and upgrading their gadgets to serve people needs these days.The reason Nokia has been so self-made is no doubt its creation on mobile phones, as well as the strong squad in the company that has made where it stands today. In a technologically savvy company like Nokia, its no surprise that theyve been palmyly implementing loving media into their internal communications. (Kass, 2012) Nokias motto is subsumeing people and exploring ways to enhance communication. (Kass, 2012) In order to realize that vision, Nokia uses a add up of different vehicles for two-way and push or pull communications genial media plays a big part with fitting into that strategy.Nokias Social Media communications team was established in early 2008, aimed to improve inter-company communications and piquant employees. The objective of the team is to encourage the use of social media internally to bring out the companys unique authentic voice and to engage in social media externally on behalf of Nokia, and contri scarceing to product and emolument announcements by opening up a dialogue and driving online engagement. (Kass, 2012) Nokia has 125,000 employees close to the world.It is the companys utmost important task to engage all employees in order to achieve company business goal. There are a few political platforms in Nokia allowing employees from global to connect as if they work in a subtle company together. According to Molly Schonthal who worked on the companys Social Media team in North America, the BlogHub is Nokias most powerful and effective social media tool that is used internally. It has been verbalize that BlogHub lowers the barriers for employees to find conversations relevant to the m.In price of interaction, employees are allowed to communicate throw inly via BlogHub. They could make comment on posts, share ideas and knowledge on issues that deliver been mentioned. In addition, BlogHub serves as a useful search engine for employees to seek out information relevant to them. From a management point of view, by dint of BlogHub feedback on various issues are gained apace and track the conversations that are misadventure inside the company. Voting and ratings on posts are enabled as well for employees to be part of the decision team.Nokia has also introduced Nokia Conversations blog where latest Nokia product intelligence would be posted. Through this blog employees could find a big overview of all the topics going on in Nokia. Similar to any other company that is engaged on social media, Nokia has its very own YouTube and Twitter account. former(a) than that, VideoHub has grown increasingly popular with employees allowing for postings to be updated on a da ily basis. Besides, Nokias Infopedia wiki allows employees to share knowledge inside the company.If someone needs to quickly check a piece of information, Nokias effective internal communication channel, Instant Messaging (IM) is visible(prenominal) for employees. It claims to remove the barrier of more hold communication in between employees. For global company like Nokia, in order to save cost and time, Nokia has its own video multitude channel where annual communication meetings and real time conversations could be held. Considering people do not check their mailboxes as much anymore Nokia has slow cut down fools publications in an effort to become more environmentally aware.In fact Nokia in North America has completely eliminated print publications. Newsletters are now kept to an electronic HTML format, which is e-mail so it is more easily distri onlyed. Similar to every other company Nokia uses intranet communications as well. It is the center of where people go to get inf ormation on benefits or organization charts. Furthermore, to reach more employees, Nokia regularly posts relevant company announcements on plasma screens around regional offices, usually in cafeterias and faulting rooms, with its promise on going environmental friendly.At North America, leadership also encourages employees to speak directly with their line managers to better understand organizational strategy and what role they can play in that strategy. For all of Nokias Web 2. 0 tools, Schonthal is quick to point out that social media is neer a replacement for high touch engagement. (Kass, 2012) Instead, it can contribute to various company events and other in-person initiatives. Social media complements these things but doesnt take away from the ability to internally engage and share ideas, she further explains.Nokia provides many platforms for employees to stay engaged, all for one clear identified goal connect all the people in the company. For such global company I believe Nokia in different countries or branches could decide on which channel they prefer but I believe as a whole, all the employees in Nokia stay connected via BlogHub. After reviewing how Nokia strives to engage the employees I could see that the management team work hard on receiving feedback as well. They listen to their employees. They make changes.All these actions give employees feel accepted and belonged to the company. The end result is the employees are clear with the goals, mission and procedures of the company, which can result increase their work effort and efficiency and boost business. Case Study II We were operate to connect the organization with itself, and realized effort social networking was the solution. I can truly say after more than two years that we postulate achieved an official internal communications channel. Socialcast lifted the boundaries and made our organization transparent.We connect daily with people from India, China, the US, and Brazil. Without Soc ialcast it would not be possible, says Dennis Agusi, Global Internal Communications Officer, Royal Philips Electronics. Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands is a diversified health and well-being company, focused on improving peoples lives by dint of timely innovations. As a world leader in healthcare, life sentencestyle and lighting, Philips integrates technologies and design into people-centric solutions, undercoat on fundamental customer insights and the brand promise of sense and ease. Philips Case Study 2012) In 2010, Philips began to explore how the company should help its employees open around the globe to feel engaged, work like a small team driven by shared goals. On the way of researching, the merged Communications and IT department discovered that approximately 1,600 employees were actively using a free tool they had found on the Internet to communicate and collaborate. designed two platforms for collaboration would not be a great idea so the team took ini tiative to introduce a innovative platform to these early users.These early users provided positive and valuable feedback and recommendations on how to improve the enterprise social experience the best it could be. Then it led to a successful launch of an enterprise social network. The company adopted consociate Us and the network was launched with wide support. On launch day, Connect Us had cd members. Within two months, 7,000 employees had joined the community. Through Connect Us they allow employee-to-employee exchanges as well as management-to-employee communications. Employees are allowed to post freely, share knowledge to make work easier.Connect Us helps to remove barriers between departments as well. Through Socialcast Reach, employees are allowed to share information and data in between departments resulting a more seamless flow of work. In addition, a new idea can be communicated more broadly, increasing sense of connectedness and engagement across the company. From m anagement perspective, through Connect Us, the Communications and IT team could varan whats happening in the company, check trending topics or people, at real time. According to report, Connect Us has enabled new and sometimes unpredicted forms of employee engagement. All Employee Jam was a crowdsourcing project designed to bring to life the companys new, refreshed Mission and heap statement through dialogue, discussion and debate. This exercise has successfully drawn employees who had not yet joined the social community into Connect Us. According to feedback, employees who participated in this exercise were found to be far more aware of and aligned with the Philips Mission and Vision than those employees who did not participate. This resulted Philips truly believes that enterprise social networks help companies increase employee engagement and retention.I liked the idea of how Philips tries to maintain the communication channel as one, which is Connect Us. I believe there are ot her platforms available for instance intranet but Connect Us is actively used by people in the company. From not knowing employees are using free online tool to communicate to introducing socialcast network, Philips has come a long way into realizing the impressiveness of internal communication. The All Employee Jam has definitely demonstrated the power of enterprised social networking.It encouraged the employees to share knowledge, to stay connected which resulted in a great identity with the company. In this two case studies, both companies Nokia and Philips selected appropriate conduct for communication according to its needs. Nokia has different communication platforms serving different purposes. For instance, BlogHub allows employees to find information they need and Instant Messaging is a tool for quick and easy communication. On the other hand, Philips focus mainly on Connect Us, from searching information to accelerating ideas to sharing data it is all done on Connect Us. However, on my opinion, Nokia has too many platforms it might be lubber to engage all the employees in one platform, as the users are free to choose which platforms they get information from. Whereas Philips uses Connect Us, most of the employees are part of the community and anything they need require can be found on Connect Us. I think this is one of the advantages of having a focused channel. Likewise, the tools and tactics, both companies chose to be focus more on information technology. In terms of interactivity, both companies engage their employees as well as welcoming their feedbacks.The employees are encouraged to utilise these channels to feel more accepted and being part of the company. For instance, Philips Connect Us not only allows employees-to-employees exchange, as well as management-to-employees communication. In this case it removes barriers between management and employees so work can be done easier. As for Nokia, feedbacks are valued through voting and ratings o n posts and comments, allowing management to understand the employees better. Besides, both case studies reviewed the immenseness of evaluation on internal communication.In order to improve, the management team has to constantly measure the effectiveness of the communication tools and find ways to improve. Nokia and Philips monitor their employees through these platforms to find out what is really happening in the company. This way they could make sure the employees are on par with companys goals. In conclusion, internal communication has never been so important. Many people know what internal communication is and they think they know how to function this but they might not know the true meaning behind it. legal internal communication does not mean to have a jam of communication platforms, spending big budget on this function but utilizing the appropriate communication tool for employees get involved. If you want to build brand for your company first you have to build your brand i nternally. After all employees are the representatives of your company, they are the brand. Internal communication comes a long way to build, it might need more time and effort to achieve the effective result as desired but the end result is unceasingly proven satisfaction, that I am sure.A combination of strong communication, teamwork and comradeliness framed within trusting relationships will help achieve rare results in times of large-scale change and uncertainty, writes University of Nottingham chief executive lance Homa. And finally, in my own words, you cant communicate with your audience until your internal message is crystal clear.
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